Welcome to Morning Church. Thanksgiving Thank you Lord, for giving yourself to us And thank you Lord, for making us what we are.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Morning Church

Thanksgiving Thank you Lord, for giving yourself to us And thank you Lord, for making us what we are

You know our needs So come fill our lives we pray That we might serve you only And live our lives to you each day.

Thank you Lord, for washing away our shame And thank you Lord, for healing our sorrow and pain

Our hearts are free For we know that we are loved So help us love each other The way your love was shown to us.

Thank you Lord, for giving us hope and grace And thank you Lord, that we shall see your face

And so we know That your promises are sure So help us see things your way Until the dawning of that day.

Used with Permission CCLI Number Yes we know that your promises are sure So help us see things your way Until the dawning of that day. ”Thanksgiving" words and music by Rob Smith © 1987 Rob Smith Used by permission

Glory of Glories Jesus my Saviour Came to redeem us from guilt and shame Glory of glories

Sent by the Father to gather his children Making us holy and free from all stain.

Gracious Lord Jesus despised and afflicted Went to the cross as a lamb in our place

Bore all our hatred its judgment completed. Freed us forever to live by His grace.

Rose He triumphant, exalted, ascended Death now defeated He reigns as our Lord

Poured out His Spirit who brings us forgiveness Fills us with power to tell forth His Word.

Praise to the Father, Praise to our Saviour Praise to the Spirit who brings us new birth

Used with Permission CCLI Number © Rob Smith Emu Music Stand we in wonder to worship his splendour So come spread His praises throughout all the earth.

Used with Permission CCLI Number 37034

Rock of ages Rock of Ages, Cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee Let the waters and the blood From your wounded side which flowed be for sin the double cure cleanse me from its guilt and power

Not the labours of my hands Can fulfil your law's demands Could my zeal no respite know, could my tears forever flow, all for sin could not atone; You must save, and you alone.

Nothing in my hand I bring simply to your cross I cling; Naked come to You for dress, helpless look to You for grace, stained by sin, to You I cry Wash me, saviour, or I die.

Used with Permission CCLI Number While I draw this fleeting breath; When my eyelids close in death; When I soar through realms unknown, bow before the judgement throne, hide me then, my refuge be Rock of ages, cleft for me. Rev. A.M. Toplady , Music: Ruth Buchanan

Rock of ages Rock of Ages, Cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee Let the waters and the blood From your wounded side which flowed be for sin the double cure cleanse me from its guilt and power

Although we had no claim you held Your hand of mercy to us. What we receive for all our work on earth is pain and death. Your love we do not deserve. We could not save ourselves. And yet You gave a gift of life through Jesus hanging, bleeding on a cross.

In selfishness and sin we have been blinded from Your truth. We hate, we hurt, we hide from You pretending we’re in control. But please now open our eyes. Replace this heart of stone. Make us Your new creation and let nothing keeps us from the love of God.

We praise you God our Father for the gift of Your dear Son. For Jesus Christ who shared our earth and died that we might live. And now You’ve opened our eyes, Replaced this heart of stone, Made us Your new creation and now nothing keeps us from the love of God.

Used with Permission CCLI Number Although we had no claim You held Your hand of mercy to us. © 1996 Philip Percival. Plainsong Music

Please stay and join us for Morning Tea