Horse Breeds
American Quarter Horse Versatile Stock type horse Can be used for western and english pleasure, trail, cutting, roping, jumping, etc. Got its name because it is the fastest horse at a quarter mile HH Colors: All solid colors and markings are accepted and can have paint or pintos characteristics
American Paint Horse Versatile Stock Type Can be any color with common coat patterns being Tobiano, Tovero, and Overo About 15 to 16hh Can be used for cutting, roping, jumping, dressage, Trail, etc.
Arabian Very popular throughout the world Known as a desert horse Very spirited and high strong Avg. 14 to 15 hh Can be all solid colors Have a characteristic dished face
Morgan Horse Used mainly for riding, driving, and competitive trail Bay, Black, and Chestnut are common but all colors are accepted 14.1 to 15.2 hh “Justin Morgan had a Horse” by Marguerite Henry
American Saddlebred Mainly used for riding like saddle seat, Dressage, and jumping Avg. 17 hh Can be almost any solid color
Tennessee Walking Horse Used commonly for leisure riding and trail Can be black, bay, sorrel, chestnut, and white This horse’s smooth gait is called the running walk 15 to 16 hh
Paso Fino The Paso Fino is a gaited horse who walks and canters, but does not trot. Its natural, highly stylized gaits include the paso fino (slowest), paso corto (the preferred gait which is as fast as the trot) and paso largo (fastest). Known as a good trial horse All colors accepted 13.2 to 15.2 hh
Thoroughbred Often used for racing, hunting, jumping, dressage and eventing Famous for its speed and stamina Can be any solid color 15.3 to 17 hh
Mustang Wild horses of North America originated by the Spanish horses left here by the Conquistadors Used mainly for riding and trail All colors accepted 13 to 16 hh
Lipizzaner Considered a white breed, but can be bay, or black Part of there heritage being the White Stallions of Vienna at the Spanish Riding School in Austria Considered the ambassadors of classical dressage Avg to 15.3 hh
Pony Breeds
Shetland Popular children’s pony and driving pony All colors except spotted are accepted 28 to 46 inches
Welsh Pony and Cob Divided into sections A, B, C, and D The Welsh Mountain Pony, section A is the smallest at 12 hands high and the only one still living semi-feral in Wales. The Welsh Pony, section B, is a fancy child’s show pony at 13.2 hands high, found in hunter, pony classes and driving. The Welsh Pony of Cob Type, section C is 13.2 hands high and was traditionally used in the slate mines and farms. Today, it is ridden in hunter/jumpers, under saddle classes and harness. The stocky Welsh Cob, section D is 13.2 hands high and up and was once used on farms. It’s now found in the hunting field, under saddle and in competitive carriage driving. The legs are lightly feathered They can be any color other than pinto
Haflinger All Haflingers are chestnut in color Commonly used for riding, driving, and work Can be very bull headed but have calm temperament 13.2 to 15 hh Usually considered a pony but it is also a draft breed
Prezlwalski’s Horse Asiatic wild horse They are tough horses that can go a long time without water and can exist on very meager rations The Przewalski horse differs from modern day horse by possessing 66 chromosomes instead of 64 The Przewalski is mostly dun with black points, a cream stomach and a dorsal stripe. 12 to 14 hh
Miniature Never used for riding cart and in hand only Must stand under 34 inches Can be all colors
Draft Breeds
Shire The Shire is the most popular draft horse in the United Kingdom They can be black, brown, grey and bay with white feathers on the legs Up to 19 hh
Percheron Draft breed who is being seen more and more in riding classes and Dressage French Percherons are born black and turn gray by age 3. American and British Percherons are gray or black. 15 to 19 hh
Andalusian Of Spanish origin Very elegant horses Used for war Majority of the horses are black with others sometimes being bay or another color Avg. 16 hh Used for riding and driving
Clydesdale Originated in Scotland Usually bay with white feathers on the legs but sometimes can be other colors Avg. 18 hh Used mainly for work and driving Very similar to the Shire except Shires are generally larger and sometimes don’t have as much white on their feathers
Norwegian Fjords Frozen horsey, “Neiiighhhhh” ~Casey Anyway, it’s a very strong draft and can be pony size with their avg. being 15 hh Some variation in color but all have the telltale dorsal stripe running from the forelock to the back
Belgian Draft Very easy to manage Used mainly for driving and working They look palomino or chestnut in color Avg. is 17 hh
Friesian Originated in the Netherlands Used mostly for harness and riding horses Accomplished in the Dressage ring Only black horses are registered, but the color can range from black/bay, dark brown or true black. Only marking allowed is a small white star 14.3 to 16 hh
Gypsy Vanner Also called Gypsy horses, Gypsy Drum Horses, and Gypsy Cobs Most commonly either piebald (black and white) or skewbald (brown and white) but can be any color Commonly used as harness or riding horses Avg. 14 to 15.2 hh