CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx City of Bainbridge Island Water System Plan Policy Discussion April 21, 2015
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 2 Agenda Water System Plan Overview Water Service Areas –Existing –Proposed for Study Planning Issues Water System Plan Considerations
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 3 WATER SYSTEM PLAN OVERVIEW
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 4 Department of Ecology’s requirements for WSPs WAC : The purpose of this section is to establish a uniform process for purveyors to: (a) Demonstrate the system's operational, technical, managerial, and financial capability to achieve and maintain compliance with relevant local, state, and federal plans and regulations; (b) Demonstrate how the system will address present and future needs in a manner consistent with other relevant plans and local, state, and federal laws, including applicable land use plans; (c) Establish eligibility for funding under chapter WAC
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 5 WSP Objectives Develop a basis of planning for the City’s water systems by establishing the service area goals and policies and by identifying the retail water service area (RWSA) boundaries for the Winslow and Rockaway Beach water systems. Perform a demographic analysis summarizing the household, employment, and land use projections for the Winslow and Rockaway Beach RWSAs. Develop accurate demand projections for the Winslow and Rockaway Beach RWSAs. Describe and inventory the City’s existing Winslow and Rockaway Beach water systems. Ensure efficient use of available water resources. Analyze the water systems for their ability to meet future water demands and system requirements, ensuring reliable service and high quality drinking water is delivered to future City customers during all conditions of operation. Document the City’s current water system operation and maintenance (O&M) program. Develop a Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) for water system improvements
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 6 The Water System Plan will include 10 major elements Policies and Criteria Basis of Planning Demand Projections Existing System Evaluation Water Resource Management and Water Use Efficiency System Analysis Water Quality Operations and Maintenance Capital Improvement Plan Financial Analysis
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 7 Existing Water Service Area Boundaries Designated in the Kitsap County Coordinated Water System Plan
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 8 EXISTING CITY WATER FACILITIES
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 9 Existing Winslow Water Service Area
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 10 Existing Fletcher Bay Water Service Area Kitsap Co. Sewer District 7 WWTP
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 11 Existing Rockaway Beach Water Service Area
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 12 CITY PLANNING ISSUES
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 13 City of Bainbridge Island Official Zoning Map
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 14 Targets 50% of future Island growth into Winslow 5% into the three Neighborhood Centers: Lynwood Center, Island Center and Rolling Bay The remaining 45% of future growth into the outlying residential areas Current Growth Strategy 2004 C OMPREHENSIVE P LAN
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 15 Policies in the Water Resources Element of the 2004 Comp Plan WR The City shall coordinate with other major private water purveyors, government agencies and citizens to ensure protection and preservation of water resources and to provide efficient high quality Island-wide water service. WR To protect Island groundwater resources, the City shall encourage the development and expansion of public and private water systems, rather than encouraging shallow or individual residential wells. WR Development of new public water sources and systems or expansion of existing systems shall not reduce the quantity or quality of existing water supplies below naturally sustainable levels.
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 16 Policies in the Water Resources Element of the 2004 Comp Plan WR The City may elect to facilitate small water system management services by applying to the Department of Health to be an approved Satellite System Management Area (SMA). WR Engineering specifications of new public water systems and expansions or improvements to existing public water systems to be located within public right-of- ways shall meet standards set forth by the City. WR Water system infrastructure, which may provide water supplies exceeding local needs, shall not be used to justify development counter to the City Comprehensive Plan.
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 17 Policies in the Water Resources Element of the 2004 Comp Plan WR All purveyors of public water systems shall depict water service areas on maps and evaluate modifications to their system boundaries based on the following criteria: –A. There is sufficient capacity to serve the area; and –B. The service area modification does not limit the system from providing service to targeted growth areas; and –C. Modification will serve a public need or the water system will benefit by such modification; and –D. An analysis of the cumulative impacts to the water system resulting from providing service on an individual basis to single parcels beyond the current service area is provided.
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 19 Policies & Criteria are organized in the following categories Water service and service extensions System reliability Fire protection Design criteria and facilities Financial Policies
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 20 Proposed Retail Water Service Areas (RWSA) The Winslow RWSA studied by this plan encompasses: All customers currently served by the water system All parcels with binding water service commitments The entire Winslow Sewer Study Area as defined in the 2014 General Sewer Plan All parcels within the RWSA boundary as presented in the 2012 Water System Plan All parcels adjacent to existing City pipelines An area of parcels south of Fletcher Bay that are anticipated to be served within the 20-year planning period. The Rockaway Beach RWSA studied by this plan encompasses: All existing customers All parcels with a binding water service commitment All parcels along Rockaway Beach that are within the South Island Sewer Study Area as defined in the 2014 General Sewer Plan
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 21 Proposed Winslow RWSA
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 22 Proposed Rockaway Beach RWSA
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 23 Water Service and Service Extensions Proposed Policies Retail Water Service Area - The Winslow Water System RWSA is entirely within the City of Bainbridge Island water purveyor area as delineated by the Kitsap County Coordinated Water System Plan. The RWSA encompasses the area where the City has existing distribution mains and where distribution mains can be extended in a reasonable timeframe. Duty to Serve - The City’s goal is to provide water service to all customers within the City’s retail water service area in a timely and reasonable manner consistent with applicable City policies, ordinances, Washington Department of Health rules and guidelines, and applicable federal, state and local laws and plans.
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 24 Assumption of Adjacent Systems The City may assume the operation of a water district or private water system, at the water system’s request, if the following conditions are met and subject to approval of City Council: –The district or private system is adjacent to or within the City’s current or future RWSA as identified in the City’s comprehensive plan. –The district’s or private system’s facilities meet the City’s performance criteria and engineering standards, or a plan is in place to assure that they will be brought up to City standards without adversely impacting City’s existing customers financially or with regard to level of service. –The assumption of the district or private system is permitted by State law. –The City shall require the district or private system to transfer the ownership of its water supply sources and associated water rights to the City. Water rights must be successfully transferred to the City and approved for municipal water use by the State Department of Ecology prior to commitment from the City for water service.
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 25 System Reliability Policies Reliable sources capable of supplying MDD within a 24-hour period Reliable sources capable of supplying ADD with largest source out of service. Supply Sources capable of supplying MDD and replenishing fire suppression storage in 72 hours. Pumping Booster pumps capable of supplying MDD with firm, reliable capacity. Piping Looping of distribution mains when feasible. Velocity Pipeline velocities not > 8 fps at PHD. Velocity Flushing velocities of 2.5 fps for all pipelines
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 26 Fire Protection Policies One and two-family dwellings: 1,000 gpm for 1 hour. Other occupancies: As stated in Appendix B Table B105.1 of the currently adopted fire code in BIMC with a minimum of 1,500 gpm for 1 hour.
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 27 Design criteria and facilities Storage: DOH Water System Design Manual, Ch. 9 Minimum System Pressure: The system should be designed to maintain an minimum of 30 psi in the distribution system under peak hour demand and 20 psi under fire flow conditions during MDD.
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 28 Financial Policies User fees System development charges Extensions Operating Fund Balance
CarolloTemplateWaterWave.pptx 29 Questions?