1 Methodolegau Addysgu Dwyieithog a Damcaniaethau Dysg Bilingual Teaching Methodologies and Education Theories Dr Elsie C Reynolds.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Methodolegau Addysgu Dwyieithog a Damcaniaethau Dysg Bilingual Teaching Methodologies and Education Theories Dr Elsie C Reynolds

2 NOD Trafod y cysyniadau o addysgu dwyieithog mewn perthynas a damcaniaethau cyffredinol a phenodol AIM Discuss the concept of bilingual teaching in relation to general and specific theories

3 AMCANION Dadansoddi’n feirniadol anghenion sesiwn ddysgu effeithiol Gwerthuso cryfder a gwendidau rhai methodolegau addysgu OBJECTIVES Critically analyse the needs of an effective teaching session Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of some teaching methodologies

4 Defnydd Iaith a Dwyieithrwydd Language Use and Bilingualism Dr Elsie C Reynolds

5 How many countries in the world? How many languages in the world? Examples of countries where more than one language is used. Sawl gwlad sydd yn y byd? Sawl iaith sydd yn y byd? Enghreifftiau a wledydd lle defnyddir mwy nag uniaith.

6 Modelau Addysgu Dwyieithog Bilingual Teaching Models Dr Elsie C Reynolds

7 GWEITHGAREDD 1.Diffiniwch addysg ddwyeithog 2.Trafodwch eich diffiniad mewn perthynas a’r diffiniadau ACTIVITY 1.Define bilingual education 2.Discuss your definition in relation to the definitions



10 TRAFODAETH - YSTYRIAETHAU Cefndir dysgwyr Dulliau dysgu Cynllunio Gweithgareddau Materion megis gallu ieithyddol pawb Dysgu iaith a iaith fel cyfrwng dysgu DISCUSSION - CONSIDERATIONS Learners’ backgrounds Learning styles Planning Activities Issues such as linguistic ability Language learning and language medium

11 Modelau Addysgu Dwyieithog Bilingual Teaching Models

12 MODELS OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION In the same way that bilingualism is a ‘simple label for a complex phenomenon’ (Cazden & Snow 1990), so is bilingual education. To cite Baker (1996, p173): "At the outset, a distinction needs making between education that uses and promotes two languages and education for language minority children. This is a difference between a classroom where formal instruction is to foster bilingualism and a classroom where bilingual children are present, but bilingualism is not fostered in the curriculum. The umbrella term, bilingual education, refers to both situations leaving the term ambiguous and imprecise. Precision can be attempted by specifying the major types of bilingual education."

13 Mae nifer o fodelau ar hyd y byd yn nhermau: eu hamcanion nodweddion (ieithyddol neu arall) y myfyrwyr sy’n cyfranogi rhediad a chyfanswm yr hyfforddiant yn yr ieithoedd a gynhwysir dulliau pedagogaidd maint y gefnogaeth oddi wrth y gwneuthurwyr polisi a’r gymuned A variety of models exist round the world and differ in terms of : their goals, the characteristics (linguistic and otherwise) of the participating students, the sequencing and amount of instruction in the languages involved, their pedagogical approaches, the amount of support from the policy makers and the community.

14 Ferguson, Houghton & Wells (1977) (Yn Baker 2002: 152) Nod addysg ddwyieithog: 1. I gymhathu unigolion neu grwpiau i ganol cymdeithas; 2. I uno cymdeithas amlieithog. 3. I alluogi pobl i gyfathrebu gyda’r byd allanol. 4. I ddarparu sgiliau ieithyddol y gellid eu marchnata, a thrwy hynny sicrhau gwaith a statws. 5. I ddiogelu hunaniaeth ethnig a chrefyddol Ferguson, Houghton & Wells (1977) (Baker 2002: 152) Aim of bilingual education: 1.To assimilate individuals and/or groups into society. 2.To unite a multilingual society 3.To ensure the ability to communicate 4.To provide language skills. 5.To safeguard ethnic and religious identity

