2013 Year-End Review: End of an Era, Auspicious Future December 12, 2013 Your authoritative source for project management information in the Bluegrass
Agenda End of an Era 2013 Review Where do we go from here ? Your authoritative source for project management information in the Bluegrass
End of an Era 1998 ▫ NCAA Basketball Champion: Kentucky ▫ Biggest TV event of the year: Seinfeld final episode on NBC ▫ i___ goes on sale: iMac ▫ President Clinton is: Impeached “Did not have sexual relations with that woman” also acceptable Your authoritative source for project management information in the Bluegrass
2013 Review Membership ▫ December 2012: Members: 218 PMPs: 157 CAPMs: 6 PMI-ACP: 2 PMI-RMP: 1 Your authoritative source for project management information in the Bluegrass ▫ November 2013: Members: 247 PMPs: 160 CAPMs: 4 PMI-ACP: 1 PMI-RMP: 1
2013 Review Programs ▫ Lexington: 10 lunch, 1 dinner, 1 social ▫ Frankfort: 4 lunch meetings ▫ Round table discussions ▫ Porter's Five Challenges to Planning ▫ Human Resource Risk Management ▫ IBM’s Journey to PM Competence ▫ Social Media & Intellectual Property ▫ Relentless Pursuit: Optimal Performance Through Purposeful Living & Leading ▫ Mentors & Meals Program ▫ From Cocktails to Customers ▫ In Appreciation of Appreciative Inquiry Your authoritative source for project management information in the Bluegrass
2013 Review Publications ▫ Newsletters: 12 ▫ LinkedIn Group: ?trk=my_groups-b-grp-v ?trk=my_groups-b-grp-v 182 members 6 discussion threads in the past month Job postings Your authoritative source for project management information in the Bluegrass
2013 Review Special Projects/Activities ▫ Strategic Planning Sessions ▫ Membership “Personal Touch” Survey ▫ Region 5 Conference ▫ PDU Day “Managing Difficult Projects” ▫ Officer Handbook Updates ▫ PMI NA Leadership Institute Meeting ▫ Officer Elections ▫ Improved Financials Your authoritative source for project management information in the Bluegrass
2013 Review Membership “Personal Touch” Survey ▫ More evening meetings in Lexington (14) ▫ Members joined Chapter for Networking (26) & certification (19) ▫ Provide Community Service projects (13) ▫ PDU day (8) ▫ Variety of topics (5) ▫ Provide PMP prep classes (5) ▫ Joint events with other chapters (3) ▫ Forum/roundtable discussions (3) Your authoritative source for project management information in the Bluegrass
2009 Board of Directors Board PositionName PresidentEric-Stephan Neill/Patrick Quirk President-ElectPatrick Quirk/-- Immediate Past President--/Eric-Stephan Neill VP FinanceHardy Utley AVP Finance-- VP MembershipMetty Joseph AVP MembershipSue Knies VP Professional DevelopmentCorey Flannery AVP Professional DevelopmentAnn McCarthy VP PlanningTammy O’Donnell AVP PlanningMasako Hashimoto VP CommunicationsBobbie Newman AVP Communications-- VP ProgramsChristy Adams AVP ProgramsDr. Robert Mahaney VP MarketingNatarajan Murugesan AVP MarketingAnh Nguyen 2013 Board of Directors Your authoritative source for project management information in the Bluegrass
2009 Board of Directors Board PositionName PresidentPatrick Quirk President-ElectChristy Adams Immediate Past PresidentEric-Stephan Neill VP FinanceHardy Utley AVP FinanceMetty Joseph VP MembershipSue Knies AVP MembershipSumana Sinha VP Professional DevelopmentNeed volunteer! AVP Professional DevelopmentLucas Mentzer VP PlanningMasako Hashimoto AVP PlanningTammy O’Donnell VP CommunicationsNeed volunteer! AVP CommunicationsNeed volunteer! VP ProgramsDr. Robert Mahaney AVP ProgramsSuresh Adhikari VP MarketingAnh Nguyen AVP MarketingDaryl Keltz 2014 Board of Directors Your authoritative source for project management information in the Bluegrass
Where Do We Go From Here? Lexington Lunch Meetings ▫ Rotations of multiple locations for 1H14 ▫ Evaluate benefits of a single location vs 2-4 rotating locations ▫ Membership input needed! ▫ Watch your /newsletter Your authoritative source for project management information in the Bluegrass
Where Do We Go From Here? Your authoritative source for project management information in the Bluegrass Members PMI Global KY/Region 5/Nat’l/Int’l Community (Central Kentucky) Biz/Ed/Other orgs Grows & Retains Membership Strengthens Offerings Extends PM into our world
Where Do We Go From Here? ▫ Considering Multi-Year Themes 5x5 ( 500 members in 5 years) Corporate partners (LXK, Toyota, Alltech, CHI, etc.) Educational partners (UK, KCTCS, EKU, ITT Tech, etc.) Community Outreach PM volunteers for charitable organizations PM education in K-12 PM awareness for small businesses Outreach to new industries Legal, Accounting, etc. Your authoritative source for project management information in the Bluegrass
Where Do We Go From Here? ▫ Q&A Your authoritative source for project management information in the Bluegrass