Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 1 From n-Tuples to b-Tags ?
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 2 Next goal: Boosted Sphericity Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands P Jet P Track b meson Boost Detector at restb meson at rest
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 3 Next goal: Boosted Sphericity Boost = f(meson mass) Define asymmetry A where A=f(boost)=f(meson mass) as with i running over all tracks Use as new cut parameter
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 4 Data Data used to check feasibility of parameters: 2000 events QCD 2000 events inclusive b b-bar 0 min bias, jet Pt>10GeV 2 as for now I need (reco’ed) jets only, generated with Onne’s and Pythia’s help Ran the whole chain until d0recoanalyze p08-10 Using S EED to analyze d0recoanalyze output n-tuple
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 5 S EED (formerly known as D0nau) Loads of changes since last talk, mainly renamed to S EED, documentation on the web: based on ROOT’s TTree : Much faster, able to handle huge amounts of data easier to use interfaces new cvs packages seed and seed_framework might be added as standard ROOT package BUT: Still tested only under Windows ROOT benefits a lot: found about 0.5 ROOT bugs/day…
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 6 S EED – Problems Mainly due to ROOT: Only few ROOT users use Windows, many bug don’t exist in Windows ROOT still under development, severe changes producing severe bugs, but incredibly helpful development team! Efforts to get it under control: Send a bug report every 2 nd day Finally able to compile (and debug) ROOT for Windows locally on D0NTWG03 (dual 1.3GHz Xeon 4, 1GB RAM), formerly allocated as Windows build machine for L3, now allocated to compile ROOT, only one user so far…
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 7 S EED – Why? Common analysis classes OO code reusable code n-tuple independent code looks & feels like ROOT code use all the ROOT code already there It so much looks like ROOT it might soon be a part of it!
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 8 S EED – What? 1.Define a mapping (called “seeds”) from n-tuple column to class member 2.S EED converts n-tuple into a file containing data in classes, not in columns, using this mapping 3.Access data in classes in file, use classes’ (and ROOT’s) methods to analyze and plot your data
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 9 S EED – main() using namespace seed; int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ TEventSample* pEventSample = TEventSample::Load("../jets.root"); // create the data objects TJCCGJet jet(pEventSample); TOPRTParticle prt(pEventSample);
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 10 S EED – main() (cont.) for (iEvent=0; iEvent GetNEvents(); iEvent++){ pEventSample->SetEvent(iEvent); for (iJet=0; iJet< jet.Size(); iJet++){ dPhiJet=jet[iJet].Get4Vec().Phi(); for (int iPrt=0; iPrt < prt.Size(); iPrt++){ dPhi=prt[iPrt].GetTrack().Get4Vec().Phi(); h1.Fill((dPhi-dPhiJet)/kPI); }; // for Particles }; // for Jets }; // for Event
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 11 S EED – Seeds (Header) #include "seed/TCaloJet.h" #include "seed/TSeed.h" namespace seed{ MAKE_SEED( TCaloJet, TJCCGJet ) }
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 12 S EED – Seeds (Source 1/3) #include "TJCCGJet.h" #include "seed/TSingleEntryTree.h" namespace seed { bool TJCCGJet_Seed::FillSeedData(TSingleEntryTree &tree, const int iEventNo) { --- Fill data from n-tuple into S EED --- return true; } } // end namespace seed
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 13 S EED – Seeds (Source 2/3) In …::FillSeedData(…): tree.SetBranch("JCCG"); for (int iJet = 0; iJet<(int)tree.GetValue("JCCGnjet"); iJet++) { TCaloJet* pJet=NewEntry(); tree.SetIndex(iJet); --- initialize pJet with data from n-tuple --- }
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 14 From TCaloJet’s header: TCaloJet& TCaloJet::Set(const TLorentzVector& lv, const double dWidthEta, const double dWidthPhi, const double dEMF, const int iN90); pJet->Set( TLorentzVector(tree.GetValue("JCCGPx"), tree.GetValue("JCCGPy"), tree.GetValue("JCCGPz"), tree.GetValue("JCCGE")), tree.GetValue("JCCGEtaW"), tree.GetValue("JCCGPhiW"), tree.GetValue("JCCGEMF"), tree.GetValue("JCCGn90")); S EED – Seeds (Source 3/3)
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 15 S EED – n-Tuple to Class #include "seed/TEventSample.h" #include "TJCCGJet.h" #include "TOPRTParticle.h" using namespace seed; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { TEventSample es; es.Create("bbbar.ntpl","bbbar.root"); return 0; }
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 16 S EED – Get it, it’s free! Look at to download the package. Or d0-cvs checkout seed and seed_framework. Or ask me to send you a copy by .
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 17 S EED – The result: HEP classes Or: HEPEVT+++ Discussion on 1.Design of standard MC classes Particle Branching Ratios Stack (decay tree) PDG connection 2.Design of standard Physics Objects classes Feasibility Interfaces Analysis methods
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 18 HEP Classes Currently 14 members from 5 experiments D0, CDF, ALICE, BaBar, Atlas Participate or inform yourself at or send me an . First meeting during ROOT workshop, see status report at %20Classes%20in%20Root.pdf
Axel Naumann, DØ University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6/20/2001 Dutch Morning Meeting 19 HEP Classes - Status PDG implementations in StdHep++ and ROOT will be merged (incl. branching ratios) Discussion on how to implement vertex and stack class, using ALICE and StdHep++ libraries as starting point; review of both implementations w.r.t. requirements specified during discussion session Physics Objects: Many doubts (Politics? Do experiments share a non-trivial part of the results of their event reconstruction? Will we all die before we have a standard set of classes?). Going to discuss feasibility on actual (example) implementation.