2/9/02 1 Overcoming Your Top PM Challenges PMI-SVC Government Forum June 2006
2/9/02 2 The Top 3 Challenges PM Acceptance PM Acceptance Is PM actually embraced? PM Implementation PM Implementation How much PM is expected? Project Duration Project Duration How long will the project take?
2/9/02 3 The Common Problem PM that does not add value PM that does not add value Specific and meaningful to key stakeholders If stakeholders do not perceive clear value from PM practices If stakeholders do not perceive clear value from PM practices Appropriate PM activity becomes strained Execution of PM plan is hindered Business results are impacted
2/9/02 4 The Approach Apply common problem to one challenge Apply common problem to one challenge Nature of challenge What we need to know to overcome it What we can do Discuss other two challenges (more briefly) Discuss other two challenges (more briefly) Discuss risks/barriers to what we can do (if there’s time) Discuss risks/barriers to what we can do (if there’s time)
2/9/02 5 PM Acceptance – Nature of challenge PM is expected but not truly supported PM is expected but not truly supported Stakeholders don’t buy in to value Stakeholders don’t buy in to value Don’t know or understand value from stakeholder’s functional perspective Don’t know or understand value from stakeholder’s functional perspective
2/9/02 6 PM Acceptance – What we need to know Stakeholder’s value system Stakeholder’s value system From functional perspective Specific value involved Priority of specific value to stakeholder Priority of specific value to stakeholder Cost to stakeholder to achieve value Cost to stakeholder to achieve value Tied to their project role/responsibility Cost they are responsible to pay in their role
2/9/02 7 PM Acceptance – What we can do Key question to stakeholder: Key question to stakeholder: Is value worth cost for PM to be priority? Help stakeholder understand real cost of not supporting PM practice Help stakeholder understand real cost of not supporting PM practice Assess risk and leverage risk management process agreement Engage stakeholder in change process Engage stakeholder in change process
2/9/02 8 PM Implementation – Nature of challenge PM artifacts are expected but not truly supported or used PM artifacts are expected but not truly supported or used Compliance is reluctant Ineffective PM practices; schedule slips Stakeholders act as if PM not worth effort Stakeholders act as if PM not worth effort Project information not acted on Indifference to PM role in important business
2/9/02 9 PM Implementation – What we need to know Why project team doesn’t believe there’s value in complying Why project team doesn’t believe there’s value in complying What is real value of PM practices? Why stakeholders don’t believe PM is worth effort Why stakeholders don’t believe PM is worth effort What is significant about PM impact on important business? How much PM adds value How much PM adds value
2/9/02 10 PM Implementation – What we can do Increase understanding Increase understanding PM value and significance Stakeholder’s role in supporting PM Using project info for important business Leverage motivators to compliance and risk to business interests Leverage motivators to compliance and risk to business interests Don’t do unnecessary PM activity Don’t do unnecessary PM activity
2/9/02 11 Project Duration – Nature of challenge Unreasonable due date expectations Unreasonable due date expectations From any stakeholder For any deliverable Non-adherence to estimating process Non-adherence to estimating process By any stakeholder For any work element
2/9/02 12 Project Duration – What we need to know Impact of schedule slips on stakeholder’s important business Impact of schedule slips on stakeholder’s important business Stakeholder buy-in to estimating process Stakeholder buy-in to estimating process Does stakeholder understanding process? Will stakeholder support process?
2/9/02 13 Project Duration – What we can do Increase stakeholder understanding Increase stakeholder understanding Impact of schedule slips on business interests Essentials of estimating process Role in supporting estimating and scheduling Engage stakeholders in project schedule management Engage stakeholders in project schedule management
2/9/02 14 Conclusion Make sure PM adds specific value Make sure PM adds specific value To project team’s efforts To stakeholder’s business interests Don’t do unnecessary PM activity Don’t do unnecessary PM activity Engage stakeholders in use of PM Engage stakeholders in use of PM
2/9/02 15 Questions? Risks/barriers to addressing challenges? Risks/barriers to addressing challenges? Other top PM challenges? Other top PM challenges?
2/9/02 16 Contact Info Please don’t hesitate to contact me at…