Nutrition Review
The type of food which provide(s the quickest energy is: A. A. Protein B. B. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates They give us the fastest form of energy. There are two types. What are they? A. Simple and Complex B. Greater and Smaller
Two types of carbs Simple- sugars- from milk (lactose), fruit (fructose) and refined sugars (sucrose– table sugar, and high fructose corn syrup) Complex- from starches, such as grains, starchy veggies (corn, potatoes, peas), etc. Carbs. Give us 4 calories/gram of energy. The energy is fast to come, but fast to go. Which is healthier- A. refined grains B. whole grains?
Whole grains are healthier. Whole grains give us fiber, as well as essential nutrients which are removed during the refining process. Starches take longer to digest than sugars. Whole grains take longer than refined white grains. What is fiber good for? A. digestion and brain development B. less of some cancers and lower cholesterol
Fiber is the part of the plant your body cannot digest. Fiber comes from whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. People who have higher fiber in their diets have less of certain cancers and lower cholesterol than those who do not. What does your body turn both starches and sugars into, for your body to burn for fuel? A. Saccharide B. Glucose
Glucose Your cells burn glucose. Your brain uses about 20% of your total energy produced every day. In order to use the glucose properly, what does your body need to get the glucose into the cells to use? A. Vitamin A B. Insulin
Insulin Some researchers feel that because we take in too much sugar and refined carbs, which are quickly released into the bloodstream, requiring a lot of insulin to be released at once, is why so many more Americans are becoming overweight or obese. Type II diabetes can lead to blindness, amputation, and an earlier death.
Why do you need protein in your body? What does it do? A. Builds muscles, hormones, and antibodies B. Aids in heart beating strongly and in digestion
Protein Rebuilds cells Used to make antibodies Used to build hormones Helps to keep proper fluid levels in the body. Who especially needs good protein every day? A. Children and teens, those pregnant or ill B. Every age needs equal amounts of it
These people do: Growing children and teens Pregnant women Those who are sick, especially chronic illnesses Where do you find good quality protein? A. Fruits and vegetables B. Meats and milk
Animals! You find complete proteins in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt There are complete proteins in soybeans. There are lesser amounts in nuts and legumes. Other foods have lower amounts of incomplete proteins. What does it mean: “complete protein?” A. A food that has more than 5 grams protein/serving B. A food that contains all of the amino acids your body needs.
Complete proteins These have all the amino acids that your body needs to be healthy. Proteins are made of amino acids. Your cells rebuild themselves by assembling specific amino acids to rebuild into certain proteins. If you are rebuilding a cell and are missing even one of the needed amino acids, then you cannot build that cell. Which gives more calories- A. carbs B. protein?
Both carbs and protein give 4 calories/gram. Your body uses proteins for rebuilding your cells. You only need so much protein every day. Not enough protein and you cannot rebuild cells properly. Too much protein and you give your kidneys extra work to metabolize the protein. How many calories per gram does fat have? A. 4 calories/gram B. 9 calories/gram
Fat contains 9 calories/gram. What does fat do? Cushions your internal organs Helps to transport and store vitamins A, D, E, and K Gives an extra supply of energy, when needed Helps to keep you warmer, when needed. It’s part of every cell’s membrane. Where do you find good and bad fats? A. Cookies and Cakes B. Fruits and Vegetables
Where do you find fats? Bad fats High fat meats, as lunch meat, hot dogs, high-fat cheeses, and whole milk Trans-fats, found in foods made with shortenings, such as cookies, cakes, etc. Good fats Oils (liquid at room temps) especially olive oil, canola oil SMALL quantities of eggs and cheeses Low-fat milks and cheeses and yogurts Healthiest fats are MONOunsaturated
Fats can be visible Such as marbled meat and butter Or, they can be invisible, such as fats in milk, cheese Cholesterol is essential to life, but only in SMALL amounts. LDL cholesterol is not heatlhy. HDL (remember it as happy or healthy) cholesterol is good for you body. Fats are broken down in your body into fatty acids.
Fats, carbs, protein. Anything else you need? Vitamins! Vitamins keep many body processes going. You need vitamins to acrt as antioxidants, help heal wounds, help to keep skin and hair healthy, keep your cells together, and help prevent some birth defects. They are found in many foods, but especially in fruits (esp, citrus and berries) and vegetables (esp. dark green leafy and yellow) and whole grains.
What does fortified mean? Fortified means that vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients have been added to a food to make it more healthy. It does not add trace minerals, antioxidants, phyto-chemicals, or many others. You cannot eat healthy just by taking a vitamin pill every day! (but it doesn’t hurt to take one!!) What classifications of vitamins are there?
Water-soluble and fat- soluble vitamins Fat soluble vitamins are Vitamins A, D, E, and K Water-soluble vitamins are the B complex ones (niacin, thiamine, B-12, folic acid (folate), riboflavin, etc. ) and Vitamin C. Is there anything else you need?
Minerals Calcium- bones and teeth, blood clotting, heart beating, nervous system Magnesium & Phosphorus- works with Ca, helps nervous system Sodium (Na), Chloride (CL), & Potassium (K)- form electrolytes to keep proper fluid balance. Iron- makes red blood cells that carry oxygen ---- and many trace minerals.
What if you don’t get enough? A deficiency in any vitamin or mineral can lead to diseases and sometimes death. Anemia – lack of iron Rickets – lack of Vitamin D Scurvy – lack of Vitamin C Goiter – lack of iodine Pellagra – Lack of Vitamin B & Protein The best way to get them is by eating a wide variety of foods, including vegetables, fruits, dairy, nuts, meats, and whole grains.
How much of your body is water? Makes up about 55-75% of body. It is used for: Chemical reactions, transportation, cushion, MOISTURIZES, removal of wastes, regulate TEMPERATURE Needed for breathing PLAIN water is the best source. Also, milk and whole fruit juices, tea, without extra sugar. Divide your weight in half. The final number is the ounces you need every day. Most people need about 8 cups/day. Most people need about 8 cups/day.