Using Key Performance Indicators for traffic management and Intelligent Transport Systems as a prediction tool Vienna, 23 October 2012 N. Eden Transportation Research Institute, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology A. Tsakarestos - Technische Universität München I. Kaparias - City University London A. Gal-Tzur-Technion – Israel Institute of Technology P. Schmitz-Brussels-Capital Region S. Hauptmann-Kapsch TrafficCom S. Hoadley-POLIS
2 Outline KPIs Framework KPIs for Decision Making Models & Tools CONDUITS DST Validation
3 Roles of KPI (Cities’ Requirements) Assess benefits Cost vs. benefit of investment Assess the usefulness of ITS as a whole Identify the limits of ITS Assist Decision Making Contract Monitoring Promote cities’ interests
4 KPI’s Categories
KPIs Data Sources Real Life Measurements Transportation Model KPI Evaluation PastFuturePresent Predictive KPIs
CONDUITS DST Framework Traffic Efficiency Safety Social Inclusion & Land Use Transportation Modeling Tools VISUM Aimsun… TransCAD… Real Life Applications AVIVIMMunicipal DB SCOOT… Regional DB VISSIM Pollution
7 Pollution KPI Where: KPI –Pollution KPI W VT – Vehicle type weighting factor W ET – Emission type weighting factor Q VT,ET – Quantity of emission type per vehicle type
Predictive Pollution KPI Predictive Pollution KPI 1 St Stage Recommended Tool VISSIM EMI Model External Emission Model
9 Emissions Model Types Average-speed mean travelling speed, VKT Traffic-situation particular traffic situations (e.g. ‘stop-and-go’) Traffic-variable traffic flow variables (e.g. average speed, traffic density, queue length, etc.) Validation of road vehicle and traffic emission models – A review and meta-analysis Smit et. Al, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 44, Issue 25, August 2010, Pages 2943–2953
10 High Resolution Emissions Model Types Cycle-variable various driving cycle variables (e.g. idle time, average speed, positive kinetic energy) Modal engine or vehicle operating o Similar data requirements as Cycle variable Validation of road vehicle and traffic emission models – A review and meta-analysis Smit et. Al, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 44, Issue 25, August 2010, Pages 2943–2953 VERSIT+ (EnviVer) PHEM, AIRE (Transport for Scotland, SIAS,TRL)
11 CONDUITS DST Architecture
12 Validation Zurich City personal Brussels Technische Universität München
13 Brussels Indicative Results
14 Conclusions Predictive KPI Framework Development Support for political decision making Next Steps CONDUITS Mobility KPI’s Investigation of Road Safety Prediction KPI