“All Hazard” Emergency Preparedness Training Higher Education
Purpose/Objectives: Examine current Policies, Procedures, Governing Laws, Processes for Threat Assessments, and Actions during an active shooter/killer incident on your college campus. Examine current Policies, Procedures, Governing Laws, Processes for Threat Assessments, and Actions during an active shooter/killer incident on your college campus. Promote greater understanding and ability to apply the Incident Command System (ICS) for Higher Education in an incident. Promote greater understanding and ability to apply the Incident Command System (ICS) for Higher Education in an incident. Through self-examination, make improvements to your Plan(s) as an outcome of the exercise. Through self-examination, make improvements to your Plan(s) as an outcome of the exercise.
Prevailing Law What is the prevailing law that governs emergency procedures and notifications for Colleges and Universities? Discuss your currently Policies, Procedures, and Practices, that are in place to insure compliance with the prevailing law, with concentration on the following requirements: Annual Report - Disclosing campus security policies Crime Statistics - Timely warnings to the campus community about crimes that pose an ongoing threat to students and employees Access to Timely Information – Threats to students and employees and Police and/or Security Department public crime log Campus community sexual assault victims are assured of certain basic rights
How Are You Complying with The Requirements that Govern Emergency Procedures and Notifications for Colleges and Universities? Colleges and universities, both those with and without on-campus student residential facilities, are required to have emergency response and evacuation procedures in place. A policy statement must articulate how the institution will confirm there is "a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on the campus." Each institution must disclose how it will assess which segment is at risk and how each segment will receive the notification. Each institution's procedures must ensure that emergency notifications will be issued "without delay, and taking into account the safety of the community." Institutions must also have and disclose procedures for testing their emergency response and evacuation procedures at least once annually.
Putting Policies into Practice Scenario – Information: Alan is an 18 year old first year student at your collegiate institution. Alan is an 18 year old first year student at your collegiate institution. On Thursday, you learn from other classmates that Alan has been relentlessly hazed since the start of school. The same bullies also cyber harass him on social media. On Thursday, you learn from other classmates that Alan has been relentlessly hazed since the start of school. The same bullies also cyber harass him on social media. Alan is so upset and angry by this hazing and harassment he has told other students he wishes they would all just die. Alan is so upset and angry by this hazing and harassment he has told other students he wishes they would all just die. It has also been brought to your attention Alan just posted the following message on Facebook: "'I will be on a shooting rampage tomorrow on campus,' 'hopefully I kill enough people to make the national news…'" It has also been brought to your attention Alan just posted the following message on Facebook: "'I will be on a shooting rampage tomorrow on campus,' 'hopefully I kill enough people to make the national news…'"
Discussion/Evaluation: What are your policies at this point (hazing, cyber and in-house bullying)? What are your policies at this point (hazing, cyber and in-house bullying)? What type of intervention are you going to do to prevent something from occurring? What type of intervention are you going to do to prevent something from occurring? Do you get the police involved? Do you get the police involved? Do you document and if so where? Do you document and if so where?
Scenario – Information: Scenario – Information: (continued) Putting Policies into Practice Using Emergency Response & Notification Systems On Friday morning, before anyone can investigate thoroughly, you hear a series of popping noises you think are fire crackers. On Friday morning, before anyone can investigate thoroughly, you hear a series of popping noises you think are fire crackers. A few moments later more popping sounds ring out and you hear what sound like students screaming in the hallways. From a nearby surveillance camera you can see Alan running through the library with what appears to be a rifle!
ICS Structure Questions: What are your immediate responses to this in- progress incident (call 911, announce a lock down, warn the campus community, etc.)? What are your immediate responses to this in- progress incident (call 911, announce a lock down, warn the campus community, etc.)? Who from your institution assumes incident command ? Who from your institution assumes incident command ? What other School related Incident Command System (ICS) positions can you think of that you may activate and who will fill them? What other School related Incident Command System (ICS) positions can you think of that you may activate and who will fill them? POPUP MESSAGE
Scenario – Information (continued): You begin to hear sirens in the distance from Emergency Response personnel. You begin to hear sirens in the distance from Emergency Response personnel. The sounds of gun fire have stopped and the location of the shooter is not known. The sounds of gun fire have stopped and the location of the shooter is not known. On a surveillance camera monitor you observe several students who appear seriously injured lying on the floor of the library. On a surveillance camera monitor you observe several students who appear seriously injured lying on the floor of the library. The sirens are getting closer and emergency personnel start to arrive. The sirens are getting closer and emergency personnel start to arrive.
