Click to edit Master title style BUDAPEST Airport Wizz Air – Q2
Methodology and the sample Respondents were selected at random from boarding areas at terminals 1, 2A and 2B. Examined destinations / airlines and sample size: F2F interviews were carried out in either Hungarian, English, German, Romanian or Russian Fieldwork: weeks 20-27, 2009
ActivityEducational background AgeMarital status Standard of living Gender Base: Wizz Air destination: Paris, London Citizenship Paris London Socio – demographic profile
Socio – demographic profile ActivityEducational background AgeMarital status Standard of living Gender Base: Tirgu Mures destination Citizenship Tirgu Mures
Reason for your trip today Base: Wizz Air destinations: Paris, London, Tirgu Mures
Base: Wizz Air destinations: Paris, London, Tirgu Mures Who arranged the purchase of your airline ticket / taking part in decision- making
Profile of fellow – passengers Number of people in the travelling group Number of people in the travelling Base: Wizz Air destinations: Paris, London, Tirgu Mures
How did you purchase your ticket and how early is your ticket bought before your air journey? Base: Wizz Air destinations: Paris, London, Tirgu Mures
The most important considerations when airline ticket purchasing Base: Wizz Air destinations: Paris, London, Tirgu Mures
Frequent flyer program membership - Paris Base: Paris destination / those who are on any frequent flyer program Sample size is too low, results are indicative!
Frequent flyer program membership - London Base: London destination / those who are on any frequent flyer program Sample size is too low, results are indicative!
Frequent flyer program membership – Tirgu Mures Base: Tirgu Mures destination / those who are on any frequent flyer program Sample size is too low, results are indicative!
Number of flights in the last 12 months from Budapest Airport Business Non-busines Base: who had at least one business trip Base: who had at least one non- business trip Base: Wizz Air destinations: Paris, London, Tirgu Mures