PR/Communications 1.Jobs Website 2.Request for Information Process 3.Fact Sheets 4.Orientation 5.Graduate School Insider Newsletter
Jobs website for graduate students Post graduate assistantships and internships: Send information to Information will be posted online, on Facebook, and in Friday Focus Job announcements are not sent out to the listserv
Request for Information Process 1.Prospects fill out “Request for Information” on Graduate School website 2.The Graduate School CRM sends out two letters automatically 3.Information is downloaded the first week of each month, names are sorted and sent to departments 4.New process: We are revising the form to send names automatically to the coordinators. 5.Upon submitting the form, prospects will be directed to a website. The CRM will be set up to send out five letters.
Fact Sheets 1.The fact sheet database feeds the degree programs page: Fact sheets are the most viewed pages of our website 3.Access the database at 4.Instructions for updating information is located on the faculty/staff resources page: 5.Need help with filling out data? Contact me.
New Graduate Student Orientation Tuesday, August 16, 2016 Encourage your students to attend Students learn valuable information, such as: Faculty mentorship Health insurance Assistantships Title IX GPSA Washington State residency
Graduate School Insider Newsletter 1.A new internal WSU newsletter from the Graduate School to inform faculty and staff of new policies, reminders, deadlines, etc. 2.Ideas for content? 3.Coming soon!