Business Ethics and Social Responsibility GCSE Business and Communication Systems Business and Communication Systems
Students should be able to: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the ethical responsibilities of businesses, with particular emphasis on the role played by ICT in the following areas: Data protection; Copyright, designs and patents; and Computer misuse; Business and Communication Systems
Ethical responsibilities in business includes dealing honestly with partners, providing products and services as promised and fully disclosing all necessary information. Contracts are often written up to ensure that agreements get followed, although they cannot possibly account for every interaction. Ethical Responsibilities in Business Business and Communication Systems
Data Protection The Date Protection Act controls how your personal information is used by organisation, businesses or the government. Everyone who is responsible for using data has to follow strict rules called ‘data protection principles’. They must make sure the information is: Used fairly and lawfully Used for limited, specially stated purposes Used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive Accurate Kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary Handled according to people’s data protection rights Kept safe and secure Not transferred outside the UK without adequate protection Business and Communication Systems
Cont. There is stronger legal protection for more sensitive information, such as: Ethical background Political opinions Religious beliefs Health Sexual health Criminal records Business and Communication Systems
Copyright, Designs and Patents In terms of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, copyright is a property right which is granted to an owner in terms of certain ‘works’. The owner of copyright has exclusive right to: Copy the work Issue copies of the work to the public Perform, show or play the work in public Broadcast the work Make an adaption of the work. e.g. Logo, slogans, name. Music, shape of bottles etc. Business and Communication Systems
Computer Misuse The Act identifies three specific offences: 1.Unauthorised access to computer material (that is, a program or data). 2.Unauthorised access to a computer system with intent to commit or facilitate the commission of a serious crime. 3.Unauthorised modification of computer material e.g. Employees not to use computers for their own use, use of firewall. Business and Communication Systems