Aalto Research Data Management Policy Ella Bingham 8 April 2016 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
Motivations of Aalto Research Data Management Policy 2 Messages: (1) Encourage to careful data management (2) Define the principles of opening Research data management is a key enabler in achieving Aalto University's strategic goals. Aalto and Finland in general have high class data attracting global interest research-wise and business-wise. Managing and curating data creates competitive edge, and allocating resources for that is a strategic choice of the university. Choosing which data to open is a strategic and conscious decision.
Wish list for open data (and any data) 3 Borrowed from H2020 and G8 (You do not have to ensure your data fulfills all these goals prior to opening!) Where applicable, these requirements can also be applied to data other than open access published research data, and to the software needed to handle the open data. 1. Discoverability The location of research data and the necessary software to access the data is known, using a standard international identification mechanism. 2. Accessibility Research data and the necessary software to access the data shall be easily accessible, An embargo period can be agreed upon, to achieve strategic advantage for the creator. The license recommended for research data is Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) and the waiver recommended for metadata is CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication. The license recommended for software is the MIT Licence.
Wish list (cont.) 4 3. Assessability and intelligibility The research data and the necessary software to access the data shall be assessable for and intelligible to third parties for scientific scrutiny and peer review. Published together with related scientific publications. 4. Usability The research data and the necessary software to access the data shall also be usable for purposes beyond the original project. The research data chosen for long-term preservation shall be safely stored and curated. 5. Interoperability Allows data exchange between researcher groups, higher education institutions and research institutions in different countries. Interoperability will also allow for the re- combination of different datasets from different origins.
Opening (or not) is a strategic decision 5 Who owns the research data? The university, if the reseach project was externally funded. The researcher, if the research was university basic funded; but the university still has some rights. Of course in practice the data sets accumulate over several projects. The principal investigator (PI) makes the decisions on opening. Data is not opened if it would violate privacy, safety, security, terms of project agreements or legitimate concerns of private partners. Strategic goals can be achieved by using Creative Commons (CC) licensing and dual licensing schemes.
Status of policy and implementation 6 Research data management policy paper finalized by the working group: Mauri Airila (chair), Anneli Ahvenniemi (secretary), Ella Bingham (Manager of Digi Platform), Maria Rehbinder (Legal counsel of IPR), with Aalto-wide discussion. Policy paper provides links to further material such as Processing of personal data in scientific research. Implementation plan (data storage, counselling etc.) under progress. Also: Aalto University representatives participate in research data management activities at national and EU level.
Questions from the researchers 7 We need practical advice on handling, storing and opening the data. - The implementation plan will help here. Does the university now force me to open my data? - No. It is a strategic decision whether to open or not, and to which extent. Agreements, funder's requirements, and ethical issues need to be taken into account. How can the university utilize the data, if it is owned by the researcher? - If CC BY 4.0 license used, the university gets sufficient rights to re- use the data How can I take full advantage of my data before releasing it? - An embargo period can be agreed
Questions from the researchers, cont. 8 How can I ensure I get credit for the data I release? - The CC BY 4.0 license requires the re-user to acknowledge the creator I don't have time to answer the questions from re-users of my data. - The university does not require you to provide any support to re-users. How can I release software and should I? - Software that you have carefully written yourself to analyze the data can be released too, if you prefer so. - Licenses of software must be taken into account. How do I get merit from opening? - Your research and publications will get more visibility and citations - The science community in your field will appreciate you - In practice, difficult to integrate in the meriting procedures of HR
Implementation: Questions 9 Privacy and data protection: Researchers can release human-derived open data only in a way that satisfies ethical and legal standards. How to do this? Storage of Aalto researchers' data: Mostly in international and national repositories. To complement these, Aalto storage will be built for both open and closed research data. Metadata catalogue needed To gather information of all Aalto researchers' data stored in repositories. Automatically harvested. Advice on licenses and research consents needed
Thank you! 10 Research data management policy paper found at (in English) (in Finnish) aalto.fi Towards a better world.