St. Mary's CE Primary School Primary School Welcome Letters & Sounds Parent Workshop Miss L. Zullo: Phonics and Key Stage 1 Leader St. Mary's CE Primary School Primary School
??? What is Letters & Sounds? Why are we using it? What are the main points of the programme? How do we assess and group the children? St. Mary's CE Primary School Primary School
Phonics Phonemes Graphemes GPC Blending (reading) Segmenting (spelling) Digraph Trigraph Split-digraphs CVC Terminology for adults St. Mary's CE Primary School Primary School
Robot speak Blend Sound buttons Alien words Segment Terminology for Children St. Mary's CE Primary School Primary School
Sequence of teaching Revisit & Review Teach Practise Apply St. Mary's CE Primary School Primary School
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6 Phase overview St. Mary's CE Primary School Primary School
St Mary’s Farnham Royal CE Primary School Phase 1 Identifying sounds around them Comparing the sounds they hear e.g. loud/quiet/swish/click. Identifying rhythm and rhyme. Alliteration. Begin to listen for sounds in words.
St Mary’s Farnham Royal CE Primary School Phase 2 Introduce the first set sounds s a t p - words to blend for this: at, a, sat, pat, tap, sap, as As the children learn more sounds through the sets, they are able to blend and segment more words. Some tricky words are introduced (words which they cannot sound out).
St Mary’s Farnham Royal CE Primary School Phase 3 By the end of this phase, all sounds will have been taught. More tricky words will be introduced.
St Mary’s Farnham Royal CE Primary School Phase 4 This phase is about consolidating the children’s phonic knowledge by using their knowledge of GPCs to read/spell longer words containing consonant clusters (e.g. br-oom, br-ight, br-ill). The children will learn more tricky words.
St Mary’s Farnham Royal CE Primary School Phase 5 This phase introduces alternative ways of spelling certain sounds e.g. ai can also be spelt as ay and a-e. Split-digraphs are introduced. The children will learn more tricky words.
St Mary’s Farnham Royal CE Primary School Phase 6 The focus is on rarer GPCs and learning spelling rules for adding suffixes. The main aim here is that the children become more fluent and confident with their reading and also apply their phonics to spelling.
St. Mary's CE Primary School Primary School ??? What do the children do once they have completed the programme? St. Mary's CE Primary School Primary School
??? How can I help my child at home? Use the world around you… St. Mary's CE Primary School Primary School
How can I help my child at home? Use the St. Mary’s Spellings as a guide. St. Mary's CE Primary School Primary School
??? How can I help my child at home? Useful websites – all linked on the St. Mary’s website – free games and resources - mostly free games and activities – Literacy – Phonics games within this section St. Mary's CE Primary School Primary School
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