15 6.I gymodi a gweithredu rhwng cymunedau ieithyddol a gwleidyddol gwahanol. 7. I ehangu’r defnydd o iaith. 8. I gryfhau grwpiau elitaidd 9. I roi statws gyfartal mewn cyfraith i iaith o statws anghyfartal yn feunyddiol 10. I ddyfnhau deallusrwydd o iaith a diwylliant 6. To actively reconcile different linguistic and political communities 7. To expand the use of language 8. To strengthen elite groups 9. To ensure equal status in law for an unequal langauge 10. To deepen understanding of language and culture

16 Felly: ddim o angenrhaid yn gytbwys gwahanol athroniaeth a dyheadau materion diwylliannol, gwleidyddol, economaidd yn y ddadl Therefore: not necessarily balanced different philosophy and aspirations cultural, political and economical issues in the debate

17...[the] variety of programs that call themselves bilingual seems limitless, including programmes in which the primary language is used for 1% of the day as well as those in which it is used for the entire instructional day. Bilingual education is also used to refer both to classrooms in which teaching is carried out by a certified bilingual teacher in that language and also to classrooms in which a volunteer with no professional training provides the student(s) with instruction or translation. Lindholm-Leary (2001:3)

18... problem of using the term bilingual education so loosely does not result in any lack of understanding among bilingual educators, but rather is because definitions have not been carefully used in implementation. Thus there is no operational definition that is stringently used to clarify whether or not a classroom is following a bilingual education model. Lindholm-Leary (2001:3)

19 Y Gymraeg yw iaith y dysgu yn gyfangwbl Ysgolion lle mae’r Gymraeg yn cael ei defnyddio i ddysgu rhan o’r cwricwlwm Lle mae’r Gymraeg yn cael ei dysgu fel ail iaith yn unig Where Welsh is sole or main medium of instruction Schools having classes where Welsh is used as a medium of teaching for part of the curriculum. Where Welsh is taught as a second language only

20 Ffurfiau Gwan (rhai enghreifftiau o Baker: 153) Gwahaniad: Er mwyn gwahanu plant ieithoedd lleiafrifol yn fwriadol. Allbwn: uniaith orfodol (apartheid) Trawsnewidiol: Iaith leiafrifol. Rhywfaint o’r ddwy iaith yn y dosbarth ar gyfer sicrhau cymhwysiad. Allbwn: Uniaith. Weak forms (Baker 153) Segregationist: Separate minority language children intentionally. Outcome: compulsory monolingualism apartheid) Transitional: Minority language. Some use of both languages in the classroom. Outcome: monolingual.

21 Prif ffrwd: Addysg yn yr iaith fwyafrifol gyda dosbarthiadau iaith (L2) Allbwn: dwyieithrwydd gyfyng Mainstream: Education in the minority language with L2 language lessons. Outcome: Restricted bilingualism.

22 Ffurfiau Cadarn: Trochi: Addysg ddwyieithog gyda phwyslais dechreuol ar ddysgu iaith. Amcan: Dwyieithrwydd cyflawn Cynhaliaeth/Cadwraeth Ar gyfer yr iaith leiafrifol. Dwyieithog gyda’r pwyslais ar L1. Amcan: Dwyieithrwydd cyflawn. Strong Models: Immersion: Bilingual education with initial focus on language learning. Objective: Total bilingualism. Maintenance/Heritage Aimed at minority language. Bilingualism with the focus on L1 Objective: Total bilingualism.

23 Llythrennedd Ddeuol: Defnydd o’r ddwy iaith, lleiafrifol a mwyafrifol. Amcan: Dwyieithrwydd cyflawn. Prif Ffrwd: Defnydd o’r ddwy iaith fwyafrifol. Amcan: Dwyieithrwydd gyflawn. Two-way/Dual Language: Use of both languages. Objective: Total bilingualism. Mainstream: Use of two majority languages. Objective: Total bilingualism.

