CAREER AND LIFE TRAJECTORY HAS CHANGED Society is changing from predictable, solid state to a liquid one Work is now a complex social phenomenon Rather than being “planful”, people are strategic Modern societies tend to consider work as offering us a major opportunity to fully achieve oneself Careers are increasingly becoming like the flight of a Bumble Bee – touching down and then looking for the next chance
MEGA TREND 1: THE GREAT RECESSION Global economy in throes of worst economic storm in century Jobs in jeopardy Slow, faltering recovery Governments in record debt
MEGA TREND 2: AGING POPULATION Declining birth rate since 1967 Later marriage & fewer children Boomers retiring ( in 2012) Growing concern: Dependency Ratio Immigration can’t offset natural decline
“The linear path from school to career, home ownership, and family has disappeared.” Community Foundations of Canada, October 2012 END OF THE TALENT PIPELINE 100 Grade 9 Students: <30 will graduate without delay with a post- secondary degree, diploma, certificate 14-20% youth unemployment (Statistics Canada) 39% mal-employed or underemployed (Sun Life Financial Canada Poll of year olds, November, 2012) 90% of Youth feel Excessive Stress. Why? Economic instability and underemployment (Sun Life, Nov 2012) 2013 summer jobs at lowest level since 1977 (C.D. Howe Institute)
THE PERFECT STORM…… What’s Happening to our youth?
“According to a 2014 poll by After College, an online entry-level job site, 83% of US college seniors graduated without a job this spring. Even when they finally get jobs, the positions are often part-time, low wage or not related to their education or career interests. The problem isn’t the quality of higher education, so what’s missing?” Is Your Student Prepared for Life? New York Times, Aug 31, 2104
CAREER ENTRY FEE IS HIGH AND OFTEN WASTED By 2031 approximately 77% of the workforce will require a post-secondary education or training. (Jobs of the future: Options and Opportunities, Rick Miner, PHD, March 2012) Over the past third of a century all net job growth has been generated by positions requiring some post-secondary education.” BUT through uninformed choices, the education is often wasted Pathways to prosperity, 2011 Harvard Graduate School of Education
Aligning Career Choices to Future Opportunities
WHAT IS CAREER DEVELOPMENT? “Career Development is the lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure, and transitions in order to move toward a personally determined and evolving preferred future.” Source: Canadian Standards and Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT IS: Lifelong Career development is not summed up in a single decision.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT IS: Managing Career development will happen whether it is managed or not. The question is the extent to which you want to influence your career direction versus leaving it to chance.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT IS: Learning, work and transitions Career development is the mechanism by which learning (formal and informal), work (paid and unpaid) and the transitions between are navigated.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT IS: Personally determined Career development is about intentionality. Done well, it ensures that the decisions we make about learning and work are grounded in knowledge of self (personal interests, attributes, values and skills), and knowledge of educational/labour market realities (conditions, finances, prospects, entry requirements, progression and pathways).
CAREER DEVELOPMENT IS: Evolving preferred future Career development recognizes that both we and our labour market change over time. What we want and what is possible are not static.
WHAT IS CAREER DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION? The curricula and programs that: 1.Provide information and experiences that 2.Help youth make meaningful career and education decisions 3.Focuses on age appropriate learning experiences
WHAT DOES CAREER DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION DO FOR YOUTH? Equips youth to: 1.make meaningful links between general education and work-life roles 2.make relevant career choices across their lifespan 3.develop a positive attitudes towards change recurrent career transitions
CAREER DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION LEARNING Three Learning Opportunities to build career development competencies k-12 Career Awareness Career Exploration Career Engagement
CAREER AWARENESS LEARNING EXPERIENCES Help students build awareness of the; 1. variety of careers available, the 2.skills and competencies need to be successful 3.postsecondary education expected for these careers. 4.opportunities available across a wide range of industry sectors
CAREER EXPLORATION LEARNING EXPERIENCES Provide students with the opportunity to 1.explore career options in a way that contributes to motivation for learning and 2.inform students’ decisions about further experiences and career and educational options 3.learn about targeted careers more deeply, are more personalized to the student’s interests
CAREER ENGAGEMENT LEARNING EXPERIENCES Career Engagement Experiences are learning experiences that can occur both in the classroom or worksite and They link student’s learning and skill development to the world of work and learning beyond high school. Examples Career Preparation experiences support higher-level college and career readiness). Career and Skills Training experiences prepare students for employment in a specific range of occupations.
HOW DO WE SUPPORT POSITIVE OUTCOMES Educators and employers must collaborate to provide work-based and project-based learning opportunities for secondary and post- secondary students. Career counselling must be enhanced so students choose pathways based on their unique interests, talents, and aspirations, and on contemporary workforce needs. All learning pathways to career roles in demand in the workforce deserve equal priority and respect. Students must develop the competencies to respond to the work environment that has passed from a solid phase of modernity to a liquid one.
How will you support students in their life/work journey? What’s your next step?
The following are just some extra slides
“To ask: What kind of career is best and possible for me is to ask: How should I live my life?” R. Vance Peavy, 2002
BLUEPRINT FOR LIFE/WORKS DESIGN Personal Management Build and maintain a positive self image Interact positively and effectively with others Change and grow throughout one’s life Learning and Work Exploration Participate in life-long learning supportive of life/work goals Locate and effectively use life/work information Understand the relationship between work and society Life/Work building Secure/create and maintain work Make life/work enhancing decisions Maintain balanced life and work roles Understand the changing nature of life/work roles Understand and engage and manage one/s own life/work building process
A goal stated by SD 23 on their Career Programs page is a great example to get plan developers started: Our Goal: Every student will graduate with the attributes, credentials and experiences to connect their career life plan with their individual talents and passions in pursuit of a balanced, meaningful and fulfilling life.
ADD IN GRAPHIC Graphic Career Development Cycle (discover)Know yourself – identify your interests, skills, values, strengths and personality type (self reflection/assessment) Explore Options – learn about academic and career options (connecting with people in different occupations, try out some activities) Engage – test the waters and learn through experience. (join a club, work experience) Make decisions –connect knowledge about yourself and the world of work to begin making career decisions/plans Set goals – set your career goals and develop strategies to meet them. Learn how to job search or prepare for further learning