Please Get out your Cornell Notes from last night and trade with a partner. We are going to do a peer review so you can see how you did! Please do not talk at this timeOct 17 HW: Cornell Notes for Chapter 7, Sec. 1 (Pg. 39A/B) Due Tuesday. You will have another assignment assigned on Monday, FYI
Peer Review Cornell Notes Vocab with Definitions – Louis XIV, intendants, JB Colbert, War of Spanish Succession Headings- –Louis the Boy King –Louis Weakens Nobles –Economic Growth –Louis Grand Style –Louis Controls the Nobility –Louis supports the Arts –Louis and the Disastrous Wars
Peer Review Cornell Notes Notes- Bullet form, Outline, other ASQ- Who, What, When, Where BSQ- How, Why, Could, Would, Should, What if… Social/Political/Economic- Give examples from the paper in front of you Summary- do they have one? Does it have at least 5 key ideas? They must have at least 5.
Please write this on pg. 38A ! Point of View- point of view refers to how a person or character looks at, or views, an object or a situation There will be three main groups in the French Revolution and each group will have its own point of view about what should happen in France. Understanding Point Of View can also be a life skill. If you understand where a boss or friend is coming from, you are more likely to say the right thing and get what you want or what is best for everyone.
Ant ViewBird View
Student Point of View… How do these students see an upcoming History Test? –A student who feels a lot of pressure from parents to do perfect work all the time. –Student who loves history. –C student trying to maintain a good GPA so they can stay on the basketball team. –Student who doesn’t speak English well. –Student who hates school and is failing everything. –Student who is really good at multiple choice questions.
Please set up a new piece of paper for Cornell Notes. Title: French Rev. Part 1 Pg. 38B I am going to give you the Left Side of these notes for the Front Page which we will use in class during class notes. You will Glue this left side strip to the left side of your Cornell Notes and take your notes on the Right. Name Date Title Summary pg. 38B ASQ:Answer BSQ: Answer Cornell Notes Social Political Economic French Revolution Part 1 Questions/Main ideas/ Key terms/Headings/ Vocab The Players King Louis XVI Queen Marie Antoinette 1 st Estate: Clergy 2 nd Estate: Nobles 3 rd Estate: Peasants BSQ: How do these people feel about their lot in life? ASQ: What is happening in this cartoon? Who are these people? How do you know? BSQ: How does this cartoon portray the peasants of France? Why are the two men standing on the third? Summary, Reflection, Analysis, TOP 5 for this page:
French Revolution: The Players As we look at each group, think about what their point of view might be. What is important to them?
King Louis XVI Grandson of the Louis XIV, the most powerful king in French history, Louis XVI is less powerful, less convincing and a little bit of a loser. He inherits a huge debt and he spends money like water. He prefers parties to government and he lives in the country, at Versailles, where he can easily avoid his people and his duty. He is a weak king, easily influenced by his queen and courtiers.
Queen Marie Antoinette Daughter of Maria Teresa of Austria, and sister to Austria’s king, Marie is not much welcome in France. The two nations are bitter enemies. She is just a young girl when she maries Louis and unused to the customs of the French court. She remains completely isolated from the realities of the lives of her subjects or the situation of her country and regularly gives Louis terrible advice about what to do in government and economy.
French Clergy 1 st Estate The French clergy are the priests, bishops and other religious people in the Catholic church of France. They own 10% of the land of France and collect a Tithe from peasants as a kind of religious tax. Some behave no better than the nobles while others work hard to help the peasants survive failed crops and high taxes. The clergy also serve as teachers to educate some peasants in reading and writing. 1% of the Population
French Nobles 2 nd Estate The French nobility live a life of extreme wealth. They own 20% of the land, pay virtually no taxes and use French peasants as cheep labor. The nobles spend their days amusing themselves, drinking, gambling, hunting, spending money on a lavish lifestyle and living almost completely free of any legal restrictions. Only the King can order them to do anything. Also, Nobles have swords, because they have the right to fight (knights) and kill. 2% of the Population
97% of the Population French peasants belonged in three categories, the Bourgeoisie, or merchants and artisans, the city laborers, who worked in factories and service jobs and the peasants who farmed the land. The last two were mostly uneducated laborers who worked as near slaves for the wealthy French nobility. They had few protections under the law and often suffered greatly from famine, war and taxation. They pay half their income in taxes and they have no say in government. French Peasants 3 rd Estate
BSQ: How do these people feel about their lot in life?
Above the Surface: What is happening in this cartoon? Who are these people? How do you know? Below the Surface: How does this cartoon portray the peasants of France? Why are the two men standing on the third? What is this meant to say? I need some volunteers to recreate this picture and act out the parts! SwordBible Plow Taxes