24 Baker: 155 Considerable variations of language skill in a classroom will often create problems in teaching and class management for the teacher. With students who range from fluent majority language speakers to those who can understand little classroom talk, the burden on the teacher may be great. In such formal ‘context- reduced’ classrooms, there is no reason to assume that children will quickly and effortlessly acquire the majority language skills necessary to cope in the curriculum. Alongside problems of language, there are likely to be problems of social and emotional adjustment for language minority children which tend to have connections with later drop-out rates from high school.

25 Baker: 161 Classroom language communication aims to be meaningful, authentic and relevant to the child’s needs; not contrived, tightly controlled or repetitive. The content of the curriculum becomes the focus for the language. perpetual insistence on correct communication is avoided.

26 Cen Williams Model A - Dosbarthiadau Cymraeg a Saesneg ar wahân Model B - grwpiau iaith ar wahân yn yr un dosbarth Model A – Separate English and Welsh Classes Model B – Separate language groups within the same class.

27 B (i) Dull lleiafsymiol B (ii) Dull B (iii) Darlith 'Fawr': grwpiau llai gyda thiwtoriaid Model C - Datblygu dwyieithrwydd drwy gyfrwng sesiynau uniaith B(i) – Minimalist B (ii) – 50 – 50 B (iii) – Lecture with smaller group tutorials. Model C – Develop bilingualism through monolingual sessions.

28 Model D - Cyflwyno llafar Saesneg: asesu unigolion yn ddwyieithog Model E - Cyflwyniad llafar yn y Gymraeg neu'n ddwyieithog: gwaith ysgrifenedig ac asesiadau yn Saesneg Model D – Oral delivery in English, bilingual assessment. Model E – Delivery in Welsh or bilingual, written work and assessment in English.

29 Programs labeled ‘bilingual education’ hardly ever consist of instruction in two languages equally distributed across the school day. Children in these programs may actually receive instruction in their native language for only a small portion of a school day; sometimes the vernacular may not be used at all. Thus, the labels attached to programs designed to serve the needs of language minority children are often misleading. (Arias & Casanova (eds) 1993b: 17-18)

30 Is there a role for bilingual usage – that is, the use of both languages in the same lessons, in bilingual education? In other words, should the languages always be kept separate, if not, how can they be used co-extensively to promote language learning? (Genesee 2004: 570)

31 James Patrick Cummins BICS - Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills CALP - Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency


33 Cummins (1985)

34 Interdependent hypothesis

35 Iaith bob dydd yn wahanol i iaith academaidd y dosbarth. Datblygiad academaidd yn ddibynol i raddau helaeth ar CALP. Everyday language is different to academic language Academic development is dependent to a great extent on CALP.

36 Cyflwyno Delivery

37 GWEITHGAREDD – DULLIAU CYFLWYNO Trafodwch y gwahanol ddulliau o gyflwyno deunydd yn y ddwy iaith. A oes problemau yn codi gydag un neu fwy ohonynt? A oes dulliau eraill o gyflwyno deunyddiau ysgrifenedig yn ddwyieithog? ACTIVITY – DELIVERY METHODS Discuss the different methods of delivering material in the two languages. Are there difficulties with one or more of them? Are there other methods of delivering written material bilingually?

38 Cyflwyno dwyieithog yn y dosbarth Gwaith grŵp dwyieithog (neu waith grŵp yn y ddwy iaith) Adnoddau dysgu dwyieithog Cefnogaeth unigol yn y ddwy iaith Tiwtorial yn y ddwy iaith Profiad gwaith yn y ddwy iaith Aseiniadau dwyieithog Asesiadau ysgrifenedig yn y ddwy iaith Asesiadau llafar yn y ddwy iaith.

39 CWESTIWN: Pa fath o sgiliau y dylech eu datblygu ac y dylech amcanu i ddatblygu yn eich myfyrwyr? QUESTION: What skills should you aim to develop and what skills should you aim to develop in your learners?

40 Pa fath o sgiliau? Dylech geisio datblygu’r sgiliau canlynol ymhlith myfyrwyr: sgiliau llefaru trafod darllen dehongli ymateb crynhoi cyfieithu trawsieithu. What skills? You should aim to develop the following skills in your learners: oral discussion reading interpretation responding summarise translating translanguaging