Entitlement Framework Information Events October 2013 GCE Performing Arts
New Applied Qualifications from CCEA
For Today and the Future Entitlement Framework High quality qualifications Wide consultation: o stimulating and rewarding for learners; o progression pathways into further education and the world of work; o skills employers need; o relevant to changing society, economy and environment. Entitlement Framework High quality qualifications Wide consultation: o stimulating and rewarding for learners; o progression pathways into further education and the world of work; o skills employers need; o relevant to changing society, economy and environment.
Programme for Government Qualifications support Government strategy for NI. Invest NI Themes reflected in qualifications: Stimulating Innovation and Creativity Improving Employability and the relevance and use of skills Competing in The Global Economy Encouraging Business Growth Developing our Economic Infrastructure Promoting Employment and Employability
Links with Business, Industry & Government
Qualifications Development Process and Consultations Development PhasesDate Research: Macro and microFebruary 2010 Industry Consultation e.g. Invest NI, CBI, DEL, DETI and industry specific Education Consultation: post-primary schools, FE and HE Consultation on Early IdeasJune 2011 HE (QUB, UU) and Industry feedback Teacher workshops Online questionnaires Teacher ConsultationOctober 2011 Teacher workshops Online questionnaires Consultation with Industry and HE
Quality Assurance Date Equality Panel January 2012 Representation from Fleming Fulton and Jordanstown Schools, Human Rights Commission, RNIB, Equality Commission Subject Advisory TeamsJanuary 2012 Representation from schools, teacher training, FE, HE, ELB, subject associations, employers Employer PanelJanuary 2012 Representation from C21 Theatre Company, Happenstance Theatre Company, Lyric Theatre, DU Dance
Performing Arts ContentAssessment AS 1: Developing Skills and Repertoire AS 2: Planning and Realising a Performing Arts Event A2 1: Planning for Employment A2 2: Performing to a Commission Brief Internally assessed Externally moderated Externally set Externally assessed Internally assessed Externally moderated Externally set Externally assessed
Disciplines PerformanceProduction Dance Drama Music Choreography Design (costume or set) Direction Musical Direction Stage Management Technical (lighting or sound)
AS 1: Developing Skills and Repertoire Students will: develop one discipline (Performance or Production); apply this discipline in a performance context; work individually and in groups of between 2 and 9; and explore two contrasting extracts of repertoire.
AS 1: Developing Skills and Repertoire (cont.) Students will: research their discipline: style and genre, skills required; assess their current skill level: skills audit; research two contrasting extracts of repertoire; develop an action plan (strategies to improve skills); complete a risk assessment; engage in ongoing self-evaluation and record progress; and present the two contrasting extracts of repertoire (10-20 minutes).
AS 1: Developing Skills and Repertoire (cont.) Assessment Evidence Each student must produce a portfolio of work consisting of: a summary of research (in 3 sections) (1 word-processed side of A4 paper per section); a skills audit (2 word-processed sides of A4 paper); a record of work (10 word-processed sides of A4 paper); a risk assessment (2 word-processed sides of A4 paper); a recording of performances/presentations that include three stages of skills development for each extract of repertoire (10-20 minutes in total per student); and an evaluation (3 word-processed sides of A4 paper).
AS 2: Planning and Realising a Performing Arts Event Pre-release stimulus material Students will: interpret the stimulus to create a performing arts event drawing on existing material; and work in groups of between 2 and 9 (minimum of 1 performer per group).
AS 2: Planning and Realising a Performing Arts Event (cont.) Students will: agree the venue, target audience, style, form and genre; analyse a range of live or recorded performing arts events; select two ideas for experimentation; implement one of these ideas in their own event; analyse and evaluate the process of planning, experimentation and rehearsal; and present the event to an audience and the external examiner (10-40 minutes).
