Entrepreneurship Education in Poland Aleksander Surdej Cracow University of Economics, Department of European Studies 5 th ERENET JUBILEE ANNUAL MEETING 20 May 2011, Budapest, Hungary, Budapest Corvinus University
Plan of Presentation 1.Introduction 2.Entrepreneurship as a Meta- Competence in Modern Societies 3.Functions of Entrepreneurship Education at the Level of High Schools 4.Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education 5.Conclusions
Introduction Factors that Enhance the Importance of Entrepreneurship in Modern Economies 1)Structural Change – Away from Large Enterprises; 2)Accelerated Pace of Innovation; 3)Changes in Labour Markets – Towards Entrepreneurship and Self- Employment;
Entrepreneurship as a Meta Competence Introducing educational programme with regard to entrepreneurship and preparing young people to economic life in the new economic reality has become a policy instrument to increase the approval of the market economy in Poland; In the EU ‘educational area’, entrepreneurship has become one of the eight key competencies, along with, among others, communication in the mother tongue and foreign languages, competencies in the fields of mathematics or ICT (information and communication technologies). It seems however more appropriate to call entrepreneurshp a meta- competence necessary to top all other substantive competencies.
EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK TO STIMULATE TEACHING ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN HE INSTITUTIONS 1.Implementing the Community Lisbon Programme: Fostering Entrepreneurial Mindsets through Education and Learning (COM/2006/0033) - a document recommending intensive actions to boost education for entrepreneurship; 2.The Oslo Agenda for Entrepreneurship Education in Europe - final declaration of the conference Entrepreneurship in Europe: Fostering Entrepreneurial Mindsets through Education and Learning (October 2006, Oslo) - creating a list of recommended actions to support education of entrepreneurship in HE institutions; 3.Entrepreneurship in higher education, especially in non-business studies. Final report of the expert group - the report recommending among others the introduction of a course: „Introduction to entrepreneuship and self-employment” and the creation of university centers for entrepreneurship. The European Commission Encourages to Teach Entrepreneurship
Three Functions of Entrepreneurship Education I.Teaching how to be entrepreneurial: behavioral changes as a criterion of effectiveness; II.Teaching how to become an entrepreneur – the quantity and quality of entrepreneurshp; III.Teaching about entrepreneursihp – legitimacy of entrepreneurship.
Basic Assumptions Behind Entrepreneurship Education at High School Level in Poland Entrepreneurship education ought to start in gymnasium (within the subject “civics”) and be continued in all types of post-gymnasium schools within the subject “introduction to entrepreneurship”; Entrepreneurship as one of the key competencies in the education strategy of EU should play a large role in the education systems of the member states, including Poland; Entrepreneurship education is not possible without educating competent teachers of the subject; Entrepreneurship education requires special organisational conditions to conduct classes; [Based on: T. Rachwal, 2009]
Entrepreneurship Teaching Contents in the Polish Gymnasium Curriculum CONTENT AND TOPICS 24. Work and entrepreneurship. 25. Market economy. 26. Household. 27. Money and banks. 28. National economy. 29. The enterprise and economic activities. 30. School and profession choices. 31. Ethics in economic life. 20. European integration (including EU budget). 21. Poland in the European Union (including the Union funds). 23. Problems of the contemporary world (including economy globalisation).
Entrepreneurship is a mandatory teaching subject in secondary schools in Poland, but not in HE institutions; Teaching entrepreneurship in HE is concentrated in private business schools, but rare in public (humanistic or technical studies); It seems necessary to broaden teaching entrepreneurship across all types of HE institutions; To do it there is need to offer support to train teachers to increase the quality of the offered entrepreneurship courses since the beginning. TEACHING ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN HE INSTITUTIONS IN POLAND
1.Games (decision games, simulations, planning, projects, problem solving) 2.Simulating the firm’s functioning 3.Conceptual maps 4.Discussions 5.Group work and ideas generating; 6.Case studies; 7.Workshops; 8.Preparing business plans; 9.Open lectures by practitioners; METHODS FOR TEACHING ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN HE EDUCATIONAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS FILLED WITH INTERACTIVE TEACHING METHODS
Number of Entrepreneurs and Self-Employed in the Total Number of Working Persons in the EU in 2007 (%) 12
Conclusions I. It seems that teaching entrepreneurship has not promoted proper preparation of young people to start and run their own businesses. BUT: II. It may promoted the understanding of the working of market systems and hence increased the legitimacy of entrepreneurs
Thank you! Budapest, 20 May, 2011 Prof. Aleksander Surdej Department of European Studies Cracow University of Economics