Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Development of a European system for operational monitoring and forecasting of the ocean physics, biogeochemistry, and ecosystems, on global and regional scales
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 MERSEA Integrated Project R&D project funded under 6th FP of the European Commission –Thematic priority : SPACE - GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) –Ocean and Marine Applications Four-year project (2004 –2008) 38 contractors, 16 countries (or Int. Org.) Coordination : IFREMER (Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer), France
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 MERSEA Participants
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 GMES: Global Monitoring for Environment and Security A joint initiative of the EU Commission and ESA –Establish (2008) a global monitoring capacity in support of EU objectives : Sustainable development Independence in the provision of data, information, knowledge, indices … –In support of policy making : environnement, global change, sustainable development agriculture, fisheries, research, Humanitarian help, Conflict prevention, crisis management, risk evaluation negotiation and monitoring (compliance) of international treaties and conventions
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 GMES : ocean applications MERSEA objective : develop the global ocean component of GMES : –Climate change, CO², seasonal forecasting –Ecosystems, fisheries, –Marine safety, traffic, pollution (crisis management) –Offshore activities –Coast guards and Navy applications –From global to coastal ocean (coastal management) –Scientific research
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 MERSEA IP objectives Development of a European system for operational monitoring and forecasting of the ocean physics, biogeochemistry and ecosystems –A global system –Support for shelf sea systems –Connection to coastal systems It will build the Ocean component of GMES (2008) Mersea federates European contribution to GODAE Nowcasts, forecasts, hindcasts
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Operational Oceanography : backbone for regular and routine provision of data and information in hindcast-nowcast-forecast mode for the Global ocean Data : in situ and remotely sensed; forcing fields assimilated assimilated into ocean circulation models
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Initial situation Four Global systems, with different caracteristics –MERCATOR ( France ) –TOPAZ (NERSC, Norvège) –FOAM (Met Office, UK) –MFS (Med. Forecasting System, INGV, Italie) Great diversity of regional / coastal systems –Arctic, North and Baltic seas –NW European shelves (UK) –Bay of Biscay –Mediterranean + Cataluñia, Ligurian, Adriatic, Aegean –Etc … Services, applications, formats, pratices are very diverse
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Web server FTP server Physical medium Web server Web server ? FTP server Physical medium ? MercatorTOPAZ FOAM MFS Coriolis GTS Météo-France Met OfficeCLS HCMR CMCNOAAISAC/GOS ECMWF NSIDC OSI/SAF Mersea Std.1 Portal Users SST Forcing fields Salinity, T° Altimetry Sea-ice Biological Current Architecture ISSUE 1 : DESIGN
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Mersea Strand 1 A preliminary exercise to assess the current systems –FP 5, 18 months ; Jan 2003 – June 2004 –Co-ordinated by NERSC (J. Johannessen coord.) –19 partners Objectives : a)deliver information products (physical, chemical and biological) needed by users concerned with European marine environment and security policies; b)report on the problems met and lessons learnt in supplying this information, and c)contribute to improved knowledge, methods and tools required for monitoring, information production and delivery to users.
