Planning AS 2.1 SUS 201 Plan, implement and evaluate a personal action that will contribute towards a sustainable future. 6 credits
Stage 1 Plan and carry out. This is done in your logbook which will be the place where you collect together the task, standard, all your research, planning etc.
Identify the sustainability issue – choose something that interests you and where you think you can make a change. Climate Change – I am worried that people aren’t taking it seriously.
Explain why it is an issue At this point the explanation can just be a general description but when you write your evaluation, you will expand on this in a discussion for excellence. Here I will research climate change and this would take some time. In the planning stage, all I need to do is write a general description of why climate change is an issue but in the evaluation report, I can write a discussion on climate change to go towards excellence.
Identify the aspects of sustainability your issue is related to. Environmental, social, economic, or cultural. Climate change is related to all aspects of sustainability – environmental, social, economic and cultural. Explain this more
State your goal or vision – what do you want to achieve. I would like to raise awareness of climate change at MGC and give students some positive ideas of how they personally can help.
Investigate a range of actions that might help you to achieve your vision. Run a poster campaign Give a presentation at assembly Make a play or song and perform it. Make a video and show it to some junior classes.
Choose one of your possible actions and say why Make a video and show it to some junior classes I chose this one because I would like to contact junior students as I think they would be easy to work with and also I would like to challenge myself to learn about using the video camera.
List the individuals who could help you achieve your aim. Technology teacher, form teachers, SUS teacher, brother, mum, Uncle Bob.
Identify the individuals or groups that you will target. A junior form class or form classes.
Work out how you will know if your action has had an effect. Collect “before” information Make up a survey with questions to check how much students know about climate change before the video. I will know if my video has had an effect by using the same questions after I have shown the video and comparing the results.
List resources and skills that you will need. Will need to borrow the video camera, learn how to make and edit a video, will need to make the presentation interesting, will need to be organized, I will need to decide if I do it by myself or ask friends or family to help me with the video. I will need to research climate change so I know what I am talking about.
Make a time frame for your action I will research climate change first – working through till the end of term and using class time plus homework and weekend time. I need to know what I am talking about. By the end of term 2 I will also have found out about the video camera – where to get one and who will help me with both filming and editing During the holidays I will need to do all the work on the video – the script, the filming and the editing. At the beginning of Term 3 I will need to organize time to do the presentation and the follow up survey, and then write up my evaluation.
Divide your action up into a series of planned steps. 1.I will need to research climate change and 2.Write up the questions for the initial junior class survey before the holidays. 3.Organise a time to see the class with their form teacher. 4.Introduce myself to the class and get them to complete the survey. 5.I will also find out how to use the video before the holidays and ask the school experts for help. 6.In the holidays I will write a script and plan my shots. I will need to present climate change in a memorable way. 7.Make the video – may use friends to act in it or not. 8.Edit the video and get it to its final form – add music or other effects. 9. At the start of term 2 I will organize time with the form teacher to show the video.( or maybe I should do that earlier.) 10.Show the video to my chosen form class 11. Then I will do an “after” survey to see if the students have learned anything about climate change. 12.I will need to analyse the before and after surveys to see if there has been an attitude change. 13.Write up my report.
Identify possible problems with the plan Solutions? I would like to target two classes but may not have time so I need to be prepared to only have one class. I am a bit worried about standing up in front of a junior class and talking about this. Harden up! I am not sure if my friends will be able to act in the video so I had better be prepared to go alone. I would like to sing a song but I can’t sing in tune! So I won’t sing a song If I haven’t found anyone to help me with the video camera and editing, I could put a message on the notices asking if anyone from any class would be prepared to help me with it.
CARRY OUT THE PLAN AND RECORD EVIDENCE. The video and the appraisal from the form teacher.
Collect “after” information Give the form class the “after” survey.
Did your action have an effect? Compare the “before” and “after” class surveys and record the results on a chart. I will see if the students have gained any knowledge from my video. Process the data and look for a percentage increase in knowledge or some other way of presenting it. Discuss this
Discuss your personal response I have learned a great deal about climate change and it has made me think about what I can do personally to reduce my carbon footprint. I will take care to ……….more I also learned a lot about using a video camera and I really enjoyed interacting with the junior class. I plan to stay in touch with them and visit them in form time to talk about sustainability issues.
How could you have carried out this action better? What would you change and why? What might you do next Some things that went wrong were basically about not leaving enough time to get my video made and I had to do the editing it too much of a hurry…. and more Next time I would leave myself more time and would ……….lots more I would like to stay in touch with the Year 9 class and when I do my action for next year, I would like to use the same junior class to help me with a school wide awareness campaign for climate change etc etc.
Explain/discuss the sustainability issue that is involved. This is where you get a chance to demonstrate all that research you did on climate change and produce an interesting discussion on why climate change is a sustainability issue and how it links up with all the aspects of sustainability. This is an extension of the box at the beginning where you identified the sustainability issue but did not develop the ideas further as you then focused on your action.
Your final report will have: a summary of the action plan that you have recorded in your log book. It will also contain a full account of the things that are listed under “Evaluation” which will provide evidence for Excellence. The report will contain evidence for your action ( photos, videos, written statements by eg form teachers that you have worked with. ) You will also hand in your log books and all supporting documents.