Other exciting places and festivals:
Hungarian cuisine: - is hot and spicy - is meaty - is very colourful
We are proud of our : vineyards and wines traditional folk dances and songs national costumes history
Protection of the atmosphere Our national strategy on air pollution abatement has 3 pillars: 1.Reducing air pollution in cities with heavy traffic and in the industrialized areas 2. Maintaining the ambient air quality in relatively clean regions 3. Fulfilling the obligations due to the international protocols (Convention of Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution and its protocols, Montreal Protocol)
Some regulations: Vehicles older than years have to renew their certificate of emission inspection every year. Cars (one time cars with odd-numbered registration plate, another time even-numbered)are forbidden from the town centers in case of smoke alert. Marketing of leaded petrol for use in road transport has been prohibited in Hungary as of 1 April Air quality is measured by a sophisticated national air quality monitoring network in 6 big cities. → Emissions of sulphur dioxide and lead were reduced in the last decade, air quality improved. Concentration of pollutants does not exceed the annual limit values.
Thank you for Your attention! Ádám DózsaAlexandra FehérLilla Madarász