The growing season in Ukrainian Carpathian region under modern climate conditions Olesya Skrynyk 1, Yurii Nabyvanets 2, Oleg Skrynyk 2 1 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine ( ) 2 Ukrainian Research Hydrometeorological Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine ( ) References Ped D., 1951: Definition of Dates of Steady Passage of Air Temperature through Certain Limits, Rus. Meteorol. Gidrol.,10 3. Sladek I., 1989: Urcovani nastupu a ukonceni svorenych teplot vzduchu metodou souctovych rad odchylek // Meteorologichne zpravy, Vol Szentimrey, T., 2011: Manual of homogenization software MASHv3.03, Hungarian Meteorological Service, pp Szentimrey, T., 2011: Manual of software MISH, Hungarian Meteorological Service, pp. 32 Data and data processing Data – 39 UA climatological stations, 2 PL stations, 3 SK stations, 3 HU station and 6 RO stations (Fig. 1) Data – 39 UA climatological stations, 2 PL stations, 3 SK stations, 3 HU station and 6 RO stations (Fig. 1) Introduction The growing season along with seasons of other threshold temperature (0 o C, 10 o C, 15 o C) are very important for different sectors of national economy. The growing season along with seasons of other threshold temperature (0 o C, 10 o C, 15 o C) are very important for different sectors of national economy. They are very important for climatological studies because they can be considered as a good indicator of climate change. They are very important for climatological studies because they can be considered as a good indicator of climate change. The object of the study is to detect possible changes of the growing season due to “global warming” The object of the study is to detect possible changes of the growing season due to “global warming” 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC) 10 – 14 September 2012 | Łódź, Poland Fig 1. Climatological stations used in the study Calculating methods for beginning/ending of season European Climate Assessment (ECA) method ( Referred below as (I) European Climate Assessment (ECA) method ( Referred below as (I) Sladek’s (Ped’s) method (Sladek, 1989; Ped, 1951). (II) Sladek’s (Ped’s) method (Sladek, 1989; Ped, 1951). (II) Agrometeorological method. (III) Agrometeorological method. (III) Possible problem Different methods give different results (different dates of beginning/ending of the season) that may cause differences at detected changes Results (only for methods (I) and (II)) The beginning of the growing season The beginning of the growing season Conclusion Different methods give approximately the same results after averaging Different methods give approximately the same results after averaging Beginning and the end of growing season have shifted towards more early dates; Beginning and the end of growing season have shifted towards more early dates; Length of growing season has slightly decreased. Length of growing season has slightly decreased. The ending of the growing season The ending of the growing season The length of the growing season The length of the growing season Fig 2. Time evolution of beginning of the growing season at the station Iezer, RO and respective linear trends Time period – years Time period – years Homogenization and QC – software MASH (Szentimrey, 2011) Homogenization and QC – software MASH (Szentimrey, 2011) Interpolation – software MISH (Szentimrey, 2011), Interpolation – software MISH (Szentimrey, 2011), grid – 6 ’ in both directions Fig 3. Isolines of beginning, ending and length of the growing season