Economic Development Plans Warringah & Pittwater
Sydney - North East Subregion Home to 280,000 people Total land area of 280km2 82km coastline > 33,300 businesses 85% micro & small High self containment Large and growing home- based jobs Telecommuters > 20% resident workers work in Global Sydney CBD Major Centre – Brookvale – Dee Why
Global Sydney - Connection
Global Economic Development Corridor
Green Amenities Belt
Economic Development Plans ED Plans now completed for 2 adjoining Sydney Metropolitan Councils – Warringah & Pittwater Strong linkages to SHOROC regional planning directions – Shaping Our Future Integrated with Councils’ NSW reporting & planning processes - emerging issues papers to be prepared annually Joint Actions delivered through Councils’ Delivery Plans and Budgets - annually responsive to local & wider business needs
Community Strategic Plan
Councils’ providing Information-Advice-Support to business Recognise the importance of the local and regional economies associated with decisions and specific projects such as - transport, jobs and infrastructure, supporting sustainable economic development Connectivity, liveability, engagement and communication with ‘Global Sydney’ ED Plans initiate and foster business networks, mentoring, partnerships and other mechanisms to connect and grow business ED Plans - context
Transport – future infrastructure Northern Beaches
Some Key Challenges Economic development – a new space for Councils The local economy is small and inhibits substantial investment in new business infrastructure A shortage of key workers able to undertake a variety of jobs to support local business Business leadership has improved but business organisations remain under- resourced A need to develop a whole of community approach to strengthen the economy and integrate the economy with desired social & environmental outcomes
Warringah / Pittwater - the process ED Plans & the NSW Strategic Planning Framework - Sydney over the next 20 years – the new Metropolitan Strategy for Sydney - State Infrastructure Strategy – 20 years - Long Term Transport Master Plan – 20 years - Regional Development Australia - Sydney Plan - Regional Action Plans – Northern Beaches ( 2 year Subregional strategies) SHOROC (Shaping Our Future) - Transport / Tourism / Health / Jobs
Some Key Opportunities Build networks with outside agencies: RDA Sydney, Australian Industry Group, Australian Chamber of Commerce, Property Council, NBN Co, Australian Institute of Export Help strengthen and support local networks – existing SME networks, home based business, exporters, specialist clusters Organise and manage selected economic development initiatives on a regional basis – eg. branding / marketing / workshops / seminars Leverage funding programs from State / Federal government to facilitate local business development opportunities Support SHOROC planning for major transport, health, jobs & infrastructure backlogs
Major Stakeholders NSW Trade & Investment - business support for seminars/ workshops / mentoring programs Pittwater Business Ltd 5 Chambers of Commerce Industry Association partnerships NSI NSWTAFE – Northern Beaches Campus Id informed decisions local and regional data Clusters – marine / creative industries sector examples Local Press Clearly Business BEC Sydney
Community Engagement Developing a broad understanding of business needs and connecting with business – focus groups – targeted interviews - Exploring economic development trends and patterns occurring locally, region, metropolitan and beyond Developing an understanding of business – related assets (soft and hard) locally and regionally Establishing priority topics for ED Plan discussion papers Identification of the business – related services, facilities and processes required to address the priority areas and needs of the community
Some ED Plan lessons learnt Local ED Plans need to understand the broader strategic land use planning context Strengthening regional economic governance is important ED Plans are not too prescriptive about new business opportunities ED Plans provide an enabling environment- encouraging entrepreneurs in a sustainable environment, setting up & growing jobs and business in the area Supporting talented entrepreneurs – older demographic with business skills – young entrepreneurs – business leaders
And more……… Proactive role for local councils to initiate programs for SME’s and start ups Target business sectors that are growing and generating jobs to help accelerate further economic development Understand broad roles of the key business agencies and forge partnerships with all levels of government Provide on-line web support to increase community engagement, build business capability and strengthen the area’s competitiveness Learn what other EDOs are doing - swap ideas - brain storm - keep on networking