T HE A NALOGY S TRATEGY Examples of chunking unfamiliar words using the analogy strategy:. Begin with an unfamiliar word. If the word is a multi-syllabic word first teach students to chunk words into syllables and circle the prefixes and suffixes. Then have students underline spelling patterns to help with pronunciation. Have the students underline the spelling patterns. Spelling patterns are underlined in the words below, cat and responsible. The spelling pattern is the vowel and letters after it in a syllable (i.e., cat…at is the spelling pattern). Remind students that are frequently long or short. Long vowels say their name such as i in the word ride whereas short i makes the sound of i as in the word hit. What is the spelling pattern in the word ride?___. What is the spelling pattern in the word hit? ____(answers on last page of this PowerPoint (pp). Remind them that Sometimes vowels are neither short or long such as the vowel a in the word car since a is r controlled : Vowels=A,E, I, O, U and sometimes y and w! C at Re/spon/si/ble
S TEPS OF THE A NALOGY S TRATEGY 1. Teach key words: Teach 1-5 key words each week and study onset-rime (rime is also called spelling patterns) of the key words. For example, if a student missed the word responsible teach them to chunk the word by syllables and underline the spelling patterns (as in the previous slide of this PowerPoint). Select the spelling pattern on from the word responsible and create a key word with the on spelling pattern such as Don. This will help the student identify words with the on spelling pattern. Also, help the student with affixes missed. 2. Create word families from the key words(Don- Jon, on, con) 3. Use the key words in language experience stories that are enjoyable and add prefixes or suffixes if appropriate depending on their reading level. 4. Use the key words in a variety of activities during the week (word analysis-NEXT SLIDE, related games and connect to reading and writing for comprehension) 5. Place the key word on a Vowel Word Wall as a reference for decoding unfamiliar words with the same spelling patterns (refer to the word wall slide in this PP)
W ORD A NALYSIS …Y OUR T URN : H OW M ANY S OUNDS D O Y OU H EAR ? H OW M ANY L ETTERS ARE IN THE W ORD ? C A R V I N E* S EE k au r 3 v i n 3 s e 2 C A N T E N T R OU N D k a n 3 t e n t 4 r ou n d 4 Ask: Tell me about the vowel…what is your rule? What is the phonics rule? Does it break the rule? Refer to Gaskins article under courseden phonics for more examples of word analysis
T ALK TO Y OURSELF C HART -A SK STUDENTS TO USE WORD ANALYSIS AND USE THE WORDS OF THIS CHART AS THEY USE IT 1. The word is ______________. 2. Stretch the word. I hear __________________ sounds. 3. I see ________ letters because _______. 4. The spelling pattern is _____________. 5. This is what I know about the vowel: _______________. 6. Another word on the word wall with the same vowel sound is _____________.
P ARTNER - SHARING C HART Person 1: 1. My word is _________________. 2. My word wall word is _______________. 3. The words are alike because ____________. 4. Do you agree? Person 2: Give one of these answers: Yes/No, because _____________. Switch roles.
D AY 1: U SING THE A NALOGY S TRATEGY FOR W ORD R ECOGNITION F Introduce 1-5 key words to be used during the week (Ex. Cat, grab, her, red, take) and learn the spelling patterns: at, ab, er, ed, ake. F Use the 1-5 key words in word families with the same spelling patterns: cat, hat, sat grab, cab, drab her, better red, sled, bed take, cake, rake F Use the 1-5 key words and some of the words in their word families in a Language Experience Story that is fun to write.
D AY 2: Analyze the key words t a k e t a k (Tell me about the vowel-is it long, short, or makes a unique sound. Why?) Review the 1-5 key words to be learned during the week (cat, grab, her, red, take). Use the key words in sentences and challenge sentences (model), for example: ◦ Please take the cake out of the oven. ◦ We went skating after the party. ◦ Please __________ the cat outside.
A PPLY IN A G AME Play What’s in My Head? My word is on the board. My word begins like “table”. My word rhymes with “lake”. Please __________ the cat outside.
V OWEL W ORD W ALL AaEeIiOoUu Yy *cat bed ride boat up yes *at/tach/edson *re/ spon/ si/ble *spelling patterns are also called rimes (the vowel and letters after it in a syllable). The spelling patterns are underlined. Struggling readers need to focus on phonics and vocabulary and connect to reading and writing Great resource: Gaskins et al article about word recognition in Journal, The Reading Teacher