Session 1 Take Stock of Your Resources
Course Overview Session 1: Take Stock of Your Resources Session 2: Basic Equipment Required: Planning and Research Session 3: The Legal Terrain Session 4: Manage from the Ground Up Session 5: Plant It, Grow It, Market It! Session 6: Reap the Benefits – Marketing Strategies Session 7: Get Your Budgets in Line Session 8: Analyze THESE: Cash Flow & Financial Statements Session 9: Cultivate Your Money Resources Session 10: Harvest Your Future.
Participant Materials SESSION OUTLINES - One Page Session by session outline for the course TEXT – ”Tilling the Soil of Opportunity...” NxLevel tm Guide for Agricultural Entrepreneurs WORKSHEETS – NxLevel tm Agricultural Business Plan Worksheets RESOURCE GUIDE – NxLevel tm Agricultural Business Resource Guide OTHER – Case Study Class Handouts & Supplemental Material
CLASS AGENDA 1.Class Opener 2.Instructor Topics 3.Guest Speaker BREAK Refreshments Networking Activity 4. WORK HOUR Discussion Groups Worksheet Activities Business Plan Sections
Expectations & “Ground Rules” ATTENDANCE: *Absenteeism *Being on time PARTICIPATION: *Discussion *Confidentiality *Listening ASSIGNMENTS: *Reading *Worksheets *Written Business Plan Sections *Format GENERAL: *“Safe” environment to test ideas *Ask questions *Add “ground rules” as needed
Importance of Entrepreneurship & The Importance of YOU! Small Business employs about 54% of the workforce nationally. Contributes 52% of all sales. Provides the majority of new jobs.
What is an Entrepreneur? “One who sees an opportunity, sizes up its value, and finds the resources to make the most of it.” ARE ENTREPRENEURS BORN or MADE? Entrepreneurs are Innovators! They have: A strong desire to create something new. A vision of how the business will grow. AND THE DRIVE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Shattering Entrepreneurial Myths Entrepreneurs are born, not made. In fact, almost anyone can learn these skills. Entrepreneurs are their own bosses. In fact, they work for many people—investors, bankers,customers, employees and family members. Entrepreneurs set their own hours. In fact, entrepreneurs work long and hard for their success. Entrepreneurs love high-risk ventures. Most successful entrepreneurs do everything in their power to MINIMIZE risk! Entrepreneurs are all young “techies” working in Silicon Valley! In fact, entrepreneurship is not governed by industry, age, sex, or geography.
What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur? 1.Passion 2.Persistence 3.Good Health/Energy 4.Creativity/Innovation 5.Independence/Self-reliance 6.Intuition 7.Self-confidence 8.Market Awareness 9.Lack of Need for Status 10.Ability to Accept Challenges 11.“Hard Work” Ethics
Ongoing Self Assessment Entrepreneurial or NOT? Where do you fit between one and ten? 1.Highly motivated to grow and succeed -- Status quo isn’t so bad, and safer. 2.Enjoy self-directed work -- Need a task list from someone else. 3.Lines between work/play blurred -- Work must have a beginning and end. 4.Energetic, enthusiastic -- Times are tough and getting tougher. 5.Creative, lots of new ideas - - Things were better before. 6.Takes prudent risks with capital – Looking for a sure thing. 7.Active, involved “owns” the effort – Re-active, does what seems to be popular. 8.Researcher: papers, internet, meetings – Others know more than I do. 9.Into everything, hold me back! – Leave it to the experts. 10. Inquisitive, tries anything once – Rarely departs from the familiar. 11.Convincing on “the idea” – Maybe I shouldn’t. 12.Competitive – I’ll never catch up. 13.A doer – An observer. 14.Enjoys being the boss – I answer to EVERYONE else. 15.Sees problems as opportunities – sees opportunities as problems.
Risks & Rewards of Entrepreneurship Risks & Drawbacks Failure – One must assume the emotional and financial risks of failure. Time – It takes a tremendous amount of time to make a business successful. Most report hours per week as “NORMAL”! Family – Because of the strain of operating a business, the family may suffer. Money – Most start-up entrepreneurs have their own money at risk. Rewards Independence – For many, the freedom to act independently is paramount in their decision to be their own boss. Money – The financial return from their own efforts is not limited to normal work for normal pay. Fun – Entrepreneurs describe what they do as Fun…it’s what they WANT to do!
Personal & Family Considerations Worksheet Economic, Environmental & Societal Considerations Worksheet Your Personal Agricultural Knowledge & Human Resources Available for the Venture General Business Skills Physical (Land & Equipment) Resources Entrepreneurial Traits Self- Assessment Worksheet Personal Financial Resources Assessments & Resources Inventories
The NxLevel tm Agricultural Business Plan Cover Page Table of Contents I. Executive Summary II.Business Concept, Mission, Goals General Description of the Business Personal & Business Mission Statements Goals & Objectives III.Background Information The Industry The Business “Fit” in the Industry IV.Organizational Matters Ownership Regulations & Contracts Management Issues Succession & Estate Planning V.The Marketing Plan The Products/Services The Market Analysis Marketing--Strategies VI.The Financial Plan Managing Books & Records Budgets & Assumptions Cash Flow Projections Additional Financial Information Conclusion Appendix Section