Anita R. Webb, PhD JPS Health Network Fort Worth, Texas
Medically unexplained symptoms are common. Costly due to repeated testing and treatments Frustrating to physicians and patients Psychological and sociological theories Precursors: Childhood and family illness Treatment: Collaborative Care
“Symptoms with no clear organic cause” Which cause suffering: Pain, fatigue, disability Recent Examples Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia Gulf War Syndrome
“Extremely Common” ( DeAngelis 2013) Up to 50% of new patient visits Pain: esp. abdominal, head, back, joint, chest Dyspepsia, palpitations, fatigue, etc. Associated with considerable disability (Margalit 2008)
General Practice Testing: Attempts to identify diagnosis Relationship: Supporting the patient Conservative approach is recommended Referral Collaborative Care Psychiatry, Neurology Psychology: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Typically: Increased costs Multiple laboratory tests Multiple “trial treatments” Risk of iatrogenic complications Annual costs > $6500 per affected patient
National Survey of Health and Development Goal: Identify childhood influences on adult health Cumulative body of research “Lifelong Health & Ageing”: LHA Example: Prospective birth cohort study National sample: 1946 to age 36 N = 3107 GOAL: Identify and track 5% most common symptoms
Childhood correlations of adult symptoms 1. Increased rate of physical illness in family during patient’s childhood 2. Patient’s “defined” physical illness Conclusion: “May reflect a learned process whereby illness experience leads to symptom monitoring”
“Society does not grant permission to be ill in the absence of disease.” Issues Implies malingering? Morality (“pejorative overtones”) Chaos Ambivalence (Bauman 1991)
Patients with unexplained motor symptoms 48%: with absence of function 52%: with abnormal activity (e.g. tremor) Were referred to hospital For “neurological disorder” N=73 Six year follow-up N=64 (88%) Hatcher (2008)
Diagnosis Psychiatric Disorder 75% (44/59) Most common psychiatric diagnosis “Personality Disorder” 45% (31/59) (continued)
25% of patients diagnosed with Chronic pain Irritable bowel syndrome Chronic fatigue New neurology cases explained by disease 33% cases “Not at all” or “Only somewhat” Hatcher (2008)
“Unexplained Pain” Neurology outpatients N=18 Qualitative Interview study Conclusion: “The patients were “Resistant to psychological explanations” (Nettelton 2006: Sociology)
May feel their competence is being challenged (Hatcher 2008) Suggest continued professional development Personal and interpersonal skills Good communication habits Self Awareness: especially your stress level Stress Management Skills
Referral with vague diagnoses: Somatization Hypochondriasis Pain disorder Patients with identified medical disease plus Identified depression and/or anxiety And/or with significantly more medical symptoms
Most common comorbid psychiatric diagnoses Depression Anxiety Personality Disorder
HOWEVER: “Many patients do not have a psychiatric disorder.” “A multicausal aetiology is most likely” Physical and psychological factors interacting Factors that predispose to somaticizing: Greater awareness and Even misinterpretation Of minor physical perceptions (continued)
Personality Previous experience of illness Life stress Attitudes toward medical care Expectations Behavior (Mayou 1991)
“Pejorative overtones”? Most symptoms are transient Employ straightforward management “If initial assessment does not suggest “A serious underlying physical cause, “Then eventually uncovering one “Is extremely unlikely.”
AGENDA: Identify childhood influences on adult health Body of research on physical illness in children National Survey of Health and Development NSHD: N = 3107 Prospective birth cohort study to age 36 Identify and track 5% most common symptoms
“Powerful relationship” between Poor reported health of parents When subjects were age 15 Predicted subjects’ symptoms At age 36
Two groups: 21 patients in each group “Biopsychosocial” group vs. control group Results for intervention group: Clinic visits decreased from baseline (N=32) To 13 visits after first year And 15 visits after two years ER visits decreased from 33.5 To 4 year one And 3.5 year two
“Usual care” results No changes in number of visits To clinic Or to ER Five year mortality Control group = 17 patient deaths Intervention group = 6 patient deaths Margalit (2008)
Biopsychosocial intervention decreased Number of visits Care utilization Expense Mortality
Dual Approach Investigate somatic symptoms, plus Recognize and manage psychological factors Goal: “Damage limitation” [vs. cure] Consider: Referral for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Goal: Identify and change erroneous health beliefs (Matou 1991)
Relaxation Training Pre-planned distraction activities Regular and often deep breathing exercises Health “diary” Gradual, stepped increase in physical activity Gradually limit over-use of medical resources Including unnecessary investigation Goal: Cost-effective treatment
And/Or: You can initiate discussion of the patient’s erroneous health beliefs. “Most [patients] are satisfied by simple: Explanation, Discussion, and Reassurance.” (Ibid)
Only ONE physician for all medical care Pre-scheduled medical appointments Weekly initially Eventually tapering gradually Patient satisfaction? Probably not realistic goal Physician satisfaction? Ineffective, unsatisfying consultation?
Most such symptoms are transient. Use “straightforward management” “If initial assessment does not suggest a serious underlying physical cause, “Then eventually uncovering one, “Is extremely unlikely.” (Mayou 1999)
Unexplained medical symptoms are a common clinical problem. Organic explanations are rare. “High level of psychiatric comorbidity” Avoid repeat investigation(s). (Crimlisk et al 1998)
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Your experiences? Residents’ attitudes? Faculty attitudes?