Business Results in a Vision and Values CU Culture Creating a Transparent, Sustainable and Responsible Credit Union Culture Juli Lynch, Ph.D Turning Pointe Consulting and Coaching, LLC.
Definition of Vision and Values Based Culture A Vision and Values-based culture considers the financial, social, environmental, and even spiritual impact of the organization’s strategy, programs, policies and ultimately leadership on the individuals who make up the workforce from the front-lines to the top tier of leadership. It is about having BOTH a successful business and an engaged and fulfilled workforce through visionary leadership and values that drive the business decisions.
The Challenge of Business vs. Values Compensation: Wages, Cost of Living and Overhead. Efficiency, technology and the size of the workforce. Leadership, management and people of diversity – Women and minorities in these roles. Driving growth without burning out workforce. Incentivizing individual results in “sales” culture.
Activity Discuss and “list” potential “challenges or conflicts” of business results and a Vision and Values-based culture.
VISION A VISION needs to INSPIRE both Members and CU employees! WHAT do we do? From a business perspective and a values perspective. We are a financial services-member organization with Insight and Integrity. WHY do we do what we do? … to meet your financial needs and dreams. HOW do we do that? … WITH you as an Integral part of our success. We listen to and welcome our Members Ideas about their financial well-being.
Business Results and the Vision Business results that are specific and specifically correlate to the Vision. Consumer and mortgage loan growth = financial success and dreams of our Members. Launch of mobile banking = listening to our Members IDEAS. Employees inspired by business results. Loan Processors as Dream Weavers!
Keeping a Vision Alive Keep it VISABLE. Refer to it often. Ask staff what the VISION means to them. Align strategic initiatives to the Vision. Integrate into branding initiatives.
Questions to Consider What is our Credit Union’s Vision? Does it focus on both business success and success for our employees? Does it INSPIRE? In my area of responsibility, how can I promote the vision? What would it look like for us to promote our Vision across the Credit Union?
ACTIVITY Craft an INSPIRING VISION for your Department or Team that aligns with becoming a Vision and Values-based culture. OR Think of three ways to bring your current CU Vision more ALIVE in your department or Team. OR Identify 3 specific business results that can be correlated to the Vision coming ALIVE and being engaged by employees.
Good Business Values #1. Focus on what will increase your Reputation. Internal – Member service. External – Branding.
Good Business Values #2 Focus on what will increase your Productivity. Internal - How productive are you? Moving Members to multiple products and services. Moving loans from App to Close. Keeping up with regulatory requirements. External – Product and service offerings priced right and promoted well.
Good Business Values # 3 Focus on what will decrease your Costs. Internal – Efficiency. External – Cost of doing business in your markets.
Adding Culture Values to Business Values Reputation Productivity Decrease Costs TRANSPARENCY – Open, and honest. SUSTAINABILITY – longer-term perspective such as building Team of Teams. RESPONSIBILITY – Everybody is accountable for managing costs – eliminating waste, depletion of resources, selection of vendors with cost consciousness in mind.
Transparency as a Culture Value Open HONEST IMPERFECT “The Power of TRANSPARENCY comes from one of the most powerful sources of human value: TRUTH!” Mark Albion – True to Yourself: Leading a Values-Based Business
Transparency Formulas For the Organization TRUTH + TRUST + Development of Authentic Staff Relationships + Positive Business Relationships = Higher Levels of Productivity. For Leadership TRUTH + TRUST + Development of Authentic Staff Relationships + The ability to build Teams + Efficient Problem Solving = Higher levels of Performance leading to higher Productivity.
Transparency Discussion In what ways do you as a leader offer Transparency to your staff, to your peers, to the leadership team, to the Board? How might Transparency as a value be a “line-in-the-sand” for you? Has your desire to be “transparent” every been challenged? Sometimes transparency can impact others negatively. Can you give an example where you’ve experienced this?
Sustainability as a Culture Value Sustainability is productivity without waste, burn-out or depletion of people. It is the ability to build Teams and keep Teams and operate as a Team of Teams in order to stay nimble and flexible. How are employees dealing with PACE? How are employees dealing with expectation of GROWTH? How is the SIZE of your business impacting employees?
Sustainability and Creating Team of Teams (General Stanley McCrystal best-selling new book on Teams) Desire to pursue a Vision and the Missions that uphold the Vision. The ability to operate as a Team in any location with any others from the greater Team. The desire to work together – collaboratively within Teams and across Teams. Why employees stay or go…look at your “Teams.” Toxic HIRE = Quick FIRE!
Sustainability Discussion What checks and balances does your Credit Union have in place to monitor how PACE, GROWTH and SIZE impacts the culture? What do your Credit Union Teams look like? Are they really Teams or just groups of people working together. Are you building a sustainable culture by building a Team of Teams? In what ways might Sustainability in a culture impact others negatively?
Responsibility as a Culture Value RESPONSIBILITY as a culture value related to cost and cost management is created through “messaging” that allows all staff to understand that everybody is entrusted to contribute to managing costs. The goal is to create a cultural value around “responsibility versus “policing” policy. It is important to know the fine line between being cost wise and cost rigid. Staff can be your barometer to gauge this. Incentives for cost savings can be offered to encourage engagement.
Responsibility Discussion In what ways does your Credit Union promote Responsibility? What messaging might you infuse into the culture to increase cost management as a culture value of Responsibility? How might Responsibility as a value at your Credit Union demonstrate your desire to focus on the greater-good?
Your Personal and Business Values? What are Your Values? How do they Translate to the Credit Union Culture Values? How do they translate to the Credit Union Business Values?
Leadership Practices for a Vision and Values Culture with Business Results Turn YOUR Values into Business Value.
Leadership Practices for a Vision and Values Culture with Business Results Walk Your Talk
Leadership Practices for a Vision and Values Culture with Business Results Communicate with Care
Leadership Practices for a Vision and Values Culture with Business Results Facilitate Personal Growth
Leadership Practices for a Vision and Values Culture with Business Results Collaborate for Greater Impact
Activity The SIX Questions- Bringing it All Together
The Generational Influences in a Vision and Values Based Culture for Business Results Meet Your Credit Union Staff
The Baby Boomers
Gen X’ers
The Gen Y’ers
Work till Retire Change Job or Career Work for Time and Life Balance Work for Money Boomers yrs. Bill Gates (60 ) Gen X – older yrs. Sundar Pichai (44) CEO Google Gen X – younger Mark Zuckerberg of FB (36 ) Gen Y Lady Gaga (30 )
Activity Give your Credit Union a Name. Decide how you will manage the Business Values and Culture Values we’ve discussed to day for the particular staff make-up you have been dealt. What will be important to each group to get “buy-in” from them? What specific activities might you do to encourage their participation in the business and culture values? What might be some of the challenges given you are dealing with more than one generation? . Reputation and Transparency. Productivity and Sustainability. Cost Management and Responsibility
Thank you! Juli Lynch, Ph.D