Manifest Destiny…. What does the word “Destiny” mean? What does the word “Manifest” mean? Do you think the US has a sense of “destiny” today? Explain
AMERICA’S MANIFEST DESTINY Expanding our borders from sea to shining sea
What is Manifest Destiny? Americans’ belief that the United States’ destiny was to expand to the Pacific Ocean and into Mexican Territory Term first used by newspaper editor John L. O’Sullivan to describe westward migration
A Period of Expansion Expansion Fever hits [again] in 1840’s –Americans were moving west, energized by a belief in the rightful expansion of the US from coast to coast
Manifest Destiny
So, why go west? Americans hit the trails to: Escape religious persecution (Mormons) Find new markets for commerce (entrepreneurs) Claim land for farming, ranching, and mining Locate harbors on the Pacific for trade (to Asia) Seek employment and avoid creditors after the panic of 1837 Spread the virtues of democracy Fulfill America’s “Manifest Destiny”
Trails Santa Fe – Independence MO to NM –Trade route (guns, knives, etc) Oregon – Independence to Portland, OR –Settlers – walked or took wagons –Many died of fever & disease by 1844, settlers in Oregon
Mormon Migration Joseph Smith founded Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1830 Believed in polygamy (more than 1 wife) Angry crowds drove them from NY to IL Smith arrested, then killed by angry mob Left Nauvoo, IL led by Brigham Young – from more than 16,000 Mormons migrated to Great Salt Lake in UT along “Mormon Trail”
Effects of Manifest Destiny Polk’s campaign slogan: “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!” Referred to boundary dispute with British Canada over Oregon Territory Threatened war if border wasn’t set there Settled on 49 th parallel, that is still boundary with Canada today.
The Black Hawk War 1832, Sauk and Fox tribes take a stand against white settlers –resulted in devastation for the Native Americans, most killed, rest forced west –settlers feared native attacks Ft. Laramie Treaty signed in US gave land in great plains to natives in exchange for yearly payments & safe passage for westward travelers -US. repeatedly violated treaty Effects on Natives
Communication Links Needed to stay in contact with people in west Butterfield Trail – private stage line, carried passengers and mail from St. Louis to CA Pony Express – Missouri to CA using horses to transport mail Telegraph