Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Staff Training LM10595 Designed by Learning Materials
CEIAG Training: Aims and Objectives Aim: To provide an overview of the CEIAG offering across the college and to guide those involved in delivering the provision in best practice. Objectives: By the end of the session staff will be able to: Be aware of the current government focus / strategy on careers. Understand recent changes to the CEIAG policy and CEIAG checklist. Know where to find up to date resources and materials. Gain confidence in delivering specific aspects of the CEIAG programme.
CEIAG Government Focus New Government ‘white papers’ setting out the agenda for Careers in Further Education. Department for Education / Department for Business Innovation and Skills, Careers Guidance and Inspiration: Guidance for general further education colleges and sixth form colleges (March 2015) OFSTED, Further Education and Skills Inspection Handbook from September handbook-from-september-2015
CEIAG Government Focus Key changes to strategy and thinking: (DFE, Careers Guidance and Inspiration, March 2015) CEIAG should: Ensure all students have access to ‘perspectives beyond college’. Provide a ‘more direct experience of the world of work, a clear view of the labour market and a good understanding of progression routes’. ‘Inspire and inform young people about the full range of education, training and employment opportunities available’. Have emphasis on linking with employers and outside agencies to offer other perspectives. Raise ambitions and encourage students to overcome barriers. Be provided in an independent and impartial manner.
CEIAG Government Focus Key changes to strategy and thinking: OFSTED 2015 In the revised guidelines of June 2015, careers is now inspected under ‘Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare’. In making a judgement Inspectors will consider: ‘The extent to which learners … know that they have the potential to be a successful learner on their current and future learning programmes, including at work.’ ‘The proportion of learners who benefit from purposeful work-related learning, including external work experience where appropriate to their learning programmes and/or their future career plans, and how well they contribute to their workplace, including on work experience, as a valued member of the workforce.’ ‘How well learners develop … employability skills … required to achieve their core learning aims and appreciate the importance of these skills in the context of their progression and career aims.’ ‘Learners’ use of the information they receive on the full range of relevant career pathways from the provider and other partners, including employers, to help them develop challenging and realistic plans for their future careers.’
Our New Delivery Model Revised CEIAG Policy and Checklist (see staff noticeboard). One to one careers support with qualified professionals available to all students. Moodle – virtual jobs board, updated resources and links. Jobs board in LRC and at Daventry, Silverstone and Higham. Monthly careers presence at Daventry, Silverstone and Higham. Improved co-operative working with Student Support, Student Welfare, HE, Young Person’s Liaison and Apprenticeships teams. Improved support for ‘transitioning’ students. New workshop materials – CV writing, interview techniques, job applications, confidence building, professional conduct, progression routes. Coming soon – new Kudos Pathways (replacing Adult Directions). Coming soon – careers support for Alumni of the College.
The New Careers Organisational Structure
New CEIAG Checklist Criteria: Prepare personal career action plans and set personal, career and educational goals that are SMART. Understand importance of developing own skills, be aware of own strengths, barriers and areas of weakness and how to overcome/improve these. Ideas for delivery: New action plan template (Library Server: Y: Careers and Workshop Materials) which is pre-populated to satisfy this criteria. Career Diagnostic Programmes (e.g. Adult Directions) available through Moodle and through National Careers Service website One to one guidance appointments.
New CEIAG Checklist Criteria: Define the range of options and opportunities available at the end of their program and understand what is required in order to pursue them. Investigate programs of further study and progression routes within their chosen field and make informed and considered career decisions based on current and specific labour market information. Ideas for delivery: Workshop style/seminar delivery. Attending industry events, conferences and careers fairs. Guest speakers from industry UCAS course finder (support available through Learning Advisors). Industry specific resources in the Careers Library. Work experience / volunteering. One to one guidance appointments. Just an aside: National Careers Week 7 th – 11 th March 2016.
New CEIAG Checklist Criteria: Complete application documentation (paper based and electronic) and a Curriculum Vitae to a high standard according to their industry requirements. Demonstrate good interview skills following support from Careers Education Staff, Tutors and Learning Advisers. Ideas for Delivery: Workshop style/seminar. Invite an industry recruiter to speak about CVs / recruitment processes. Mock interviews. Work experience. Encourage applications to voluntary / paid part time work.
New CEIAG Checklist Criteria: Understand and articulate the value of work/commercial experience and work related learning through direct experience. Access information, advice and guidance on setting up their own business and self-employment processes if applicable. Ideas for delivery: Student evaluations following work experience / voluntary placements. Utilise links with University Northampton Enterprise Team. Guest speakers from industry who are self employed. Taster days with employers. Attending careers events, trade fairs. Workshops on professional conduct (materials available).
Useful Resources Labour Market Information: Office for National Statistics – Sector Skills Councils – National Careers Service – Prospects – Department for Employment and Learning – information-statshttp:// information-stats Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership – General job websites (the best way to see what is going on in the job market at the moment!): c2fa1fd6-82ac-4eeb-9bf5-73f5366cb7a7&k_trackingid=53x210216http:// c2fa1fd6-82ac-4eeb-9bf5-73f5366cb7a7&k_trackingid=53x
Specific Points to Remember The information, advice and guidance you give out needs to be: Current (Source more than a year old? Is it still valid?) Impartial (You must present all options, not just those available through the college!) Free from bias (You must avoid giving your own opinion on what is the best option) Remember to guide your students around the pitfalls of misleading data: What is the source of the information? How large is the scope? (i.e. how many people were surveyed?) How old is the data? Might the author have an agenda? Are they using historical patterns to predict new trends?
Any Questions? Ext 2015