Body & Soul A Celebration of Healthy Eating & Living
Most African Americans Need to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Every Day* Over 75% of all African American adults and children aren’t eating enough fruits and vegetables to keep them healthy *Daily servings of fruits and vegetables recommended as part of a healthy, active lifestyle.
What is Body&Soul? Body & Soul is a wellness program for African American churches It empowers church members to eat 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day for better health
The Blessings Of Body&Soul Body & Soul churches embrace and celebrate good health through healthy eating. Body & Soul congregations: Eat more fruits and vegetables Learn how health and spirituality are connected Embrace other healthy habits
+ The Genesis Of Body&Soul Body&Soul is based on 20 years of successful programs in African American churches across the country from the late 1990’s through 2003 when it became nationally disseminated. Developed by the National Cancer Institute in collaboration with the American Cancer Society, the University of North Carolina, University of Michigan, and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
+ Why Body&Soul in Southern NV? African Americans are at high risk for many serious and often fatal diseases: Many cancers High blood pressure Diabetes Heart disease Stroke Many Cancers African Americans are more likely to suffer serious health problems and die from these diseases
Why Body&Soul? Prevention works! Eating servings of fruits and vegetables as part of an active lifestyle lowers the risk for EVERY diet related chronic disease
+ What’s a Serving ? It’s all in your hand One serving of fruits and vegetables fits in the palm of your hand
The Colors of Health They are the best source of vitamins, minerals and fiber They are packed with hundreds of phytochemicals They are low in fat and calories Only fruits and vegetables give you all of these nutrients together Vitamin pills and supplements cannot offer all of this
+ The Good News for Children Fruits and vegetables give children many of the nutrients they need to develop strong muscles, bones, and teeth. Eating more fruits and vegetables when they are young will make it easier for them to choose healthier foods as adults
+ The Good News for Adults Lower you chances for diabetes Reduce high blood pressure Lower your chances for heart disease and stroke
Then God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.’” Gen. 1:29 “Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all unto the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 Bringing Body & Soul To Your Church
+ The Four Pillars Of Body & Soul 1. A pastor who is committed and involved, 2. Church activities that promote healthy eating, 3. A church environment that promotes healthy eating, and; 4. Peer Advocates and teams that motivate church members to eat a healthy diet All four pillars must be in place to build an effective Body&Soul program.
Pillar 1: A Pastor Who Is Committed And Involved Pastor support sends a clear message to the congregation The program is in keeping with the mission of the church Helps church members see the link between physical health and spiritual well being
Pillar 3: A Church Environment That Promotes Healthy Eating Body & Soul gives church members the opportunity to eat better at church events, Serving more fruits and vegetables at the church shows that it is committed to the health of the congregation, Healthy eating becomes a part of church life
Pillar 4: Peer Counseling That Motivates Members To Eat A Healthy Diet We have modified what the Peer Counseling component of Body & Soul does. For us….trained Advocates and teams helps motivate and provide technical/educational background to design programs to eat more fruits and vegetables
Customize Your Body&Soul Program Today Help your pastor and congregation to commit to implementing B&S Have your Pastor sign a Memorandum of Agreement to fully participate in the Southwest Region Body&Soul Program Create your B&S Team Create and implement your Healthy Eating Policy Implement a Physical Activity Policy Conduct regular B&S activities and document it with the Southern NV Body&Soul Program For more information: contact our Regional Administrator: Charlene A. Day, PhD Executive Director Education For Quality Living Las Vegas, NV