MAY 9,
DO NOW… After coming into class quietly, take a seat and take out a writing utensil for the South, Southeast, and East Asia Map Test. One person, retrieve privacy shields for your group members 3
GO GEOGRAPHY! #70 3 CEV’s Topic: Oceania Predictions… How do you think the region of Oceania and Antarctica may be different from each of the other regions we’ve studied? 5
MAPPING OCEANIA AND ANTARCTICA On the “Political Map,” label countries and island regions On the “Physical Map,” label the landforms and bodies of water 6
VISUAL REPRESENTATIONS OF THE REGIONS Each group get and Island/Island Region: 1)Australia 2)New Zealand 3)Melanesia 4)Micronesia 5)Polynesia Page 101 of World Atlas Use your smart devices, atlases, and textbooks to look up information about the climate, vegetation, and native animal life of your region… Then, create a visual representation, such as a mural or collage, that represents the climate, vegetation, and native animal life of your assigned region. 7
HOMEWORK… Finish classwork Review notes Watch news Start Studying for Oceania and Antarctica Test 8
MAY 10,
DO NOW… After coming into class quietly, take out your class materials and retrieve your GG! Notebooks from the back table… People who were not in class yesterday also need a Gold GLE Page as well as a map for Oceania and Antarctica from the absent binder 10
GO GEOGRAPHY! #71 3 CEV’s Topic: Australia – Outback vs. Sydney… These are two prominent regions from Australia… List as many words as you can for each image to describe the contrasting regions. 11
OBSERVING THE REGIONS You will be observing the different Island regions through a gallery walk! Label the 5 regions on your paper: Australia, New Zealand, Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia. You will rotate from station to station and observe the visual representations for each region. After observing, record your personal and group thoughts about the island region. At the end of the gallery walk, you should have a description for each of the island regions Do you find more similarities or differences between this region and the region we just studied? Explain your thoughts. 12
EXPLORING AUSTRALIA Australia’s location, colonial history, and physical makeup makes it one of the most unique places on the planet. Today, you will be working with your table group members to explore several aspects that can be used to describe the island country (which also happens to be a continent) Each person choose one aspect of Australia to research: 1)Ethnic Groups 2)Environmental Issues 3)Colonial History 4)Native Animal Life After each person has compiled their information, come together and share your information to gather a complete description of the country. After you have information for each area, you will create an illustration to go along with each area of information. Places to Start: World Factbook Australian War Memorial 13
ISLAND LIFE: PROS AND CONS Review your list of Island Impressions and information you gathered while exploring Australia Consider: What are the pros and cons of living on one of the island nations from the Oceania Region? Record your list of pros and cons in a 2-column chart At the very end, write a brief conclusion paragraph is which you explain why living in the Oceania region is better or worse than living in one of the mainland nations. 14
HOMEWORK… Finish classwork Review notes Watch news Start Studying for Oceania and Antarctica Test 15
MAY 11,
DO NOW… After coming into class quietly, take out your class materials and retrieve your GG! Notebooks from the back table. Papers in the Pick Up Box!! 17
GO GEOGRAPHY! #72 3 CEV’s Topic: Moving to Australia? Would you ever consider moving to Australia? Explain your choice. 18
OCEANIA: PUSH AND PULL FACTORS The British started colonizing the area of Australia as early as 1788, and continued to do so for over 100 years. Today, multiple groups of people are drawn to the country for a myriad of reasons. Think about what drew groups to and from Australia in the 1700s and Think about what draws people to and from Australia today. Using your notes and Chapter 33 from your textbooks, Create a list of Push and Pull Factors to Australia from the prospective of someone in 1788 and from the prospective of someone today! Two 2-column charts! 19
MAPPING MIGRATIONS TO AUSTRALIA Section 33.4 of Textbook… Use the map in your textbook to map the trends of where the most foreign-born Australians are coming from… Make sure your map has a legend! Also, create a categorized list of the countries which have the largest populations of people migrating into Australia as of
WHY LEAVE THE OCEANIA REGION? For some individuals that are born in one of the Pacific island countries, it is necessary for them to leave their home in order to support their family. Example: Rena Lakai from the Kingdom of Tonga home-crucial-for-many-immigrants.html?pg=all Answer the following 2 questions: 1)Why did Rena choose to leave her home country? 2)What are the positive aspects of remittances? 21
TOP 10 LIST! Imagine that you are creating a Top 10 List and a Not Top 10 List for a prominent travel magazine! What would you list as the Top 10 Reasons to move to an island in Oceania region? And… What would you list as the Top 10 Reasons to not live in Oceania or move to an area outside the Oceania region? Use your notes, textbook, and the article to compile your Top 10 Lists ! 22
HOMEWORK… Finish classwork Review notes Watch news Oceania and Antarctica Test on Monday, May 16 23