Funding ‘Active West Lancs’ partnership commissioned by LCC to deliver a three year programme to improve Health & Wellbeing Possible 2 x 12 month extensions - subject to contract and funding availability £173,106 per annum
Five local partners involved: West Lancashire Borough Council West Lancs CVS – Community Food Growing West Lancs School Sports Partnership West Lancs Community Leisure Trust Skelmersdale Community Food Initiative
What is ‘Active West Lancs’? It’s a partnership to improve the Health and Well Being of the population of West Lancashire Offer programmes of early intervention and prevention activities for obesity prevention, weight management and physical activity Target different sections of the community using local facilities and green spaces Both medical referral and self referral onto specific courses
Partners delivery initiatives: West Lancashire Borough Council: Co-ordinate overall project including administration support, publicity and promotion Deliver an enhanced ‘Walking Programme’ that covers a wide range of countryside and health walks that are accessible to all Co-ordinate GP referral appointments, bookings and reviews Actively encourage and develop the use of our Green Gyms within our parks and green spaces
Community Food Growing: Support existing allotment sites and CFG and help create new ones Encourage the development of school allotments & getting youngsters involved in understanding where the food comes from Running events for primary schools to showcase their school allotments Aim to get more people active, especially those looking for something interesting to do
Skelmersdale Community Food Initiative: Move for Health – weekly low impact exercise session which can be chair-based or standing 12 wk challenge – looks at all aspects of healthy diet & lifestyle including recognising & dealing with barriers to eating healthily Supported gym sessions – 6 wk programme for those with existing health conditions with low mobility & low confidence Cooking Programme – ‘Eat Well For Loss’ - 2hr sessions to learn how to cook & eat foods that support weight loss Pre & Post-natal Programme – 2hr sessions for mums to recognise the importance of looking after themselves and address personal barriers & concerns for own wellbeing
West Lancs School Sports Partnership: Deliver a 12wk programme in schools that will see a number of interventions offered from the following programmes: ‘ Born to Move’ – geared to take the effort out of activity and make it fun! Age appropriate motor skills that improve agility, balance, co-ordination, endurance, flexibility & speed. Health & Wellbeing Lessons – new & innovative resource for teaching young people the key messages around health promotion themes inc: Be Weight Wise, Healthy Heart, Health Eating, Sun Awareness, Get Active, Sexual Health, Mental H&W, Oral Health Focus Groups – target those at greatest risk from childhood obesity Fit Families – encourage to learn and change habits to lead a more healthy, active lifestyle Mass Participation Events
West Lancs Community Leisure Trust: Offering physical activity & weight management services based out of four leisure centres across the Borough Gp Referral: 12 week programme ( £12) Three tier system based upon individual needs – Tier 1 : Three one to one assessments at weeks 1, 6 & 12 with fully supervised swim or gym sessions Tier 2 : Three one to one assessments at weeks 1, 6 & 12 with at least one fully supervised gym or swim session per week and unlimited unsupervised self guided exercise Tier 3 : Three one to one assessments at weeks 1, 6 & 12, self regulated swim or gym sessions Born to Move – weekly sessions for 8-12yrs ‘Drop in’ weekly supervised swim sessions Free gym/fitness class/swim trials during the year
Publicity & Promotion Active West Lancs own website – central point of focus for all information (address to be confirmed asap) Links to & from existing partner websites Use of varied digital and social media will be embraced across all our interventions Active West Lancs Membership – allow local residents/participants to sign-up for free to be kept informed of all the latest AWL news, sessions etc. available to them!
Emma Davies, Project Co-ordinator Tel: Website: TBC