TC204 Secretariat Report 27 April 2006 Busan, Korea (Rep. Of)SA)
Membership P-Members: 25 ALGERIA AustraliaJapan AustriaKorea BelgiumMalaysia CanadaNetherlands ChinaNorway Czech RepublicRussian Federation FranceSpain GermanySweden HungarySouth Africa IndiaSwitzerland IsraelUnited Kingdom Italy USA O-Members: 24 BrazilPakistan ChilePhilippines ColumbiaPoland CroatiaRomania CubaSingapore Denmark Slovakia Egypt FinlandSri Lanka Greece Thailand Trinidad Tobago Indonesia Turkey Iran Uruguay Ireland Serbia - New ZealandMontenegro Portugal
Liaisons Internal TC8 Ship and Marine Technologies TC22 Road Vehicles TC104 Freight Containers TC154 Electronic Data Interchange TC211 Geographic Information and Geomatics ISO/IEC JTC1 Information Technology ISO/IEC JTC1/SC31 Automatic Identification and Data Capture Techniques External ITU-R Working Party 6M – Multimedia Broadcasting ITU-R Working Party 8A – Intelligent Transport Systems CEN/TC278 - Road Transport and Traffic Telematics Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
Liaisons – Cont. Internal TC122-TC104 JWG Supply Chain Applications of RFID IEC/TC9 Electrical Railway Equipment External UN/CEFACT/TBG3 - UN Center for Trade Facilitation / International Trade and Business Processes – Transport Working Group IrDA (Infrared Data Association) ETSI / TG37 World Customs Organization
ISO/TC204 Intelligent Transport Systems WG1ArchitectureR.K. Williams – U.K. WG3TICS Database TechnologyM. Shibata - Japan WG4Automatic Vehicle IdentificationK. Evensen - Norway WG5Fee & Toll CollectionJesper Engdahl - Sweden WG6General Fleet ManagementMerged with WG7 WG7General Fleet Management & Commercial/FreightR. L. Sabounghi - Canada WG8Public Transport/EmergencyJohn Bartosiewicz– U.S.A. WG9Integrated Transport Information, Management & Control Ted Vincent – Australia WG10Traveler Information SystemsRalf Duckeck – Germany WG11Route Guidance & Navigation SystemsVACANT WG14Vehicle/Roadway Warning & Control SystemsK. Yamada - Japan WG15Dedicated Short Range Communications for TICS Applications C. H. Rokitansky - Germany WG16Wide Area Communications/Protocols & InterfacesT. R. Shields – U.S.A.
Resolutions Status Report For Portland Resolutions (N1156) For Paris Resolutions (N1111) For Beijing Resolutions (N1052) For Vancouver Resolutions (N1009) For Vienna Resolutions (N972) For Nagano Resolutions (N938) For Chicago Resolutions (N881)
Status of TC204 Secretariat US DOT notified ITS America that it will not fund International Standards activities and support through ITS America ITS America’s management, in turn, decided to terminate International Standards activities, without available funded support (from DOT or other sources) –No funding sources were identified ITS America notified ANSI; and requested that ANSI launch a search (within the US) to seek a new Secretariat ITS America also decided to launch a new, members-only web page –This action terminated the TC204 web page on the ITSA server, as the transfer of Secretariat was also near
Status of TC204 Secretariat – Cont. The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) responded favorably to ANSI’s inquiry TIA notified ANSI its willingness to serve as: –Secretariat of TC204 (internationally) –Administrator of the US TAG to ISO/TC204 (within the US) These transfers require 2 steps: –TIA must enter into a “Delegated Authority Agreement” with ANSI, in order to perform the duties of TC Secretariat and interface with ISO/CS on behalf of ANSI –A vote (within the US only) to transfer the US TAG to TIA The vote to transfer the US TAG to TIA was passed on March 16, 2006
Status of TC204 Secretariat – Cont. At this time, TIA is in the process of finalizing and signing the “Delegated Authority Agreement” The transfer will start as soon as this Agreement has been signed by TIA and approved by ANSI –ITS America is waiting to execute the transfer as soon as TIA and ANSI have entered into this Agreement –The goal is to ensure a transparent transfer under the auspices of ANSI As this Agreement was not signed prior to the Busan meeting, the transfer and the handover should be completed by the Cape Town meeting
Status of TC204 Secretariat – Cont. The following are the personal observations of the Secretariat: TIA may be better suited than ITS America to performs the functions of Secretariat: –TIA is an internationally-recognized Standards Developing Organization (SDO); and has an excellent reputation as such –ITS America was not a SDO –As an SDO, TIA is quite active within ANSI and its sub-committees From a simplistic comparison: –TIA would the equivalent of ARIB in Japan –In a slightly more limited comparison, TIA would be the equivalent of ETSI in Europe.
Future Meetings of TC204 Oct. 2-6, 2006: Cape Town, South Africa Spring 07: North America –Dates and Location TBD Fall 07: Asia –Keep in mind that WC 07 is in Beijing, October 15-19, 2007