AS 2: Planning and Realising a Performing Arts Event (cont.) Assessment Evidence Each student must produce a supporting document under controlled conditions: Time: a maximum of two hours Supervision: a teacher formally supervises the completion of the work for the supporting document Word limit:Section 1 – 600 words Section 2 – 1200 words Section 3 – 600 words
AS 2: Planning and Realising a Performing Arts Event (cont.) Assessment Evidence (cont.) Section 1 – Response to the pre-release stimulus material Section 2 – Developing the performing arts event Section 3 a rationale for their choice of one idea implemented in the event an evaluation a summative statement
A2 1: Planning for Employment Students will: explore the range and scope of employment opportunities; develop materials that will assist them in gaining employment; investigate the training required, the jobs available and the role of unions, agents and recruitment agencies; create an employment plan; produce a CV and a promotional portfolio; prepare for and participate in an audition/presentation and interview; reflect on feedback; and set targets to enhance their employability.
A2 1: Planning for Employment (cont.) Assessment Evidence Each student must produce a record of work consisting of: a written report (in 3 sections) Section 1 – Skills and training (2 word-processed sides of A4 paper) Section 2 – How to gain employment (2 word-processed sides of A4 paper) Section 3 – Employment plan (6 word-processed sides of A4 paper [2 per job])
A2 1: Planning for Employment (cont.) Assessment Evidence (cont.) a promotional portfolio CV, headshot, show reel, web link, promotional DVD etc; audition/presentation and interview (a maximum of 15 minutes); and an evaluation that analyses and identifies areas for development (2 word-processed sides of A4 paper).
A2 2: Performing to a Commission Brief Pre-release stimulus material Students will: choose a commission brief from the following: a cultural theme, historical topic or social issue the performance style of a playwright/practitioner, composer/musician or dancer/choreographer a published poem or song, a theme, a quotation or an image
A2 2: Performing to a Commission Brief (cont.) Students will: form a production company to realise a performing arts event;* present the event to the external examiner (15-40 minutes); and complete an evaluation as part of their record of work.
A2 2: Performing to a Commission Brief (cont.) *Students as production company members will: research the financing and marketing practices at two professional venues; and carry out one administrative role front of house health and safety officer budget and finance education officer press officer publicity officer.
A2 2: Performing to a Commission Brief (cont.) Assessment Evidence Students will produce a record of work comprising: a research report in two sections: Section 1 A summary of individual research (600 words) Section 2 an analysis of the financing and marketing practices of two professional venues (600 words); a summary of findings (600 words); evidence of tasks completed (6 sides of A4 paper or equivalent); and an evaluation – under controlled conditions. Time: a maximum of 45 minutes Supervision: a teacher formally supervises the completion of the evaluation Word limit: 600 words
Assessment Objectives AO1 Knowledge and understanding of the performing arts industry Candidates demonstrate understanding of the processes and products of the performing arts industry AO2 Acquisition of skills and techniques Candidates acquire skill(s) and technique(s) in specialist area(s) AO3 Application of skills and techniques Candidates realise work by applying skills and techniques in work- related contexts AO4 Analysis and evaluation Candidates analyse and evaluate their own and others’ practice and ideas
Supporting Teachers meeting the changing support needs of teachers over the next three years - starting summer 2013
Support overview Terms/Academic YearsTiming Summer Term:2013 Autumn Term:2013 Spring & Summer Terms:2014 Academic Year: Academic Year:
Meeting immediate support needs
First teaching term Autumn Term 2013 Customised Centre Visits Support Workshops
Completing support for year 1 teaching Spring & Summer Terms 2014 Personalised Support Support Workshops
Support for years 2 & & Support Workshops Industry / Business Link Info
Support notification We will publish a calendar of support for each subject on its microsite – what is going to be available and when. We will write to teachers in advance to invite them to support events. We will ask teachers how effective our support is and what they want for the future. We are inviting teachers now to get in touch with us if they would like to contribute to developing support in the future.
GCE Software Systems Development GCE Journalism in the Media and Communications Industry GCSE Agriculture and Land Use GCE Sports Science and the Active Leisure Industry GCE in Applied Business Applied ICT Health & Social Care QCF Space Science Technology GCE/GCSE Moving Image Arts……………… Certificate in Personal Effectiveness QCF Working in the Creative Crafts Industry GCE Environmental Technology GCE Performing Arts GCSE Contemporary Crafts QCF Business Language and Tourism We are building our Qualifications Portfolio Key Skills Occupational Studies Levels 1 & 2 Revised
Contacts Specification Support Officer Nola McLarnon phone: ext. Subject Officer Teresa Livingstone phone: ext. Programme Manager (Support) Doon Storey phone: