Southeast Region July 2013
Simplified workplace communications purpose Focuses employee attention on our key issues: Productivity Safety Quality Teamwork Keeps frontline informed and engaged Deliver fresh, compelling content that educates and motivates
Eligible Content Ineligible Content Addresses topics, activities, and events that are appropriate for the general public; Educates on public health and safety issues; Informs employees of company benefits, projects, activities, events, and/or projects; Promotes community/civic events that typically enjoy broad citizen support and enhance the City’s positive aspects Provides news or announcements concerning achievements or accomplishments of company and its employees Information or support for or on behalf of religious organizations; Information or support for or on behalf of political candidates, political campaigns, and ballot measures; Information or support for or on behalf of special interest groups that do not serve a governmental or civic purpose; Advocacy or debate related issues under consideration by the City Council or other local decision- making bodies; Information or programs, events, or activities that are not open to the general public or that relate to regular meetings of local service organizations or clubs Classified ads or commercial messages.
Company Announcements Monthly Message from RVP Monthly Message from Plant Manager Company Announcements Safety Safety Record Safety Monthly Topic(s) Industrial Specific Topics Educate on Accident/Injury Prevention Previous month’s accidents
Recognition Recognize Years of Service Anniversaries Recognize Monthly Birthdays Departmental Awards and Recognition Calendar of Upcoming Events Company Events Holidays Community Events
Performance KPI’s (Graphical Budget vs Actual) Production Volume Plant Shrinkage Vault Over/Short Plant/Vault Dump Monthly Load Out Departmental Monthly Incentives Quality Reminders GMPs Paperwork/Code Accuracy Customer Complaints Audit Corrections
HR Reminders Policy Reminders 401k info Ultipro Paystub/W2 (Log in Reminders) Update Personal Info Upcoming Trainings Apply for Open Positions at Company Discounts Warm and Fuzzy Team Photos Inspirational Quotes/Message