Emerging Markets
How to invest ETFs Mutual Funds Index Funds
ETFs and Mutual Funds
Sector Breakdown
Index Funds Similar to an ETF or mutual fund but tracks an entire index Check leverage ratios SQQQ
Emerging Market Indicators
GDP and Inflation Connection critical in determining growth When does inflation occur? Inflation rate compared to GDP growth rate Can find real and nominal rates online
GDP GDP growth found to be uncorrelated to real returns
GDP Continued
Surprises in GDP
Trade Balance Difference between a country’s imports and exports Recessions trigger increase in export Growth triggers increase in imports
Current Account Exports less inputs Net income from abroad Net current transfers Current account surplus increases net foreign assets by amount of surplus
Trailing P/E Ratio Why is it important? Based on actual earnings Most accurate
Common Fallacy Economic indicators do not tell the whole story GDP growth does not equate to positive earnings growth
Debt to Export Ratio Shows debt needed to fuel exports High D/E ratio means more financing needed to fuel exports Lower D/E is desired
Emerging Markets Risk Foreign Exchange Rate Non – Normal Distribution Insider Trading Regulations Liquidity Capital Raising Governance Bankruptcy Political Risk
Foreign Exchange Risk Investments produce returns in origin country’s currency Investors must convert to realize gains in USD Currency fluctuations can impact total returns of security
Non – Normal Distribution Returns of developed markets follow normal distribution Emerging markets do not follow this distribution Cannot use historical data
Insider Trading Regulations Lax insider trading laws Introduce market inefficiencies Prices will deviate from intrinsic value Highly Speculative
Corruption Index Country’s with lower corruption figures likely have stricter regulations on insider trading Lower rates of corruption mean lower risk for emerging market portfolio
Liquidity Less liquid than developing markets Higher broker fees Slower transactions Share Turnover = Total shares traded / Average # of Shares Outstanding
Raising Capital Improper access to financing Increased WACC Lower WACC lower NPV Less profit generating projects
Global IR 2012
Governance Weak corporate governance Government often involved Restrictions on corporate takeovers
Bankruptcy Increased chance of bankruptcy Freedom to cook books Higher interest rates on corp. debt Heavier financial burden
Corporate Bankruptcy Filings
Political Adverse political decisions War Tax Increase Loss of subsidy Change of market policy Inability to control inflation Laws regarding resource extraction
HDI Difficult to quantify political risk but perhaps can use figures such as HDI
China Analysis Shanghai Composite Index closes out Q1 as worst preforming global measure – down 15% March rebound has helped
Volatility and Price Swings
New Investors
P/E Ratios
Would you invest in China?