2012 Building Codes Take Effect MAY 1st
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC Based on the 2006 International Residential Code ® (IRC ® ), the 2009 International Residential Code ® (IRC ® ), and the 2012 International Residential Code ® (IRC ® )
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 3 Townhomes State law requires townhome buildings with more than 3 units or if the building contains more than 5,000 square feet to be sprinkled. Regardless of plan review date permits issued on or after May1, 2014 for townhomes which meet this criteria must be sprinkled. Workbook page 28
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 4 R – Glazing adjacent to the bottom stair landing This section has been revised to change the criteria for the hazardous location of glazing installed near the landing at the bottom of a stairway. The threshold for the minimum height above the walking surface is revised from 60 inches to 36 inches for determining that the glazing is in a hazardous location. Workbook page 34
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 5 Workbook page 35 Glazing adjacent to the bottom landing of a stairway
6 R310 – Habitable attics and rescue windows required This section now includes a requirement for habitable attics ( finished or unfinished) to have one emergency escape and rescue openings. Definition: Habitable attic is: *An occupiable floor area of 70 SF or more *Has a ceiling height of 7 feet *The occupied space (living, sleeping, eating or cooking areas) is enclosed by roof assembly above, knee walls (if applicable) and floor/ceiling assembly below IRC Transition from the 2006 IRCWorkbook page 37
Habitable Attics: Finished habitable attics must have a smoke detector that is interconnected with all other smoke detectors.
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 8 Guards Workbook page 40 Are required along open sided walking surfaces, including stairs, ramps and landings that are more than 30 inches above floor or grade. The 30” must extend out horizontally for 36”.
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 9 R312.2 – Window fall protection (NEW) This new section has been relocated from Chapter 6 to Chapter 3. Window fall protection is consistent with guards and this change intends to assist code users by placing these provisions with the guard provisions. This section still requires window guards where the window sill is within 24” of the floor and more than 72” to the exterior grade. Guards must comply with ASTM F2090 Workbook page 42
IRC Transition from the 2006 IRCWorkbook page 80 Window sill height
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 11 R314.5 – Interconnection (NEW) Listed wireless smoke alarms are now specifically approved for satisfying the interconnection requirements for both new and existing dwellings. Wiring is not required to achieve the interconnection of two or more wireless smoke alarms. These smoke detectors are still required to be hardwired with battery backup, however the interconnection can be wireless. Workbook page 45
R315 – Carbon Monoxide Alarms (NEW) Carbon monoxide alarms are now required in all new dwelling units which have fuel-fired appliances or have an attached garage CO detectors must be installed outside of each separate sleeping area and in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. Detectors must comply with UL2034. These detectors must be hardwired.
Combination Smoke and CO Detector’s These are permitted as long as they comply with both smoke and carbon monoxide detector requirements.
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 14 R501.3 – Fire protection of floors This section requires all floor assemblies, not required by other sections to be fire rated, to be protected on the underside with 1/2-inch gypsum board, 5/8-inch wood structural panels or the equivalent. There are four exceptions provided that specify where the protection is not required. Wood floor assemblies using dimension lumber or structural composite lumber (LVL’s or similar) equal to or greater than 2 inch by 10 inch. DOES ON INCLUDE OPEN WEB TRUSSES. When located over sprinkled areas. When located over a crawl space not intended for storage or fuel fired appliances. (Access by standard size crawl space door) The aggregate area of the unprotected area is less than 80 square feet. Workbook page 52
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 15 R501.3 – Fire protection of floors (NEW) Workbook page 52
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 16 R501.3 – Fire protection of floors (NEW) Workbook page 52
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 17 R501.3 – Fire protection of floors (NEW) Workbook page 52
18 R507 – Deck ledger connection to band joist (NEW) This section adds a prescriptive method for attaching a deck to the main building. Required hot dipped galvanized lag screws or thru bolts with washers or be self supporting. Spacing of fasteners is in accordance with Tables R507.2 and R IRC Transition from the 2006 IRCWorkbook page 57
Deck Ledger Table
Deck Ledger Diagram
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 21 R602.7 – Headers The code now includes prescriptive provisions for single-member headers under limited conditions. The revision to Section R602.7 allows single headers under limited loading conditions to increase the energy efficiency of the dwelling. Installation of a single header results in a greater thickness of cavity. Workbook page 61
Single Header Table
Single Header Diagram
New Span Charts Floor joist, rafters, ceiling joist, girders and header span charts have been updated. Copies are available…
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 25 Attics with mechanical equipment must have permanent access either by pull down stair or a permanent ladder. Opening size is minimum of 22 x 30 inches and large enough to allow removal of the largest appliance. Workbook page 114 Section R807.1 (Amended)
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 26 This section adds the requirement for a roof drip edge for asphalt shingles and provides direction for its proper installation. Workbook page 114 R – Drip edge
Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency requirements will be as Required by the 2009 International Energy Efficiency Code. Insulation requirements will stay the same.
