Dr. Ing. Jos Knockaert Industry and Engineering Education Interacting in an Interregional Project – a Flanders’ perspective J. Knockaert*, G. De Lepeleer°, T. Stevens°, P. Saey° * Ghent University ° KU Leuven
2 Content -Project Description -Project Targets -Project Management -Project Results -Conclusion Description Targets Management Results Conclusion
3 Interreg Iva 2 Seas project Interregional MObility and Competence Centres in Automation 2 main topics: – Industrial datacommunication – Embedded control These are fast evolving topics in industrial automation – They require a lot of high-level training – They require demonstrators, proof-of-principles, …, inspiring innovative applications in industry and services 3+ years (01/07/2011 – 30/09/2014)
4 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion KU Leuven / KAHO Sint-Lieven (Gent) Ugent / HoWest (Kortrijk)
5 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion HEI, ISEN, ICAM (Un. Catholique de Lille) Univ-Lille1 (Sciences et Technologie) University of Greenwich (Chatham)
6 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion Collaboration and reinforcement of the three actors:
7 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion Collaboration of the three actors:
8 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion Collaboration of the three actors: Active participation -Volvo Cars Ghent -Arcelor Mittal Ghent -PSI Control -LVD Company -Elster/Energy ICT Followed courses: - > 300 companies delegated engineers and technicians
9 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion Collaboration of the three actors: Active participation -Volvo Cars Ghent -Arcelor Mittal Ghent -PSI Control -LVD Company -Elster/Energy ICT Followed courses: - > 300 companies delegated engineers and technicians -7 partner universities -Staff -Students
10 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion Project targets -Development of courses (1 to 5 day courses) -Development workshops (1/2 day to 1 day workshops) -Development of lectures (short lectures, teaser lectures) -Development of proof-of-principles -Development of demonstrators -Realisation of knowledge centres
11 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion Project management Joint Technical Secretariat
12 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion Using “common basic equipment” Present at or purchased by all PPs Enabling easy staff mobility Enabling exchange of results, “how to”, joint development Leaving opportunities for local specializations
13 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion -Internal Conferences -One-day conference -Limited to researchers, students, staff -Every six months (January and June) -Discussing results (Developed courses, Developed proof of concepts) -Formal, mainly oral presentations -Visit of the hosting university -Starting conference -Closing conference for larger public
14 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion -Technical Days -Informal, more interactive -Parallel sessions -Small groups (4 to 8 persons) -Real technical discussions -Every six months (March and October)
15 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion Reaching the targets: -Technical Days -Every six months (March and October) -Internal Conferences -Every six months (January and June) Targets and results every 3 months
16 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion Industrial Datacommunication Basic industrial networks: –Profibus –ProfiNet Both wired and wireless implementations Specific: –WirelessHART –RFID –BAS (Building Automation Systems) –ProfiEnergy –Energy efficient algorithms (=link to embedded) –EMI, shielding performance, installation guidelines Embedded Control Basic tools: –Matlab & Simulink –Real-time code generation by M/S –Introduction to DSP Specific: –xPC Target (standard PC) –dSpace, Speedgoat –S7mEC, Beckhoff, AC800 PEC –Analog and digital control design –Programming FPGA by Matlab –Programming Arduino by Matlab –Image processing by Matlab –Industrial datacom aspects –EMI aspects –Applications in power electronics? robotics, hydraulics, … Courses and lectures on the following topics:
17 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion Sensor (laser distance sensor, IO-Link) Actuator (ventilator, asynchronous motor) Actuator (Sinamics S120 drive asynchronous motor) Sensor (color sensor, IO-Link) Network (Profinet: industrial network, connecting controller, sensors IOlink, actuators, HMI (touch panel)) Engineering station (PC for programming, configuration, troubleshooting) Controller (Steering & Control, master of the network. Control algorithms designed in Matlab/Simulink. The embedded controller.) Example of demonstrator: Levitation of a beach ball
18 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion Example of demonstrator: connection of Simulink models to Profibus DP Purpose: - running Simulink models on Arduino - Profibus protocol + underlying hardware
19 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion Example of demonstrator: - mechatronic setups - teaching simulink models - teaching control engineering
20 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion Item Number of items taught Number of participants 1 Intensive courses (> 1 day)754 Workshops (1/2 day or 1 day)22685 Lectures (20 min – 2 hr)33631 Papers / posters Articles for the general public Non-technical lecture on the project Courses taken Master or bachelor thesis2125 Demonstrators> The number of participants do not include the members of the project partners institutes 2 The number of people reached is not determined 3 Not relevant Reached targets in Flanders (after 80% of the project)
21 Description Targets Management Results Conclusion Thank you