Chapter 4 Shoulder Girdle
Clavicle Deltoid Tubercle Acromial End Sternal End Trapezoid Line Superior surface Anterior Sternal End Anterior Trapezoid Line Inferior surface Right Clavicle Subclavian Groove Conoid Tubercle Label
Scapula Supra Scapular Notch Superior Angle Coracoid Process Supraspinous Fossa Supra Glenoid Tubercle Spine Superior Border Acromion Process Glenoid Fossa Infra Glenoid Tubercle Medial (vertebral) Border Infraspinous Fossa Inferior Angle Lateral (axillary) Border Label
Sternoclavicular joint— SC (Arthrodial) Ligaments & Disc: articular disc, ant. & post. sternoclavicular ligaments, costoclavicular ligament, interclavicular ligament Range of Motion: Anterior with protraction: 15 degrees Posterior with retraction: 15 degrees Superiorly with elevation: 45 degrees Inferiorly with depression: 5 degrees
Acromioclavicular Joint – AC (arthrodial) Ligaments: sup. & inf. acromioclavicular ligaments, coracoclavicular ligaments Range of Motion: 20-30 degrees total gliding and rotational movement
Scapulothoracic— (not a true diathrodial joint) Range of Motion: Total Abduction-Adduction: 25 degrees Total Upward-Downward Rotation: 60 degrees Total Elevation-Depression: 55 degrees
Movements Abduction (protraction) Adduction (retraction) Upward rotation Downward rotation Elevation Depression Lateral tilt Medial tilt Anterior tilt Posterior tilt
Muscles Levator Scapulae Trapezius Rhomboids Subclavius Upper Middle Lower Rhomboids Subclavius Pectoralis Minor Serratus Anterior Label
Muscles Pectoralis minor Strengthening Stretching
Muscles Serratus Anterior Strengthening Stretching Problems
Muscles Subclavius Strengthening Stretching
Muscles Levator Scapulae Strengthening Stretching
Muscles Rhomboids Major minor Strengthening Stretching
Muscles Trapezius Upper Middle Lower Strengthening Stretching
Kyphosis – excessive posterior curvature of the thoracic spine
Kyphosis Weak Muscles? Tight/Inflexible Muscles? How strengthen? Tight/Inflexible Muscles? How stretch? Contractured Ligament?
Cervical Plexus
Brachial Plexus