Europe Plunges into War Ch. 29, Sec. 2 Advanced World History Adkins
The Great War Begins To support Russia’s ally, Serbia, Russia sent troops to the border of Russia\Austria-Hungary (This was done in response Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia.) Expecting Germany to come to A-H’s defense, Russia also sent troops to German-Russian border. So…Germany declared war on Russia on August 1, 1914 Two days later, Germany also declared war on France So…Great Britain declared war on Germany
Before We Continue… 65 million people will fight in WWI 8.5 million soldiers will die – 1 million soldiers will die in the first 4 months – 21 millions soldiers will be wounded 9 million civilians will die (starvation, disease, artillery fire, air raids)
Triple Alliance Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary (Austrian Empire had been split apart in 1867 – empire was weakening. Both A and H were ruled by the same leader. – It would totally break apart at the end of WWI). Ottoman Empire (they wanted to regain lands that they had lost) Bulgaria (also wanted to regain lost land)
Triple Entente Allies Great Britain France Russia Japan Italy originally had been part of Triple Alliance, but they left this alliance after accusing the Central Powers of unjustly starting the war Joined the Triple Entente when Italy was promised Austrian- Hungarian land at the end of the war (assuming the Central Powers would lose) = Treaty of London Most expected the war to be over quickly
What Countries Fought in WWI? sBDg&feature=relmfu sBDg&feature=relmfu Play this video from the beginning to 2:23
Western Front Most people thought the war would be very short, but they soon realized their mistake Western Front - Deadlocked region in northern France. There would also be an Eastern Front. Now, let’s read some excerpts from All Quiet on the Western Front.
Schlieffen Plan Germany was fighting a war on 2 fronts Schlieffen Plan – Attack and defeat France – then quickly rush to Russia – Germany felt this was possible because Russia did not have an adequate RR and could not supply its troops quickly. They expected it to take 10 weeks before Russia could mobilize troops – it took 10 days.
First Battle of the Marne Germans almost took Paris, but were pushed back in the First Battle of the Marne (taxicab drivers rushed Allied troops to the front line). As they were pushed back, they dug trenches in the land they had already taken. The Allies responded by digging their own trenches thus the beginning of trench warfare in WWI This was the first major battle on the Western Front Single most important battle of the war Why? The defeat of the Germans in this battle left the Schlieffen Plan in ruins. Russia was already invading Germany Germany was now fighting a 2 front war.
Trench Warfare Soldiers fought each other from trenches Huge loss of life = little land gained Disgusting, dirty, rats, little food, little sleep No man’s land = space between trenches filled with barbed wire – When ordered to attack, they would run into no man’s land and oftentimes be shot down – If they stayed in the trenches, they were killed by artillery “Terrain of death”
Weapons of World War I Infantry weapons – rifle, bayonet, shotgun, and hand grenade. riflebayonetshotgunhand grenade Tanks (first tank drivers were wealthy because they were the only ones who knew how to drive). WWI was the first war to use tanks. Machine guns Mortars (small, short distance) Artillery (larger, longer distance) Flamethrowers Helmets – Steel helmets were not used in the first year of WWI
Weapons of World War I (cont.) Gas – Caused blindness, blisters, death – Soldiers wore masks – Chlorine (deadly, but easy to see and smell) Chlorine – Phosgene (the deadliest of the gases) Phosgene – Mustard gas (the hardest to detect, and it would linger) Aircraft – Used for dropping bombs and shooting at the enemy – Also used for reconnaissancereconnaissance – Total number of planes used soared from around 850 – 10,000 during WWI. German pilots carried parachutes; Americans did not (the U.S. War Dept. believed a pilot would be more likely to fly an injured plane to safety if they could not bail out when they were hit). Submarines (torpedos)
Verdun\Somme Major battles in France where thousands on both sides died Verdun – 300,000 died on both sides Somme – 500,000 died on both sides BUT WHAT WAS GAINED FOR ALL OF THESE LOSSES? Verdun Germans advanced 4 miles Somme British advanced 5 miles
Eastern Front Russians and Serbs battled Germans and Austro-Hungarians More mobile war then on the west
Russia Struggles By 1916, Russia’s war effort was near collapse – Not industrialized – Army short on food, guns, ammunition, clothes, boots, and blankets Germans blocked supplies coming from Allies on the Baltic and North Seas. Ottomans blocked supplies on the Mediterranean to Black Sea. Russia’s 1 Asset – its numbers and they will eventually lose a ton of people