Why Washington? With New York and Philadelphia leading the pack in population and industry, Washington D.C was not the ideal capital for such a great nation. Washington D.C. was an unknown, mosquito and disease infested swamp. It was clearly not the first choice by many. However, when the dispute over state debts arose between Hamilton and Jefferson, a compromise had to be made. Jefferson, who was from the south, Wanted a capital closer to his home land. Thus, to resolve their conflict, they agreed that the capital is to be moved from Philadelphia to Washington D.C. In return for the government to take over state debts, also known as debt assumption.
In Remembrance of the valiant president, George Washington, our nation constructed a 555ft, monument. The Washington Memorial can be seen from just about anywhere. It is located in the center of the National Mall. It was dedicated in 1933 for the heroic efforts of Washington for liberty, civil rights, and much much more
The Thomas Jefferson Memorial is located along the Tidal Basin. This statue of President Jefferson stands 19 feet tall and weighs five tons. The memorial was completed in 1943 in remembrance of the 200 th anniversary of his birth. This monument is one of the most beautiful monuments in the Washington D.C. Every 15 minutes, visitors are able to hear talks performed by park rangers about Jefferson and the memorial.
The Lincoln Memorial was built to resemble the Greek Style of Architecture. The building’s 36 columns was meant to represent the number of states in the Union at the time of Lincoln’s death. It was designed by Henry Bacon and dedicated in Lying on the North Wall is Lincoln’s inaugural address, and the Gettysburg Address on the south wall. Reading these two addresses is always a favorite to most visitors of the Lincoln Memorial.
The Smithsonian Institutions Consists of fifteen different Museums. When entering this complex,You have now entered the World’s Largest museum complex. The Smithsonian Institutions contains Museums covering arts, science, and history. Some of the fifteen museums in the Smithsonian Institutions are, Freer Gallery of Art, International Gallery, and National Space Museum
The Air and Space Museum is an important centerFor the history, science, and technology of aviation. It is located in the National Mall in Washington D.C. Some of the things that are visible in The Air and Space Museum are the original Wright Flyer, “Spirit of St. Louis,”and Apollo 11. There are many first hand activities for all ages, and there is even a Lunar rock sample for visitors to touch.
The National Gallery of Art is home to 2,1000 works of Western Sculpture. Many works of the famous European artists lie in this building. Painting and drawings in The National Gallery of Art date back to the 11 th century. The National Gallery of Art began in 1941 when 400 pieces or art were Donated by five art enthusiasts. Today more than 65,000 pieces of art Have found their home in The National Gallery of Art.
The White house was completed in 1800 and November 1, 2000 Marked the 200 th anniversary of the occupancy of the White House. President George Washington was the only President who did not Reside in the White House. Every President has changed it in some Way, so it is always a “must see” when you go to Washington D.C. The White House tours are available only in advance.
The United State Capitol Complex is located near the east side of The National Mall. William Thortan was the original designer in 1793, but was not completed until The entire Capitol Complex Occupies 3 ½ acres. Since the beginning of the Capitol Building, There has been many changes and renovations. The top dome was Added till years later. The Capitol Complex is a hot place for visitors to visit, so you must write or call your Senator or Representative to Attend a congessional session. This is a great opportunity for all!!
The Supreme court is one of the most important buildings in all of Washington D.C. It stands as mother of all courts. The Supreme Court began with Article 3 of the United States Constitution. The Court is made up of eight associated justices and one chief justice.