ePortfolios: Potentials from a European Perspective Angela Baker ePortfolio Manager European Institute for E-Learning ePortfolio & Talent Management Odense May 05
My presentation Why ePortfolios The ‘European’ ePortfolio vision Overview of ePortfolio initiatives and projects in EU The barriers to be overcome
Why ePortfolios? Changing and dynamic society Support lifelong learning Streamline learning process Tool to enable learning Digital world
What problem are we trying to solve How do we learn? By following a course? How do we identify learning and make its outcomes visible? By testing and assessing How do we get this learning and outcomes recognised? By getting accreditation Process Product - outcomes Validation
ePortfolios supporting the learning flow How do we identify that learning is taking place? By supporting and recording the process: reflection, experimentation… How do we make learning and its outcomes visible? By providing evidence of skills and achievements video, audio… How do we get this learning and outcomes recognised? By getting 3rd Party validation Online journals, blogs… Capturing via video, audio… Feedback on outcomes, comments…
What is an ePortfolio used for Learning or reflective portfolio Process product validation Presentation portfolio Process product validation Assessment portfolio Process product validation The EU ePortfolio
Specific EU portfolio requirements Mobility Multilinguality Diversity Cultural Behavioural Accessible Life long learning
Features of an EU ePortfolio Planning learning & development Reflection Community Repository Presentation Assessment Employment
Our vision of the ePortfolio is... Is learner owned and driven Supports reflective practice Enables a learner to manage their learning and its outcomes Enables a learner to demonstrate achievement Enables portability and transparency of learning achievements Is dynamic and not static
ePortfolios supporting European Initiatives Common principles and criteria for the quality of education and vocational training European Qualifications Framework Common principles for the validation of informal and non-formal learning Credit transfer for initial and vocational education Europass: Curriculum Vitæ Mobility Diploma supplement Certificate Supplement Language portfolio
The role ePortfolios can play in European strategy Transparency of qualifications Quality assurance in education Accreditation of prior learning Competency based approach Lifelong and lifewide learning support Educational reform
Coordinating ePortfolios in Europe: Europortfolio A European consortium designed to Achieve the goal ‘ePortfolio for all’ Promote innovative practice and technology Contribute to the definition of technical standards and encourage interoperability Provide support to, and co-ordinate, European initiatives Coordinate the ePortfolio European Roadmap Members: Contributing Members Members Sign MoU on line at
EuroPortfolio Organisational Members – INDIRE (I) – CNDP (Fr) – Univ. Reading (UK) – Cass Business School (UK) – ALTE (UK) – NCSL (UK) – Scottish Enterprise (UK) – UCLES (UK) – Nuventive (US) – Uni Southern Denmark (D)
ePortfolio for ALL Roadmap Four areas: Awareness; Policies; Technologies; Implementation ePortfolio Awareness: Indicators ePortfolio as key theme in events and conferences Context International, European & National level Current results ePortfolio 2005, elearning Conf 05, Odense conference Available at: Please contribute to the Roadmap & develop your own!
ePortfolio Penetration Search on « ePortfolio » US dominance
ePortfolio Interoperability... EPICC:European eP Coordination Committee Technology & Educationalists EIfEL, IMS EU,Giunti Labs, CRA,EUN, UMaas, HUT To Produce and demonstrate ePortfolio interoperability standards To achieve mobility, portability, our vision of 1 ePortfolio for life How you can benefit: eP Plugfest 26 th Oct.05 Demonstration platform Collection of eP scenarios
ePortfolio for developing competences KEYPAL Young Adults with no qualifications Build an ePortfolio to gain and demonstrate key skills Outcomes: ePortfolios for keyskills key skills accreditation standards of competence for ePortfolio users How you can benefit: Attend workshop in Bremen (DRK) end June Take part in the ePortfolio pilot for keyskills
ePortfolio for supporting informal learning INFLOW Employees in SMEs (Engineering & hospitality sectors) ePortfolio to support, recognise and accredit informal learning How you can benefit: Take part in the pilot Get accreditation for informal learning Find out more: Coordinated by MRS Consultancy UK
Where do we find ePortfolios? Implemented in all sectors of education Teacher training IUFM Caen Apprenticeship training ENFA France: Higher Education University of Maastricht: Basic skills for adults EUCEBS: Community activities Career Wales online:
Wales a learning country ePortfolio for 3 million citizens Supported by Careers Wales 49,000 users 6 months after launch The e-portfolio will grow with the individual, allowing them to develop a habit of recording and understanding their learning achievements and progress which will be stored in a central digital location.
ePortfolio 2005: October Cambridge UK Embedding ePortfolio Practice Call for contributions open until 15th June 2005 research work in progress user testimonies ePortfolio exhibition ePortfolio plugfest on 26th Registration now open
Potential is there but... Multi tools and systems Interoperability standards Accessibility Multi-lingual interfaces Lifelong learning Supporting Informal/ non-formal learning Take up Recognition of ePortfolios
For more information: Contact me Join Europortfolio Come to our International Conference ePortfolio October in Cambridge UK
Thank- you