Dens and Dandelions This project has a forest skills and science focus which teaches the children about plants, flowers, trees and creatures found in a woodland habitat. It also teaches them how to look after their habitat. The project will end with a wood land party! Literacy, Language and Communication Children will write a simple report on their visit to Cosmeston Lakes and draw pictures to illustrate it. They will listen to and re-tell stories and poems about the woodland environment. Children will use information texts to do research about different flowers and creatures that they see in the woodland environment and they will also design invitations and menus for a woodland party. Eventually, children will write a simple class story to be read in the woods Mathematical Development Children will compare, order and measure natural objects such as leaves and trees using standard and non-standard units of measurement. They will use shape, space and measuring skills when building dens. Children will create outdoor flower trails to help find hidden treasure and the will follow directions using language of position and place. They will also create 2D and 3D shapes using natural materials and describe using positional language. Knowledge and Understanding of the World Children will visit Dow Corning’s wildlife park and Cosmeston lakes comparing the environment and looking at different habitats. They will dissect flowers and observe them using a microscope. Children will also sort items that they collect into living and non-living things and explain why. The children will take digital photographs of flowers that they see and upload them onto a computer. They will then do research to identify the names of common wild flowers found in the woodland environment and develop and understanding of what is needed to help them grow better. Children will begin to name and identify different types of leaves. They will also compare welsh woodland to an overseas location. Physical Development Children will play games in an outdoor setting and discuss the effects of exercise on their bodies. They will learn techniques for building a den on a larger scale using tarpaulin, ropes, wood, knots and trees. Children will create their own out door games using balls and other equipment Personal, Emotional and Social Development Children will establish safety rules for the project and for working in the outdoor environment. They will take a simple picnic to Cosmeston Lakes and discuss the need to wash hands before eating. Children will be encouraged to work as a team to build dens and through circle time, share their experiences and what they have learnt. They will encouraged to articulate one thing that they have done to improve the environment and /or how they will look after and use the woodland environment in the future. Creative Development Children will make rainbow crowns by collecting different coloured leaves from the woodland environment. They will use the outdoor environment to make mud pies, bark rubbings and sculptures using natural objects. They will use their voice to create sounds of the woodland environment an create simple compositions using percussion. They will also sing songs and perform music on a woodland theme. Children will plan and make head dresses for a woodland party.