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 28 Blower door test must be less than 7 ACH. Duct blaster test is given 4 choices to pass the test, 2 at rough-in and two at final test. Cannot be performed by the permit holder or employee of the permit holder. Must be certified by Building Performance Institute, certified duct and envelope tightness verifier or accredited HERS rater. Certification letter with results must be submitted. Results to be shown on energy certificate that is attached to the circuit breaker panel Workbook page 122 N – Building test (NEW)
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 29 Workbook page 122 N – Building test (NEW)
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 30 Where a blower door test of the building indicates that the infiltration rate is less than five ACH50, the dwelling must be provided with whole-house mechanical ventilation. Outside air must be brought in in accordance with section M Workbook page 138 M – Whole-house mechanical ventilation system (NEW)
31 M – Appliances, equipment and installation in pans A new section was added to require portions of appliances that must be placed within a drain pan must be elevated with corrosion resistant material and any insulation or components that could be damaged by water must be located above the flood rim level of the pan IRC Transition from the 2006 IRCWorkbook page 127
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 32 This new section requires locking caps on refrigerant ports that are located on the outside of the building. Another option is to locate the units within a fenced in area. Workbook page 129 M – Locking access caps
33 M – Material and size The dryer exhaust duct diameter is specified to be 4 inches in diameter, rather than as required by the clothes dryer’s listing and the manufacturer’s installation instructions IRC Transition from the 2006 IRCWorkbook page 133 The maximum allowable dryer duct length is now 35 feet (consistent with Section G )
34 M and Table M – Dryer Exhaust Duct Fitting Equivalent Length This table replaces the previous length reductions for bends in an exhaust system. It includes longer radius bends which have less reduction requirements. This can result in longer equivalent length duct installations IRC Transition from the 2006 IRCWorkbook page 135 M – Length identification (NEW) A new section was added to require a label or tag to provide the equivalent length of the exhaust duct if the duct is concealed within the building construction
IRC Transition from the 2006 IRCWorkbook page 136 Example of a dryer exhaust length label
36 M – Exhaust duct required (NEW) A new section was added to require an exhaust duct system to be installed during construction where a space for a clothes dryer is provided IRC Transition from the 2006 IRCWorkbook page 136 M – Protection required (NEW) A new section was added to require steel protective shield plates to prevent penetration of the clothes dryer exhaust duct by nails or screws
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 37 The requirement for a pipe sleeve or a relieving arch for pipes passing under a footer was removed because the footer acts as the relieving arch for the pipe below. Workbook page 166 P – Pipes under footings
38 M2705.1, Item 5 – General This section was clarified to specify that water closets, lavatories and bidets cannot be set closer than 15 inches from their center line to any side wall, partition or vanity; nor closer than 30 inches center-to-center between adjacent fixtures IRC Transition from the 2006 IRCWorkbook page 170
IRC Transition from the 2006 IRCWorkbook page 170 Fixtures clearances
40 M – Laundry tray connection A new requirement was added where a laundry tray waste outlet connects an automatic clothes washer standpipe. The top of the clothes washer standpipe must extend above the flood rim level of the laundry tub IRC Transition from the 2006 IRCWorkbook page 172
IRC Transition from the 2006 IRCWorkbook page 173 Laundry tray drain connection to ACW standpipe
42 M – Water supply riser A new requirement was added specifying that shower head risers must be attached to the structure by screws or other support devices specifically designed for such purpose IRC Transition from the 2006 IRCWorkbook page 174
IRC Transition from the 2006 IRCWorkbook page 174 Securing shower riser
44 P – Base of stacks This section was revised to clarify that a cleanout must be provided at the base of each soil or waste stack IRC Transition from the 2006 IRCWorkbook page 198 Cleanout at base of stack
P3008 Back Water Valves Where the flood level rims of plumbing fixtures are below the elevation of the manhole cover of the next up stream manhole, a backwater valve must be installed IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC
P3008 Back Water Valves Continued Where a backwater valve is installed, a Release and Indemnification Agreement must be executed IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC
Electric Meters Must Be Installed Prior to Final Electrical Inspections 2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC The service entrance agreement will no longer need to be signed, nor will the $35 fee or $400 deposit be required
Electric Meters Must Be Installed Prior to Final Electrical Inspections 2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC The Electrical Permit for a dwelling unit will include: 1 Rough In Inspection 1 Service Entrance Inspection and 1 Final Inspection. The 1 Re-Inspection will NO longer be included with an electrical permit If an inspection fails, the electrician will be required To purchase a Re-Inspection permit
Electric Meters Must Be Installed Prior to Final Electrical Inspections 2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC When a house is occupied prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, the contractor will not be eligible for permits until the occupied house has a Certificate of Occupancy
2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC 50 Questions and Answers
2012 International Building Code Changes 2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC
Section Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Group R and I occupancies with fuel burning equipment or attached garages. Includes renovations, repairs to existing structures of Group R and I 2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC
Section Manually operated edge or surface mounted bolts on the inactive leaf of a pair of doors is permitted in Groups B, M, F, S and I-2 Occupancies with certain conditions IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC
Section Panic hardware must be listed in compliance with UL IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC
Chapter IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC Sprinkler systems are required in buildings where: Upholstered furniture or mattress manufacturing in buildings over 2,500 square feet Buildings where upholstered furniture or mattresses are on display for sale exceeds 5,000 square feet
Section Guards The vertical distance from walking surfaces to the grade below is based on the lowest point within 36”, measured horizontally IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC
Section A family toilet room will be required in all mercantile or assembly occupancies where more than 6 water closets are required IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC
2012 International Mechanical Code Changes 2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC
Nail stations in nail salons must each be provided with a source capture system 2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC
Section Listed Type 1 hoods are now required to label the minimum exhaust air flow rate 2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC
Section Refrigerant circuit access ports that are located outdoors must be secured with a locking cap or other wise secured to prevent unauthorized access IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC
2012 International Plumbing Code Changes 2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC
Section The maximum distance between a hot water source and a fixture has been reduced from 100 feet to 50 feet IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC
2012 International Fuel Gas Code Changes 2012 IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC
Section Gypsum board is to be considered a combustible material for the purpose of required clearances IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC
Section No longer permits fuel gas piping to penetrate the foundation wall when piping is below grade IRC Transition from the 2006 IRC