Youth and the Post Development Vision
To identify the transformative changes required to address the failure of the current development model.
1. What are the transformative changes required to address the failure of the current development model, which is rooted in unsustainable production and consumption patterns and exacerbates inequality?
A.Leave No-One Behind: To promote social justice for everyone by: Ensuring that no economical status, political affiliation, geographical location, disability will affect anyone’s economic opportunities and human rights
It must tackle the causes of poverty, inequality and exclusion It should go beyond borders and connect people in order to improve the quality of life
It must end discrimination and promote equality between men and women, girls and boys
National and Local Governments, individuals, businesses must be economical in the way they consume and use energy, travel, and transport goods, use water and grow food
Move towards a Green Economy which will foster sustainable development and poverty eradication at the same time promote sustainable and more efficient production and consumption
Set global limits on Carbon Emissions
Global standards to guide foreign investment where certification and compliance will put all companies and organizations on the same level To achieve this, Civil Society and other Stakeholders must be vigil in keeping checks and balances
Create opportunities for good and decent jobs and secure livelihoods so as to ensure that it reduces poverty and inequality
To impart skills training and education so as to favourably compete on the labour market
To add value and raise productivity Maintain a favourable and stable environment to do business
Governments should come up with clear-cut polices that would encourage sustainable and environmentally friendly activities
Promote Peace and Good Governance as the fundamental elements to well-being
Governments should maintain an “open door policy” where they would allow easy access to information pertaining to the governance of the country and also allow institutions to offer checks and balances Foster dialogue through deliberate institutions
Bring a new sense of Global Partnerships into National and International politics Based on a number of principles:
Universality, equity, sustainability, solidarity, human rights, the right to development and responsibilities shared in accordance with capabilities Foster Mutual Benefits among countries through sharing
2. Within the context of Africa, discuss and note your opinion about the trends and negative effects of the following “poison threads” in society:
Brings about social unrest Reduce and Discourage productivity Increase in Poverty levels Political Apathy which will affect a country’s production
√ Low quality products are dumped on developing countries √ Imposition of economic policies that are seen to rectify and balance economies but instead carry with them conditions that are unfavourable to economies of developing countries, eg. SAPs
Financial Instability Unequal distribution of resources Poverty Political Instability Underdevelopment
√ Reduction in government revenue √ Dependence on Foreign Trade √ Unemployment √ Underdevelopment √ Budget Deficit
√ Loss of Jobs √ Reduce Access to social services by low income people √ Increase in Poverty Levels √ High cost of living
Speculative Bankers and Commodity Buyers – the vectors of disorder, anxieties, riots and human insecurity Create unstable markets because they tend to engage in short term financial benefits that creates unstable economies
Africa’s resources are being depleted as investors are taking all the raw materials Increase in Unemployment
3. Make a critical reflection of the goal of full employment and decent work for all as well as the goal of universal social protection, and suggest: i. What trade unions cannot accept under these goals within the framework of post development agenda? ii. What trade unions can accept under these goals within the framework of the post development agenda?
Part 1 The Post-2015 development agenda must focus on promoting integral human development There must be a shift from a concern for poverty reduction to a determined effort in favour of the total eradication of extreme poverty and all other forms of poverty;
The Post-2015 agenda must secure access to basic needs such as food but in addition must secure human rights, participation; rule of law; accountability; etc. In the face of increasing inequalities within countries and between countries, the new development compact must seek to reduce inequalities and secure inclusive development ;
Issues of environmental sustainability must be mainstreamed in all future development goals; The sustainable development goals must be rights-based ;
Part 2 Eradicate poverty and hunger: The focus must no longer be on reducing extreme poverty but rather on eradicating it. Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people:
Ensure just and good Governance: The inclusion of a goal on governance in the Post-2015 agenda will underline the importance of internationally recognised human and labour rights in development.
Reduce Income inequalities: In a context of rising inequalities within countries and between countries, it is important to include a goal on reducing income inequalities in the Post-2015 development agenda. This is all the more important as it is well established that rising inequalities hamper efforts to reduce poverty.
Ensure universal free quality education and access to free, quality public services: This goal on education for all should include two targets. Firstly, by 2030, every child completes a full cycle of secondary education, which enables them to achieve their potential as human beings and to contribute positively as active members of society.
A second target would be that by 2030, all young people and adults have equitable access to quality post-secondary education and lifelong learning enabling them to acquire knowledge, skills and competencies to achieve their full potential and participate positively in society and in the world of work.
Secure gender equality and non- discrimination: It is well established that the achievement of gender equality and non-discrimination is necessary for the eradication of poverty.
Ensure environmental sustainability : The Rio+20 Outcome document underlines the responsibility of all nations to develop within the limits of our planetary boundaries. Promote Partnerships and global governance: In the face of a multiplicity of crises facing the world, there is the need to ensure policy coherence, accountability and international cooperation in the international system.
Towards a universal social protection floor Everyone has a right to social security as it is a human right
The End!