IBMS PORTFOLIO Jackie Wales Royal Hospital for Sick Children
The Integrated Degree – The Story so far BMS Modernisation Board – 2005/2006 November/December 2006 – Panic!!! GCU/Laboratory representatives looked at standards and the degree programme 26 main HPC standards covered by the portfolio Mapping exercise West of Scotland Training Manual
6 courses completed in 2007 Feedback from delegates helped in improvements 27 students successfully completed portfolio Laboratories involved Majority of laboratories used the West of Scotland manual or adapted it
2008/ courses – changes based on feedback Introduction of student feedback to TtT 39 students placed February Laboratories involved 20 students graduated 2009 Further improvements implemented based on feedback
COMPETENT SKILLS KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING ATTITUDE Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 IBMS Certificate of Competence
Expectations of a Health Professional Attitude
Name Date Placement commenced University Department of HaematologyHAE-TD-005 Yorkhill Division Local Induction checklist for Integrated degree students
TopicContentDate completed & Initials Operating hours of the department Include an overview of out of hours arrangements and requirement for EWTD rule. Departmental structureStudents should be provided with copy of departmental organisational chart and key roles in the department explained Individual roleWhat they should expect from their placement and what the expectations of the department are. Stress the requirement to recognise the limit of their practice. ConfidentialityBreach treated a serious misconduct reportable to the University, inevitably, resulting in removal from placement. Will receive a Data Protection tutorial SicknessImportant that these students follow same rule as departmental staff. Sickness Absence reporting procedure, also procedure for informing the department of potential lateness. There will also be a procedure and a requirement to inform the University of any sickness absence. General SafetyEmployers/employees responsibilities. Departmental policy. Tutorial on Health and Safety arranged
Generic List of Tutorials
Section 2 – Skills Sample Preparation Labelling Criteria QC/Calibration SOPs/COSHH Basic Laboratory skills Importance of and skills to conduct an audit Research skills
Section 3 Successful completion of a degree programme Adapting skills Health and Safety legislation
Layout of Standards 1A Professional Autonomy and Accountability 1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession: Understand what is required of them by the Health Professions Council. Understand the need to respect and, so far as possible, uphold the rights, dignity and autonomy of every patient, client and user, including their role in diagnostic procedures and therapeutic processes. Be aware of the British, European and International Standards that govern and affect pathology laboratory practice.
KNOWLEDGE Understand role of the Health Professions Council (HPC) and the requirements for registration. Understand the responsibilities of, and statement of conduct for, biomedical scientists. Understand how the HPC Standards of Proficiency apply to professional practice. Be aware of the Institute’s document Good Professional Practice for Biomedical Scientists. Be aware of pathology accreditation systems. Be aware of the legal and professional requirements for the handling, retention, storage and respectful disposal of human tissues and samples
COMPETENCE You must be able to: Explain the role of the Health Professions Council and the requirements for registration. Work in accordance with policies that protect the dignity, privacy and confidentiality of patients. Describe the principles of accreditation systems for pathology laboratories in the UK
EVIDENCE OF ACHIEVEMENT- Shared This section requires the internal assessor to sign that the trainee has successfully achieved fitness to practice. The student should collect and prepare supporting evidence as a separate portfolio and cross-reference the following statements to this.. Observed by laboratory trainer to work in accordance with HPC standard 1a.1. Date of completion: Assessed by (signature) Print name Position: Cross-referenced to ………………….. Student’s signature: Answered questions and/or completed a set piece of work set by trainer related to the competency statement. Date of completion: Assessed by (signature) Print name Position: Cross-referenced to ………………….. Students’s signature: And/or Answered questions and/or completed a set piece of work set by academic tutor related to the competency statement. Date of completion: Assessed by (signature) Print name Position: Cross-referenced to ………………….. Student’s signature:
Suggested examples of evidence: Describe the role of the Health Professions Council and what is required to be a registered biomedical scientist. What is CPA (UK) Ltd? What is the purpose of laboratory accreditation? Describe how the laboratory's in which you have been trained stores and disposes of human samples.
Portfolio and evidence of competence for this standard verified and passed by: External Verifier’s Signature: External Verifier’s Name: Date: Verification
Types of Evidence Witness statement e.g. Standard 1a.3 – Practice within local policy and procedures regarding patient confidentiality
Witness Statement Task Trainee Training Officer Department HPC Standard (s) Details : Signatures of Training Officer/Trainee
Reflective practice sheet e.g. Standard 1b.4 – Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information
Name: Staff Number: HPC Registration Number : Activity Title Date(s) Description Duration of Activity What did you learn? Relevance to current or future work? Future Development Possibilities
Written Assessment e.g. Standard 2a.1 – Be able to select suitable specimens and procedures Annotated material e.g. Standard 2a.2 – Be able to use appropriate assessment techniques
Leucopenia Thrombocytopenia Anaemia White cell differential count Lymphocytosis
QC out of limits QC within limits
Anaemia Microcytic/hypochromic red cell indices
Hypochromic red cells MicrocytesPoikilocyte FBC Results Hb WBC PLT MCV MCH MCHC Thrombocytosis
Other types of evidence Demonstration Discussion Qualification Project work – copy of abstract Video/photographs
ACL TOPS main coagulation analyser used in the laboratory – Venous sample can be processed on this analyser to obtain INR result – used for anticoagulant monitoring – Total time taken from receipt of sample to result – 17minutes Coaguchek portable analyser for measurement for near patient testing of INR – analyser is taken to patient. Total time taken - <5minutes
Group tutorials for generic topics Keep it simple – large volumes of evidence does not guarantee success Remember – Generic not discipline specific Achieve a basic level of competence Use West of Scotland Training Manual What I’ve Learned?
Familiarisation with portfolio results in more effective cross referencing Ability to see the portfolio as a whole and not as individual standards Always thinking ahead e.g. assessment walk round Students talk to each other – have confidence in your methods