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Examples from Mersea Strand 1 Oil Spills Eutrophi cation HAB FIMR, IMR, FIMR, IMR,; POL, PML, Met Office, DMI, Met Office, Météo France, HCMR, DFMR
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Experiments - applications - products User products Oil drift fate prediction The Prestige case (Météo France, Mercator, the Met Office,
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Contribute to improved knowledge, methods and tools required for monitoring. System comparison / validation / improvements : –MERCATOR, FOAM, TOPAZ, MFS, HYCOM (US) –Based on well-defined metrics, common grids, formats, time frame –North Atlantic : MERCATOR, FOAM, TOPAZ, HYCOM –Mediterranean : MERCATOR, FOAM, MFS, HYCOM Set up European GODAE server (Live access server) Several model improvements
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Potential temperature at 5 m depth (ci=2degC) MERCATOR TOPAZ FOAM LEVITUS01 HYCOM-US
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Conclusions from Mersea Strand 1 Improved models through intercomparison exercise Recommendations on observing systems –Gravity mission, multi satellite altimetry, high resolution SST –Develop and maintain ARGO,.. In situ systems Strengths : Global systems + data streams (CORIOLIS, SSALTO-DUACS) Must improve : merged products (SST, forcing fields) GODAE server set up : common standards, formats Modelling : high resolution is necessary, full multivariate data assimilation
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 MERSEA Global to Regional coverage
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Global to regional, downscaling From Global (resolution 1/12° = 8 km) to : –Arctic –NE Atlantic shelf –Mediterranean From NE Atlantic shelf to –North and Baltic Sea From North Atlantic and Arctic to –Greenland and Newfoundland shelf
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 The target Mersea system A global system, high resolution model, –with biogeochemistry and sea ice –Pooling of resources for development and expertise A co-ordinated network of regional systems over european seas –Commom modelling framework –Support for coastal systems Improve and facilitate access to data, products, and services Full validation, inter-operability, developement of standards and best practices. Develop user-oriented applications
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 MERSEA Integrated Project work plan Integrate and organise present systems; design and validate the final system –information management, communication Provision of data (satellite, in situ, forcing fields) Research and development (data products, modelling, assimilation): –Validate, improve, extend present capacities (resolution, geography, processes, assimilation, geochemistry and ecosystems, data,… )
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 MERSEA Integrated Project work plan Deliver information products to intermediate and end-users : –Operate the systems –Biogeochemical variability and ecosystems modeling in coastal areas, –seasonal forecasting, –wave forecasts, ship routing, offshore activities, oil spills Design and validation of final system (2008) Training, communication
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Input data : from R&D to production Remote sensed –merged altimetry (Jason, Envisat, Geosat FO) –high resolution SST (Pathfinder AVHRR) –Wind (scatterometer) –Ocean colour (SeaWifs, MERIS,MODIS) –Sea ice (SSMI) –+ new products (Salinity …)
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Input data : from R&D to production In situ –profiles (ARGO, XBT), moorings, SST from ships –global + focus on Med ; regional data sets –new technology (sensors, gliders)
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Modelling and assimilation Physical modelling –global high resolution –parameterisation (mixing, sills, topography, boundary layers, …) –nesting of models, shelf transition to shallow water,.. Biogeochemical –Nitrogen and Carbon in global upper ocean N, P, Fe, Si, C (DOM, DOC,..), –Ecosystem : phys / biogeochem coupling, assimilation, process studies, bloom experiment Assimilation –advanced methods, assimilation in global models Scientific validation of systems
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Topaz Met Office DMI MFS
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Experiments - applications - products Biogeochemical variability in regional and shelf seas (Atlantic margin and Med Sea) –Global carbon cycle –Coastal ecosystems, algal blooms, eutrophication, water quality –Improve, validate, integrate into operational systems Coupling physical and ecosystem models
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Experiments - applications - products User products : –offshore oil exploration and production (relocatable high resolution models) –wave forecasts and ship routing wave-current interaction, sea ice –oil drift fate prediction
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Implementation - Production - Integration and Design of target system Operate the systems for the project duration –routine production outputs Implement upgrades (V0 => V1 => V2 => V3) –Global, Arctic, Baltic / North Sea, Mediterranean, NE Atlantic shelves Integration & design of final system –specifications, architecture –information management –definition of ocean and technical indicators –End - to - end assessment of the Mersea Integrated System
Mohn-Sverdrup Inauguration, Bergen, October 20, 2004 Remarks, conclusions An ambitious project ! –Validation –Demonstrate services, applications, engage users Design and implement GMES service by 2008 –Technical and institutional aspects : towards a European Centre for Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting ? A rich context: GMES, GEOSS –Other FP6 projects : CarboOcean, Geoland (Terre), GEMS, (Atmosphere) –ESA : ROSES, Coastwatch, Icemon, Medspiration, and phase 2 –GMES Initial Services (ESA, CE) : pressure to deliver and demonstrate early on