Scenario – Information (continued) The police arrive at the campus, contact the college liaison, and continue to assess the incident. The police arrive at the campus, contact the college liaison, and continue to assess the incident. Due to the recent Facebook posting, the school informs the police they think the shooter may be Alan. Due to the recent Facebook posting, the school informs the police they think the shooter may be Alan. The police want you to pull any files you have on The police want you to pull any files you have on Alan and turn them over to them. Alan and turn them over to them. The police send in an Active Shooter Contact Team. The Contact Team moves through the college, towards the library, looking for the shooter. The police send in an Active Shooter Contact Team. The Contact Team moves through the college, towards the library, looking for the shooter.
Discussion/Evaluation: Who is the College Campus ICS Liaison for Police/Fire coordination? Who is the College Campus ICS Liaison for Police/Fire coordination? What do you tell them about Alan? What do you tell them about Alan? Do you release your records to the police? Do you release your records to the police? What type of assistance can you offer? What type of assistance can you offer?
Police Response: While inside the library, the Contact Team begins to hears more gun fire and moves towards the sound of shots. The Contact Team makes contact with the shooter. The shooter, later identified as Alan, is taken into custody. While inside the library, the Contact Team begins to hears more gun fire and moves towards the sound of shots. The Contact Team makes contact with the shooter. The shooter, later identified as Alan, is taken into custody. Rescue Teams are deployed to the library and find 17 wounded and 7 dead. Rescue Teams are deployed to the library and find 17 wounded and 7 dead.
Discussion/Evaluation: There are now a number of agencies on campus. Will Unified Command be established? What areas of responsibility does the college ICS retain? There are now a number of agencies on campus. Will Unified Command be established? What areas of responsibility does the college ICS retain? What are the notification processes regarding casualties? What are the notification processes regarding casualties? Do you open your emergency operations center, if so how does that happen? Do you open your emergency operations center, if so how does that happen? Do you close your College/University, if so how long? Do you close your College/University, if so how long? Media relations – PIO? Media relations – PIO?
Stop Action – Hot Wash: Did your Prevention/Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery plans/processes achieve your desired results? Did your Prevention/Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery plans/processes achieve your desired results? How is your college’s incident command understanding in dealing with this rapidly expanding complex incident? How is your college’s incident command understanding in dealing with this rapidly expanding complex incident? How prepared/experienced is your college in interacting with local Law Enforcement/Fire/EMS agencies? What training has been done? How prepared/experienced is your college in interacting with local Law Enforcement/Fire/EMS agencies? What training has been done? Did your communication tools/plan to notify the campus community function as intended? Did your communication tools/plan to notify the campus community function as intended? What can be done to improve campus security/ law enforcement relationships and operations? What can be done to improve campus security/ law enforcement relationships and operations?
Action Plan: The lessons learned during this table top exercise will lead to an action plan to: Keep Doing _____ Keep Doing _____ Stop Doing _____ Stop Doing _____ Start Doing _____ Start Doing _____ Re-evaluate ______ Re-evaluate ______
Additional Resource Information Related Laws Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) Other Resources Search Clery Act Crime Statistics Summary Of 2008 Clery Act Amendments "Congress Amends Clery Act In Response To Virginia Tech Shootings" (December 2008) "Congress Amends Clery Act In Response To Virginia Tech Shootings" How To File A Jeanne Clery Act Complaint Legislative History Congress Reforms Campus Crime Reporting (1998 amendments) Covering Crime On College Campuses by S. Daniel Carter (Sept. 2000) Covering Crime On College Campuses Student Media Guide to the Clery Act (Student Press Law Center) Student Media Guide to the Clery Act