Provost Report Dr. Robert J. Marley Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Faculty Senate MeetingApril 21, 2016
1.Graduate Student (PhD) Support Recommendations 2.FY16-17 Budget 3.Projected New Faculty Hires Agenda
1. Graduate Student (PhD) Support Recommendations
4% performance increase- no tuition increase $3.4 million cut to system Allocation of performance funding (and any impact of system cut) to be determined by BOC in June including allowable increase in supplemental fees. 2. FY Budget
Will summarize projected new faculty hires to Deans and Chairs next week –Vacancies –BIC –New Lines –Net (against retirements, departures) 3. Projected Faculty Hires
Division Updates
Audra Merfeld-Langston (Arts, Languages, and Philosophy) has been accepted into the American Association of Teachers of French Future Leaders Fellowship Program The Department of Business and Information Technology’s Business Analytics and Data Science graduate certification program is ranked second in the nation in Value College’s Top 50 Best Value Online Big Data Graduate Programs of 2016 CASB hosted the Missouri Arts and Sciences Deans’ Annual Meeting on April 7-8 College of Arts, Sciences, and Business
Carrie Levy, EMSE undergraduate, was selected for the2016 HNTB Scholarship from the AREMA Foundation. Valencia McKinney and Kevin Thompson, EMSE undergraduates, were selected for the Service Award at the 2016 Black Student Award Dinner Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering Student Accolades: –Ahmed Gheni, was presented the 2016 National Chi Epsilon Graduate Fellowship. Applications for this national fellowship were submitted for review and ranking. The top two candidates from each of the ten districts were sent to the Chi Epsilon National Office for additional consideration by the finalist selection committee. Ahmed was chosen among these national finalists as one of three recipients of the 2016 Chi Epsilon Graduate Fellowship. Ahmed is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in civil engineering and working as a research assistant with Dr. Mohamed El Gawady. –Katie Bartels, BS student in Environmental, Received an EPA Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) Fellowship. –Kenneth Campbell of Rolla, a Ph.D. student in CArE, was one of two third-place winners for his poster titled “Oxygen Transfer in Activated Sludge Operating at Low DO: Effects of Mixing.” Campbell’s research looks at the role of oxygen transfer in wastewater treatment plants when the dissolved oxygen concentration is relatively low and examines the impact of mixing on oxygen transfer. –Jordan Wilson of Rolla, a Ph.D. student in civil, architectural and environmental engineering, received honorable mention for his poster, “Phytoscreening: High Density, Low Cost.” Wilson’s research examined the impact of tree trunk diameter on removing contaminants from the ground through a process known as phytoforensics. College of Engineering and Computing
Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering Faculty Accolades: –Dr. Dimitri Feys and his research group have been highlighted in Saint Louis Construction News & Review, Durability + Design, The Concrete Producer and European Coatings in Germany. –Dr. Mohamed ElGawady's research with Hesham Tuwair, Ph.D. CE’15, is highlighted on the website of the American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) Journal of Bridge Engineering –Dr. Daniel B. Oerther, the John A. and Susan Mathes Chair of civil, architectural and environmental engineering, has earned the Superior Achievement Award from the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES) for his work to improve water quality in the Ixcan region of Guatemala. –Dr. Lesley H. Sneed, associate professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology, has been named a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute (ACI). –David Richardson has been named a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute (ACI). Richardson, who is a member of numerous ACI national technical committees and is past president of the Missouri chapter of the ACI, received the award on April 12, 2015, at the ACI Concrete Convention and Exposition in Kansas City, Missouri. ACI awards the Fellow status to those who have “made outstanding contributions to the production or use of concrete materials, products and structures in the areas of education, research, development, design, construction or management.” College of Engineering and Computing
Student Design and Experiential Learning Center Competitions Baja SAE Racing, Baja SAE Tennessee at Tennessee Tech, April Concrete Canoe, ASCE Mid Continent Regional Comp in Rolla MO, April Steel Bridge, Mid-Continental ASCE Regional Steel Bridge Comp at S&T, April Human Powered Vehicle, HPVC West in San Jose CA, April Spring Honors Banquet, Dr. Wayne Huebner Keynote Speaker May 1 st, from 6pm-8pm in St. Pat’c 3 Honors Fellows will be honored 2 awards given to Geology and Geophysics students ½ Way to Graduation Party for Sophomores April 12 th from 5pm-7pm at the Puck Pizza, cake, soda and yard game 100+ students participated Office of Undergraduate Studies
Midwest Association for Graduate Schools (MAGS) Conference was held April 5-8 –Theme was “Graduate Education Pathways” Venkat Allada was Chair-Elect/Conference Chair –Venkat Allada announced as Chair of MAGS for –S&T’s Three Minute Thesis (3MT) winner, Maigha (PhD candidate in EE), participated in 3MT regional competition held at MAGS Graduate Certificates –Website for Graduate Certificates up to date with any UM System accepted changes: –Will be maintained consistently for changes or new certificates –Please link to this page for any graduate certificates –Questions? Contact Office of Graduate Studies
Spring 2016 commencement will be May 14 at 10:00 am and 4:00 pm. There are over 1,500 candidates for degrees and certificates. Several large events were held on campus this semester for high school students: –7 th Grade Girls STEM Day – March 23 – 441 students and 103 teacher –Health Occupations Student Association (HOSA) State Conference – March 28 and 29 – 951 students Sandra Magnus spoke at the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Lock- In Conference on April 8. This event is sponsored by SDOWP for 11 th and 12 th grade girls. Enrollment Management
Summary of FY16 activities year-to-date (January) –Number of funded proposals up 24% for a total of 165 Total dollars is $20M which is down 5% –Number of new proposals submitted is down 2% at 318 Total dollars is $88M which is down 8% –Number of active awards is down by.2% at 594 –Total expenditures is $24M which is down 4% –Net grant and contract expenditures is $17M which is down 8% –F&A recovered is $3M which is down 10% Office of Sponsored Programs
A busy year with instruction and in-depth research consultations. Curtis Laws Wilson Library