Organ Transplants and Blood Transfusions To know the arguments for and against Organ Transplants and Blood Transfusions To consider moral and religious.


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Presentation transcript:

Organ Transplants and Blood Transfusions To know the arguments for and against Organ Transplants and Blood Transfusions To consider moral and religious teachings about transplant surgery and blood transfusions To apply own views to transplant surgery and blood transfusions Watch the video clip and decide whether you would be an organ donor to help save the lives of others in need

TRANSPLANT SURGERY: using healthy organs from a donor to replace a dying organ in a patient Transplant Surgery and Blood Transfusions

Lesson Outcomes ALL STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO:  Understand some of the arguments for and against organ donation and blood transfusions  Consider some of the moral and religious arguments and apply their own views MOST STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO:  Explain the arguments for and against organ donation and blood transfusions  Explain moral and religious arguments and apply their own views with some reference to religious teachings SOME STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO:  Evaluate the arguments for and against organ donation and blood transfusions  Evaluate the moral and religious arguments and compare and contrast own views with more than one religious view

Transplant Surgery Replacing faulty organs with healthy organs (heart, lungs) after the donor has been declared brain dead Donors have to give special permission for their organs to be used after their death Some people who are religious refuse to donate as they don’t want to enter the afterlife with an incomplete body Organ donation, as the lesser of two evils, enables lives to be saved so it is permitted

Blood Transfusion When a patient is given extra blood as part of an operation Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse transfusions because they feel their life is carried in their blood so they cant have anybody else’s blood Several Jehovah’s Witnesses die in situations that have required a life- saving transfusion Many transplants can be carried out without a blood transfusion Same blood type needs to be used Leviticus 17:14. “You must not eat the blood of any sort of flesh, because the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood. Anyone eating it will be cut off.” God viewed the soul, or life, as being in the blood and belonging to him. Although this law was given only to the nation of Israel, it shows how seriously God viewed the law against eating blood.

Religious Arguments " Do onto others as you would wish them do onto you." Matthews Gospel Christianity Jesus taught people to love one another. It seems in keeping with this that Christians consider organ donation as a genuine act of love and a way of following Jesus’ example. Sacrifice and helping others are important themes in the bible. which teaches the principle of seeking for others what you hope others would do for you. It is not a rule for Christians that their organ’s have to be donated - however it is generally seen as a loving thing to do! Jehovah’s witnesses – agree with organ transplantation, but all blood must be drained from the organ before it is transplanted!

Religious Arguments “ If anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people." Qur’an Islam In 1996 the Muslim Law (Shariah) Council UK issued a fatwa (religious opinion) on organ donation. The council resolved that:  The council supports organ transplantation as a means of alleviating pain or saving life.  Muslims may carry donor cards  The next of kin of a dead person, in the absence of a card or an expressed wish to donate their organs, may give permission to obtain organs from the body to save other people’s lives. Normally, violating the human body, whether living or dead, is forbidden in Islam – but the Shariah believes this can be overruled when saving another person’s life

Organ and Blood Donation Sanctity of Life : life is sacred because it is God given Using thumbs up/side/down – indicate whether you agree (thumb up), not sure (to the side) or don’t agree (thumb down) with donating the following body parts...  Blood  Heart  Liver  Kidney (whilst still alive so you only have one)  Bone marrow  Eyes

Organ and Blood Donation Using thumbs up/side/down – indicate whether you agree (thumb up), not sure (to the side) or don’t agree (thumb down) with donating the following body parts...  ‘ If you don’t donate your organs after death you are selfish’  ‘Everyone should be an organ donor’  ‘Your life/soul is carried in your blood’  ‘People should be entitled to choose to be an organ donor at ANY age’

Organ Transplants and Blood Transfusions To know the arguments for and against Organ Transplants and Blood Transfusions To consider moral and religious teachings about transplant surgery and blood transfusions To apply own views to transplant surgery and blood transfusions Write the title from the top of this slide and answer the 5 exam styled questions on the sheet in your books using FULL SENTENCES and specific examples 6 MARK QUESTIONS  Some people agree with this because...(give 2 different reasons)  Some people disagree with this because...(give 2 different reasons)  Some Christians/Muslims believe that...because...  Therefore I agree/disagree with this statement

Questions... 1.A) Explain the term ‘transplant surgery’ (1 mark) B) Explain the term ‘blood transfusions’ (1 mark) 2. Explain arguments for and against organ transplants (4 marks) 3. Explain the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses on blood transfusions (4 marks) 4. ‘If you don’t donate your organs after death you are selfish’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your views. Refer to religious arguments. (6 marks) 5. Explain your views on organ donation. Do you think everyone should be an organ/blood donor and why? Should people be forced to be organ/blood donor and why? (4 marks)

Would you be an organ donor to help save someone else’s life? If you had to donate one organ, what would it be and why? Do you agree with organ and blood donation? Why/why not?