Healthy Food & Unhealthy Food “You are what you eat”, goes a well known saying. It’s not quite true but its message really means that if you eat healthy foods, you are most likely to be healthy. If you eat nothing but corn chips, you won’t get to look like a corn cob but you certainly won’t be fit and healthy. This is because your body needs a good mix of and healthy
So which foods are good. Almost anything fresh is a good start. Better still is fresh organic food. organic food Oily fish Vegetables, particularly orange- or dark green ones (carrots, chard, broccoli, squashes like pumpkins) Fruits Oats and other fiber-rich grains Pulses (beans, peas) Certain vegetable oils which are high in monounsaturated (olive, canola )monounsaturated
And which foods are bad (By ‘bad’, I don’t mean they will make you sick or anything. Just that you should eat them in moderation.)eat them in moderation Most processed foods – which generally contain sugar, salt and fat Fatty foods like margarines, butter, cream, most cheeses, fatty meat Sugar and sugary foods like cakes and candies Food containing additives and colorings Sugary or diet soda drinks Salty foods Junk food Fast food and takeaways
Junk food Lollies, chips and fast food are called 'junk food'. This kind of food has too much fat in it. It has too much salt in it too. And it has too much sugar. It's OK to eat a little bit, but too much is not good. What is junk food? Lollies, soft drink, potato chips, hot chips, ice cream, and hamburgers, hot dogs and other kinds of take away food are called junk food.
What's wrong with junk food? Too much fat! Junk foods such as hamburgers, pizza, fried chicken and chips usually contain loads of saturated fats. Too much saturated fat in the diet will cause people to put on weight and get fat or obese (very fat). Being overweight is a risk to the health of the heart and can cause other diseases. Too much salt! Junk foods often have too much salt. There's a lot of salt already in foods such as bread, breakfast cereals and biscuits and cakes. So people are getting more salt than they need when they eat junk food. Too much salt is unhealthy for the heart. Too much sugar! Soft drinks, cordials, biscuits, cakes and lollies all have loads of sugar. That's what makes them taste so good! But too much sugar makes people fat, rots the teeth, is bad for the blood and may cause other diseases. Should people eat junk food? Junk food does have some of the good things that the body needs for good health. And the body needs some salt, fat and sugar for energy to burn while we work and play. However too much fat, sugar and salt is bad for our health and eating lots of junk food will overload your body with these things. It is probably OK to eat junk food sometimes! But people should look for foods that are low in fats and salt and sugar. Choose grilled fish and chicken rather than fried, fish burgers instead of beef, grilled lean beef burgers, and vegetarian pizza and pizza with seafood instead of fatty meat type pizza.
Trans fats Trans fats seemed like such a good thing once, enhancing the flavor, texture, and shelf life of many processed foods -- from cookies to frozen pizza. Unfortunately, they come with a health risk. Trans fatty foods tantalize your taste buds, then travel through your digestive system to your arteries, where they turn to sludge. Small amounts of trans fats occur naturally in beef, lamb, and full-fat dairy products. But most come from processing liquid vegetable oil to become solid fat.
What Is Industrial food? I.Its operations strive to increase production and maximize profit. II.These farms can cause much harm to the environment depend heavily on petroleum antibiotics,hormones,and chemicals.
preserves & expiry date
What is the feed additives to the food manufacturer Colorants E100-E180 Conservators E200-E297 Antioxidants agents E300-E321 Toxic & Carcinogenic E102-E110-E120-E124-E127-E211- E220-E225-E230-E250-E251-E252-E311-E320-E330-E407- E450 Cause disturbances in the intestines E221-E222-E224- E Cause disturbance in the skin E220-E231-E232-E233 Cause digestive problem E339-E340-E400-E341-E461-E422 E463-E464-E330 Cause renal problems E447
Vitamin A is needed for healthy eyes and skin and for growth. It’s found in eggs, milk, spinach, carrots and nectarines. Vitamin D is necessary for strong bones and teeth and is found in milk, fish and eggs. Vitamin E helps maintain healthy body tissue, and is important in the development of red blood cells. It’s present in whole grains, such as wheat and oats, leafy green vegetables, sardines, egg yolks and nuts. Vitamin K helps blood clot, important when you have a cut. It’s to be found in leafy green vegetables, liver, pork and dairy products. Water-soluble vitamins need to be ingested every day as any excess isn’t stored but is passed out of the body in the urine. They’re found mainly in fruit, vegetables and grains. Vitamin C helps you fight infection, it helps wounds heal and it helps maintain body tissue. It’s one of the best-known vitamins and you’ll find it in citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, cabbage and tomatoes. Vitamin B comprises a whole group of vitamins including B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid. Like Vitamin E it helps make red blood cells, but its prime task is to provide energy when you need it. Whole grains, seafood, poultry, meat, eggs, leafy green vegetables, beans and peas, dairy products and citrus fruits are all good sources.
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Finished done By : Ashraf Al-Mohtar