SO 2, NO x, VOC, NH 3 National programs under NECD of the EU 25 Preparation of the Hungarian national program Éva Draskovitsné-Temesy, adviser Róbert Tóth, Ministry of Environment and Water
SO 2, NO x, VOC, NH 3 Air pollutant Emission in the base year 1990 [kt/year] National emission ceiling in the target year 2010 [kt/year] Rate of emission reduction by 2002 compared to base year emission [%] Rate of target emis- sion reduc- tion by 2010 compared to base year emission [%] SO 2 NO x VOCs NH
SO 2, NO x, VOC, NH 3
MEASURES Energy production Energy conservation measures Increased share of the implementation of renewable energy sources Industry Application of best available techniques (IPPC) Stricter emission reduction regimes for VOC emissions Transport Reduction of road traffic emissions Increased implementation of intermodal transport systems (Ro-La, Ro-Ro) Agriculture Modernization in animal keeping Fulfillment of the agro-environmental program Effective dissemination of good agricultural practice Households Reduction of household generated emissions
SO 2, NO x, VOC, NH 3 Legal framework of the implementation of NECD Act on the Environment (1995) National Environmental Program NEP-I NEP-II Ministerial Decree by the ministers of the MEW and of the Ministry of Economy and Transport (2003) National Emission Reduction Plan (NERP) Realization, implementation programs of NEP-II
SO 2, NO x, VOC, NH 3 SO2NOxVOC EU (25MS); Annex I (presently valid but temporary figures) (25MS); Annex II (stricter requirements to achieve interim targets) Valid figures for Hungary according to Annex I Estimated figures for Hungary according to Annex II National emission ceilings of the 25 Member States and of Hungary according to the Directive [kt]
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