GPaS at Key Stage 1 Tuesday 24 th February 2015
Aims of the session Assessment Procedures for KS1 Grammar Punctuation Spelling Why? What are we doing within school? What can you do to support at home?
Assessment Procedures for Key Stage 1 New tasks and test to be administered from May 2016 in line with the new National Curriculum Reading, Writing, Maths, GPaS at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2)
Expectations at the end of Key Stage 1 Sentences – different forms, expanded noun phrases, subordination, co-ordination, tenses, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, agreement, prefixes and suffixes Capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas in lists, apostrophes for contraction and possession Cap, pot, tree, swing, hoop, leaf, sock, cloud, apple, bench, time, like, one, turned, with, pavement, climbed, riding, stopped, children, know … See NC appendix documentation.
GPaS Test GPaS is made up of 3 tests. - Paper 1 is a short written task that focuses on children’s use of grammar and punctuation. - Paper 2 is a series of questions which check children’s understanding of grammar, punctuation and spelling and; - Paper 3 is a spelling paper.
Grammar Punctuation
Grammar Noun, Noun phrase Statement, Question, Exclamation, Command Compound, Suffix Adjective, Adverb, Verb Tense (past, present) Apostrophe, Comma
What do we do at school? Model grammar through reading, spelling, writing and speaking Investigating when reading and writing Investigation through phonic sessions Multilink/Object sentence construction
The cow jumped over the moon. Can you change; Noun Verb Tense Sentence Starter Can you add; Adverb – describes the verb e.g. jumped slowly. Adjectives – describes the noun e.g. black and white cow.
What can you do at home? Read, Read, Read! Discuss language within books and in films/TV. Model correct grammar. Play grammar based games.
Punctuation Use of capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences Commas to separate items in a list Apostrophes to mark where letters are missing in spelling and to mark singular possession in nouns [for example, the girl’s name]
What do we do at school? Rainbow writing Stand alone punctuation session – short and snappy. Investigative work through reading and writing. Object based sentence construction. Modelling correct punctuation and reinforcing throughout reading and writing.
What can you do at home? Punctuation games Discuss use of punctuation in books and stories Model correct use of punctuation and discuss when it is used incorrectly Rainbow writing
Why do we teach grammar and punctuation?
Spelling Year 1 and Year 2 Spelling Expectations. Spelling ListsSpelling Lists – Year 1 (pg 2), Year 2 (pg 7) Linked with phonics scheme taught within school – phase 5 and 6.
Why do we teach spelling? It helps with children’s reading Improve children’s confidence in writing. Improve flow of writing Bad spelling can give a negative impression Spelling is graded in KS1 English tests
What do we do at school? Investigations through phonics sessions Model spelling through writing sessions Encourage children to use taught phonic knowledge to spell unknown words HFW/Tricky words practised daily Weekly spelling checks
What can you do at home? Support with phonic homework. HFW/Tricky word word lists. Spelling games. Discussion on spellings when reading and writing – silent sounds, split digraphs, tricky words. Reinforce and model correct spelling Ways to teach spelling
Lets try! Explore some of the games and activities available in the classroom for ways you can help your children with GPaS at home.
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